JP for Governor.


Lobster Land
JP, can I suggest paying for a web site. Your free one popped up with an add by Google saying McDonnel for Governor. :lmao:


Well-Known Member
So a candidate presents himself here and its someone no one ever heard of before. He posts a link to his campaign site, so I decide to at least take a look and see what he has to offer.

"The one and the most important platform position by JP Cusick is to reform the Child Support system."

The ONE platform position...out of all the problems in this state...this is the ONE platform position.

Here's a clue "Mr. Next Governor of Maryland": Child Support System reform is number 999 out of 1000.

Besides, any candidate that puts a link to a Michael Jackson YouTube video (that has been removed) on his official website can only be expected to be labeled the same way: Wacko.


J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

How would a pardon and release improve the current child support system?
:coffee: That is because we now have innocent parents in jail for child support when the parents have done nothing wrong and so releasing them immediately is the decent and just thing to do.

And every one of the parents (mothers and fathers) are all innocent, while the child support laws are all severely corrupt.

So that would be the foremost improvement that I could make first. :patriot:


Well-Known Member
So a candidate presents himself here and its someone no one ever heard of before. He posts a link to his campaign site, so I decide to at least take a look and see what he has to offer.

"The one and the most important platform position by JP Cusick is to reform the Child Support system."

The ONE platform position...out of all the problems in this state...this is the ONE platform position.

Here's a clue "Mr. Next Governor of Maryland": Child Support System reform is number 999 out of 1000.

Besides, any candidate that puts a link to a Michael Jackson YouTube video (that has been removed) on his official website can only be expected to be labeled the same way: Wacko.

You're fairly new to this site huh? It won't take long to figure it out. Do a judicial search on his name. :coffee:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
So a candidate presents himself here and its someone no one ever heard of before. He posts a link to his campaign site, so I decide to at least take a look and see what he has to offer.

"The one and the most important platform position by JP Cusick is to reform the Child Support system."

The ONE platform position...out of all the problems in this state...this is the ONE platform position.

Here's a clue "Mr. Next Governor of Maryland": Child Support System reform is number 999 out of 1000.

Besides, any candidate that puts a link to a Michael Jackson YouTube video (that has been removed) on his official website can only be expected to be labeled the same way: Wacko.
Were you around here the last time he ran for office?


:starcat: Well thank you Pete.

And now I have to take back all the awful things I said about you. :doh:

No need, I still think you are a complete and total moron and a waste of human skin, but you are ambitious......oblivious but ambitious.


Loving My Life...
:coffee: That is because we now have innocent parents in jail for child support when the parents have done nothing wrong and so releasing them immediately is the decent and just thing to do.

And every one of the parents (mothers and fathers) are all innocent, while the child support laws are all severely corrupt.

So that would be the foremost improvement that I could make first. :patriot:

Are these parents in Jail because they didn't have and wouldn't work to pay child support? I understand stuff happens and maybe sometimes people get behind but if the parents aren't working to pay it then they deserve to be in jail.. Now my issue is if they have been working and got laid off and got behind until they found work again those parents shouldn't be jailed..

So my question is: Are you trying to free the deadbeats that don't/wont work?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
The village idiot returns.

Have you gotten off welfare and disability payments yet? Got your own computer and Internet service, or are you still using the library's computers that we, the people that pay taxes, pay for?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Are these parents in Jail because they didn't have and wouldn't work to pay child support? I understand stuff happens and maybe sometimes people get behind but if the parents aren't working to pay it then they deserve to be in jail.. Now my issue is if they have been working and got laid off and got behind until they found work again those parents shouldn't be jailed..

So my question is: Are you trying to free the deadbeats that don't/wont work?

He is a former deadbeat. That is why he is so hard over on releasing deadbeats from jail. He didn't like being incarcerated.


J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

Are these parents in Jail because they didn't have and wouldn't work to pay child support? I understand stuff happens and maybe sometimes people get behind but if the parents aren't working to pay it then they deserve to be in jail.. Now my issue is if they have been working and got laid off and got behind until they found work again those parents shouldn't be jailed..

So my question is: Are you trying to free the deadbeats that don't/wont work?
:coffee: I say we must finally recognize that if (only if) there are any parents (mothers or fathers) that refused to work as their way of not paying child support then that means that (or those) parent(s) are doing some honest civil disobedience and if any of the parents actually did go to jail refusing to pay their child support then I would want to meet such a parent and shake their hand for standing on righteous ground.

But I do not believe there is even one (not even 1) parent in jail for refusing to work.

I see that claim as just a slander and a lie to justify the huge injustice going on.

And truly if there is just one (or more) then I want to meet them. :patriot:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Hi JPC and welcome back! :howdy:

(Now you have to take back all those things you said about me, too :lol:)

JPC, if I were a Democrat, I would vote for you over Martin O'Malley. Seriously. I will take releasing the deadbeat dads over being taxed to death any day.


J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

Well, obviously there's something I missed. Can someone give me the Cliff Notes?

Hi Rom,

I ran for the Maryland Legislature district 29B in 2006 and got 13% of the primary vote.

Then in 2008 I ran for the US Congress 5th District and I got 17% of that primary vote.

And 17% means over 19,000 votes for JP.

So now I run for Governor 2010. :patriot:


Loving My Life...
:coffee: I say we must finally recognize that if (only if) there are any parents (mothers or fathers) that refused to work as their way of not paying child support then that means that (or those) parent(s) are doing some honest civil disobedience and if any of the parents actually did go to jail refusing to pay their child support then I would want to meet such a parent and shake their hand for standing on righteous ground.

But I do not believe there is even one (not even 1) parent in jail for refusing to work.

I see that claim as just a slander and a lie to justify the huge injustice going on.

And truly if there is just one (or more) then I want to meet them. :patriot:

Well you wont get my vote.. GL though Sir... :doh: You must be blind to not see that those parents that are in Jail WONT pay because either they WONT work or other excuses they give ... NO lies Sir just the truth and the facts.. Go sit in a court room one day for child support and see for yourself!!!