JP for Governor.


J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

Hi JPC and welcome back! :howdy:
:coffee: Well thank you and I am happy to be back.

And my first critique is that I can not find the icon with the waving hand, like :howdy:
(Now you have to take back all those things you said about me, too :lol:)
:yay: You are correct, and yes I do take it all back.

Of course I also remember how you can get really REALLY angry some times. :drama:
JPC, if I were a Democrat, I would vote for you over Martin O'Malley. Seriously. I will take releasing the deadbeat dads over being taxed to death any day.
:nono: After I win in the primary (September) then you get to vote JP in the final General Election in November. :patriot:


J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

So I guess that means you don't care about the kids or their mothers.
:coffee: Well of course I care a lot about the kids and about the mothers and the whole family, but the corrupt child support hurts everyone involved.

We really have to seek out what "child support" really means, because having laws that break up the family unit and subsidizes broken families is not a healthy or productive way to help anyone.

I will bring big improvements to our laws. :patriot:


J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

JP, can I suggest paying for a web site. Your free one popped up with an add by Google saying McDonnel for Governor. :lmao:

:coffee: I happen to like "free" and free suits me just fine.

Also the State Board of Elections requires that I report my expenditures but free stuff I do not have to report.

And Bob McDonnel is a Virginia candidate and a conservative (R) so he can pop-up over my website any time and that is fine with me.

America the beautiful. :patriot:


professional daydreamer
:coffee: That is because we now have innocent parents in jail for child support when the parents have done nothing wrong and so releasing them immediately is the decent and just thing to do.

And every one of the parents (mothers and fathers) are all innocent, while the child support laws are all severely corrupt.

So that would be the foremost improvement that I could make first. :patriot:

That still doesn't explain how it would improve the current system. That is what we're trying to do, right?


:coffee: Well of course I care a lot about the kids and about the mothers and the whole family, but the corrupt child support hurts everyone involved.

We really have to seek out what "child support" really means, because having laws that break up the family unit and subsidizes broken families is not a healthy or productive way to help anyone.

I will bring big improvements to our laws. :patriot:

Aren't families involved with the child support system already broken up? Hence, the reason child support must be paid - because there is no legal family unit left after divorce or something like that?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm with everyone else in your seeming to want to free deadbeats. I mean, it's a waste to jail non-violent criminals, but they need to be punished for not supporting their children in some manner. They played, they pay.


J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

The village idiot returns.
:coffee: Hi 2A,

so my understanding is that saying came from Sigmund Freud and he went on to say that the "village idiot" could be found in every little village preaching God and damnation and salvation which the villagers all hated to hear, and that is why the person was called an idiot by the villagers.
Have you gotten off welfare and disability payments yet?
:faint: No, my disabilities are permanent for the rest of my life.

Even when I move into the Governor's mansion I will still need some accommodations for my disabilities.

And FYI, I do explain my disabilities on my campaign website page 2.
Got your own computer and Internet service, or are you still using the library's computers that we, the people that pay taxes, pay for?
:razz: Sure I got my own PC and DSL and other benefits too. :patriot:


Is this a joke? This guy I mean, is he a joke? Or is he really running?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I will bring big improvements to our laws. :patriot:

Well, you certainly couldn't hurt them, that's for sure.

Now, here's my brilliant idea:

Tie the child support issue into Cash for Clunkers! Tell custodial parents that you will give them $2000 to drop charges against the non-custodial person who should be paying child support. That's more than they're getting while deadbeat is in jail, right? So they should go for that.

"We'll give you cash for your clunker!"

Then deadbeat gets out of jail, and can go to work, which will put tax money back in the coffers - easily more than the $2000 the state paid bebe mama! And actually what you might want to do is give deadbeat a savings account with, say, $10,000 in it. That way he can pay off any future bebe mamas who might want to give him an issue.

Saving taxpayer dollars and keeping families together! :clap:


J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

That still doesn't explain how it would improve the current system. That is what we're trying to do, right?

:pete: I meant that as only the very first step on Inauguration Day, but much more improving will need to follow.

And I do have limitations as I can not type very well and much of the improvements will need to be worked out with the Legislature so it is more complicated then easy, and it will be a lot of work for me to do.

The second best improvement would likely be to fire all the c/s agents throughout the State since they are hurting our society.

And I will explain more as time goes on but I do have to sleep and eat and do other stuff in between postings some times.

But improve the system we will do. :patriot:


professional daydreamer
:pete: I meant that as only the very first step on Inauguration Day, but much more improving will need to follow.

And I do have limitations as I can not type very well and much of the improvements will need to be worked out with the Legislature so it is more complicated then easy, and it will be a lot of work for me to do.

The second best improvement would likely be to fire all the c/s agents throughout the State since they are hurting our society.

And I will explain more as time goes on but I do have to sleep and eat and do other stuff in between postings some times.

But improve the system we will do. :patriot:

How do you plan to get dead beat parents to be financially responsible for their offspring?

Pretty direct question. I expect a direct answer.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
How do you plan to get dead beat parents to be financially responsible for their offspring?T

That's the beauty of it - they don't have to be! The government has a ton of money and there's no reason why THEY can't pay for stuff. Don't you remember? If the kid has a roof over their head and some ramen once a day, they don't need anything else. They are perfectly well cared for and making some poor schmuck cough up his hard earned money is just wrong.

I can't believe I'm the only person who remembers the line of thought... :doh:


professional daydreamer
That's the beauty of it - they don't have to be! The government has a ton of money and there's no reason why THEY can't pay for stuff. Don't you remember? If the kid has a roof over their head and some ramen once a day, they don't need anything else. They are perfectly well cared for and making some poor schmuck cough up his hard earned money is just wrong.

I can't believe I'm the only person who remembers the line of thought... :doh:'re right. I don't remember the Ramen Noodle part. :ohwell:


J.P. Cusick
Rock and roll.

Aren't families involved with the child support system already broken up? Hence, the reason child support must be paid - because there is no legal family unit left after divorce or something like that?
:coffee: The families do have troubles and complications, but we need laws that help to keep the family units together.

After the laws get involved then the family unit is not only broken-up because the laws destroy any possibility of reconciliation and so the breaking up is done by the laws now.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm with everyone else in your seeming to want to free deadbeats.
:elaine: That is because you have been told the slander and it is a lie. The parents are not "deadbeats" as they are just mothers and fathers being mistreated by an ignorant set of laws.
I mean, it's a waste to jail non-violent criminals, but they need to be punished for not supporting their children in some manner. They played, they pay.
:coffee: The children are all supported just fine, and if not then we would put the custodial into jail and take the kids.

Many say the separated parents need punished but they have done nothing wrong and nothing to be punished for.

That is why child support is really a parenting police and the parents in jail are all dead broke. If the parent had money or property then the law would seize it all, so only ONLY dead broke parents go to jail.

We really do need to start facing up to the realities and stop slandering parents. :patriot:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
JPC, if you put the custodial parent in jail for not providing for their child, what happens to the child?