JP for Governor.


:yahoo: Well this time I agree with you, and I would take it much farther by saying ALL all parents take care of their own children unless some out side force stop the parent(s).

It truly is a natural and normal instinct for all animals (including human beings) to love and raise their own offspring.

That is the ugliest part of the child support system in that it denies that simple basic truth.

Cheers to you - you old jerk. :buddies:

Define out side force

You are a loon, plain and simple. Give it up, no one is going to vote for you unless it's done as a joke.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
:yahoo: Well this time I agree with you, and I would take it much farther by saying ALL all parents take care of their own children unless some out side force stop the parent(s).

It truly is a natural and normal instinct for all animals (including human beings) to love and raise their own offspring.

That is the ugliest part of the child support system in that it denies that simple basic truth.

Cheers to you - you old jerk. :buddies:

What's your excuse?


J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

Define out side force
:howdy: An outside force would be like one parent taking the child(ren) away from the other parent and that is a type of force where the separated parent is unable to properly function as the parent.

Another outside force is threats and conditions imposed by the gov and its laws.

Or where the custodial simply makes it impossible for the separated parent by illegal ways or by the custodians' immoral tactics.

And the custody laws are unnatural and inhuman forms of force that separate children from their real parent(s).

And child support stealing the parents money is another type of out side force which prevents the separated parent from fulfilling their parenting.

So there are many definitions to the "outside force" that keep human parents away from their own God given children.
Give it up, no one is going to vote for you unless it's done as a joke.
:buddies: A joke vote is actually a legitimate vote so that is no joke. :killingme

But the campaign has just begun and I do believe it is going to get really fun in due time.

What's your excuse?
:nomoney: I was stopped by an outside force. :duel:


Wow, you really believe the crap you spew. Unreal! Well, a joke vote is a few people voting for you to make you think you really have people that want you to win, but in reality, they are just voting for you because everyone else sucks as bad as you and they want you to actually thingk you had a chance. Get real, you'll never be anything but a dead beat.


:patriot: Greetings.

I just want to introduce myself as being the next Governor of the State of Maryland.

Campaign website is HERE.

The registration with the State Board of Elections was done on Tuesday.

My name is James P. Cusick Sr., but I will be listed on the Democratic Party election ballot as just "J.P. Cusick", as I see that having a better ring to it.

Democrats rock! :larry:

GOD please...:smack:


J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

:popcorn: What I mean is that I wish that I had been there to raise my own son but there were people and events in my life that got in the way of me and my wife, and that got between me and my son, so I had intended to raise my own son and I would have done so if things had not been torn apart.

And I am not justifying myself or my actions as I do acknowledge that I myself screwed up my own family and I failed for my son and it was in fact all my own stupid and ignorant fault of my own.

I do know that I failed, but now I say we need to help young parents to help families stay together and functioning, and we need to stop the destructive laws that encourage divorces and empowers adultery and that alienate children from their parents.

When I talk about reform then I do not suggest we go back to my own stupid past but that we improve the system to serve the future.



American Beauty
PREMO Member
:popcorn: What I mean is that I wish that I had been there to raise my own son but there were people and events in my life that got in the way of me and my wife, and that got between me and my son, so I had intended to raise my own son and I would have done so if things had not been torn apart.

And I am not justifying myself or my actions as I do acknowledge that I myself screwed up my own family and I failed for my son and it was in fact all my own stupid and ignorant fault of my own.

I do know that I failed, but now I say we need to help young parents to help families stay together and functioning, and we need to stop the destructive laws that encourage divorces and empowers adultery and that alienate children from their parents.

When I talk about reform then I do not suggest we go back to my own stupid past but that we improve the system to serve the future.


You and your son are best of friends now, right? :buddies:


J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

You and your son are best of friends now, right? :buddies:
:otter: I do not see it as right for a parent to be "friends" with their adult children, because I am his father and not his friend and he is my son and not my friend.

Being a "friend" is, IMO, a lower position or lesser relationship.

And we did try to be "friends" as my son lived with me for a while a couple years ago and we even went out drinking and shooting pool and picking up women, and we did have fun, but I found that as unacceptable and I put a stop to any "friendly" relationship because my son still needs a father and not a buddy.

So we are still in contact with each other and we still have a tense and strained relationship but it does function on some levels.

Some times I feel like it was designed or meant to be that a father and son just naturally have a severe tension between them and that is the way it is in my case.



American Beauty
PREMO Member
:otter: I do not see it as right for a parent to be "friends" with their adult children, because I am his father and not his friend and he is my son and not my friend.

Being a "friend" is, IMO, a lower position or lesser relationship.

And we did try to be "friends" as my son lived with me for a while a couple years ago and we even went out drinking and shooting pool and picking up women, and we did have fun, but I found that as unacceptable and I put a stop to any "friendly" relationship because my son still needs a father and not a buddy.

So we are still in contact with each other and we still have a tense and strained relationship but it does function on some levels.

Some times I feel like it was designed or meant to be that a father and son just naturally have a severe tension between them and that is the way it is in my case.


Most importantly, does your son eat meat?
i really do think that you need to do a bit of research as there are programs in place now that are for the benefit of the non-custodial parent IE:

fatherhood programs, Job programs that assist Dads/Mom's in preparing resumes', learning computer skills, certificate programs for CDL permits, and many more training programs to assist them in finding work -other than low paying jobs. Programs to assist parents who are unable to purchase needed meds such as insulin or other maintenance meds so they can work.

These programs are there for those who will take the time and effort to improve their situation, JPC its obvious that you have not attened child support court lately as you would then be aware, that very few Dads/Moms are incarcerated. However, the courts are ordering the non-payers to make an effort and contribute to their childrens support. The economy may be bad and jobs hard to find but a person can go out cut lawns for money, wash cars etc. and make a contribution.

Even those charged with criminal non-suppoprt are released on probation, and are ordered to make continous payments as part of their probation... so you are gonna have to get off your "they tear familes apart because they just want to jail parents " soapbox.. Because they are generally incarcerated when they violate that probation.. and have been given numerous chances to become compliant with their court order. incarceration is the last resort.

The family is already separated or a child support order would not be needed.. so that spoils your one theory.. The custodial parent can at any time request terrmination of that order and forgive arrears owed. Thus child support does not "keep the family apart"

You can't base your platform on outdated information.


New Member
wow, I wondered what would happen if Steny Hoyer and Nancy Pelosi had a child together......Now I know.


Well-Known Member
:otter: I do not see it as right for a parent to be "friends" with their adult children, because I am his father and not his friend and he is my son and not my friend.

Being a "friend" is, IMO, a lower position or lesser relationship.

And we did try to be "friends" as my son lived with me for a while a couple years ago and we even went out drinking and shooting pool and picking up women, and we did have fun, but I found that as unacceptable and I put a stop to any "friendly" relationship because my son still needs a father and not a buddy.

So we are still in contact with each other and we still have a tense and strained relationship but it does function on some levels.

Some times I feel like it was designed or meant to be that a father and son just naturally have a severe tension between them and that is the way it is in my case.


It's as good to read you now as it ever was.

[A smart man will see that as a thinly veiled insult. You'll see that as a compliment, I'm sure]


J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

i really do think that you need to do a bit of research as there are programs in place now that are for the benefit of the non-custodial parent IE:

fatherhood programs, Job programs that assist Dads/Mom's in preparing resumes', learning computer skills, certificate programs for CDL permits, and many more training programs to assist them in finding work -other than low paying jobs. Programs to assist parents who are unable to purchase needed meds such as insulin or other maintenance meds so they can work. These programs are there for those who will take the time and effort to improve their situation, ...
:bigwhoop: That stuff is not to their benefit - no, that is to turn the parents into slaves so the law can steal more and more of the parents' money.

The parents do not need any help in getting any job - no, they need the law to stop stealing their pay checks.
...JPC its obvious that you have not attened child support court lately as you would then be aware, that very few Dads/Moms are incarcerated.
:popcorn: What I do know is that the Court records of the c/s cases are sealed so that we can not expose the dirty thievery to the public.

And I do know that the parents that do go to the Courts are the misguided parents that still trust-in-the-law and are trying to comply with the thievery but the Court trashes them anyway whether they get put into jail or not, and usually the parents are put into jail later so that like the Court records the reality is hidden from public view.
However, the courts are ordering the non-payers to make an effort and contribute to their childrens support. The economy may be bad and jobs hard to find but a person can go out cut lawns for money, wash cars etc. and make a contribution.
:bigwhoop: Any parent that cuts grass or washes cars and gives their money over to child support is either severely afraid or a complete fool.

But I will give them empowerment in due time - power to fight the thieves.
Even those charged with criminal non-suppoprt are released on probation, and are ordered to make continous payments as part of their probation...
:howdy: I am aware of that and I personally recommend to any parent put on that "probation" to turn to crime instead.

Most parents do not want to turn to crime but it seems to me as their one best option in that case.
so you are gonna have to get off your "they tear familes apart because they just want to jail parents " soapbox.. Because they are generally incarcerated when they violate that probation.. and have been given numerous chances to become compliant with their court order. incarceration is the last resort.
:whistle: I have heard the lies about how wonderful the thieves are - but stealing is never wonderful.

You can pretend that the law is playing Robin Hood but a thief is still a thief.
The family is already separated or a child support order would not be needed.. so that spoils your one theory.. The custodial parent can at any time request terrmination of that order and forgive arrears owed. Thus child support does not "keep the family apart"
:popcorn: All of that must be changed in my refoms.
You can't base your platform on outdated information.
:dye: I am very confident that my info is up to date and very valid indeed. :whistle: