JP for Governor.



The End is near. Soon JP will only be a distant memory. Thank Goodness

JPC is like a flu. He will hang around for a few months, make you sick, wish he would go away, etc...just to come back and haunt you during the next election (flu) season...

There is no shot or injection to limit his effects.

So, what office will you be running for next JPC? The county office you ran for 2 years ago failed, the Governorship will fail this year - so what is next? Congress???


Methodically disorganized
There is no shot or injection to limit his effects.
Well, we could not submit ourselves to his threads. But he's too fun to not read, despite it being a waste of time. :lol:

so what is next? Congress???
That was his last one - when he went against Hoyer and got 17% of the vote. I guess he could try to take out Mikulski or Cardin.

Or, of course, there's the next presidential run... :evil: :roflmao:


Well, we could not submit ourselves to his threads. But he's too fun to not read, despite it being a waste of time. :lol:

That was his last one - when he went against Hoyer and got 17% of the vote. I guess he could try to take out Mikulski or Cardin.

Or, of course, there's the next presidential run... :evil: :roflmao:

I wouldn't put it past that loon.:killingme


JP's Favorite Heckler
JPC is like a flu. He will hang around for a few months, make you sick, wish he would go away, etc...just to come back and haunt you during the next election (flu) season...

There is no shot or injection to limit his effects.

So, what office will you be running for next JPC? The county office you ran for 2 years ago failed, the Governorship will fail this year - so what is next? Congress???

Nice to hear from you. Wondered where you were.


Nice to hear from you. Wondered where you were.

I have decided to take my cue from you and lay low for a while...I have been reading his diatribes on the other forums and noticed he has not been posting too much around here.

Besides, I just spent 4 GLORIOUS days on the Gulf Coast - meeting up with old friends, fantasy football draft, caught the game Friday night (Chargers/Saints) at the Superdome, midnight on Bourbon St eating beignets, gambling at numerous casinos...

Like I said, a great time and I allowed JPC to escape any and all thoughts I might have had!!!!


Methodically disorganized
Since he is neglecting his campaign and only occasionally discussing religion, I went over to the Baltimore Sun Forums. He is discussing only religion over there as well, it seems. Shows his priorities.

I did see something amusing on his profile page. Some nutjob likes him... :lmao:

I like the way you think, good luck on the child support and custoudy reform God knows we need it ,and when you can help us in Flint Michigan, my husband and i are Republicans, but we would support you.Ken and Brenda Battle Jordan.
VoteJP, Ken and I would cross over and vote for you if we could, keep up the good work,....all heck run for President
:dork: :lmao:


Since he is neglecting his campaign and only occasionally discussing religion, I went over to the Baltimore Sun Forums. He is discussing only religion over there as well, it seems. Shows his priorities.

I did see something amusing on his profile page. Some nutjob likes him... :lmao:

:dork: :lmao:

I'm just glad they're in another state. :killingme


JP's Favorite Heckler
Since he is neglecting his campaign and only occasionally discussing religion, I went over to the Baltimore Sun Forums. He is discussing only religion over there as well, it seems. Shows his priorities.

He realizes that everything he says about politics gets totally dismissed and that it is harmful to him so he is keeping quiet like the other politicians. Someone he trusts must have advised him to keep his mouth shut. But that he has said he gets depressed when he can't post, so he can't control himself. Hence, he thinks he is safe posting on non-political threads where he can say "This thread is not about me. Can't you keep to the topic?" You would think he'd get the point that he is still making a fool of himself.

I did see something amusing on his profile page. Some nutjob likes him... :lmao: :dork: :lmao:

That woman obviously hasn't followed him closely at all. Otherwise, she is clueless.

FYI, lately, all of the visits to my blog are getting there via the search engines and none are coming from the forums. The most read posts are "J P Cusick Responds to Maryland Issues Questionnaire " and "James P. Cusick, Sr and Michael W. Lang, Jr: Jailbirds of a Feather Run Together" so people are truly looking to find out who the hell he is.

The funniest search terms were "is j. p. cusick gay?", "is michael w. lang, jr. gay?" and "women owning men in a fight".

I know J P Cusick appreciates the exposure and all I can say is, "James, you are quite welcome!"


Methodically disorganized
Hence, he thinks he is safe posting on non-political threads where he can say "This thread is not about me. Can't you keep to the topic?"
That is kind of what I was thinking. I asked before, but I have to question if Jimmy thinks all his old posts will simply fade away because he doesn't understand the Intardnet. :lol:

That woman obviously hasn't followed him closely at all. Otherwise, she is clueless.
I thought you might recognize her name. I have only gone to the Sun Forums a few times, so I don't know if he has any support there or not. Certainly not getting any here. :lol:

I know J P Cusick appreciates the exposure and all I can say is, "James, you are quite welcome!"
Keep the party rockin', big guy! :yay:


JP's Favorite Heckler
I thought you might recognize her name. I have only gone to the Sun Forums a few times, so I don't know if he has any support there or not. Certainly not getting any here. :lol:

Keep the party rockin', big guy! :yay:


She is from Flint, Michigan. The fact that she is obviously a stauch republican but says that she and her husband would support him is quite questionable as to her honesty, integrity and forthrightness. She's either a hypocrite or else her husband or brother/relative is a deadbeat dad.
Well Regulated American Militia


New Member
JPC is like a flu. He will hang around for a few months, make you sick, wish he would go away, etc...just to come back and haunt you during the next election (flu) season...

There is no shot or injection to limit his effects.

So, what office will you be running for next JPC? The county office you ran for 2 years ago failed, the Governorship will fail this year - so what is next? Congress???
Your right, I totally agree with what you said.

"Distant Memory" wasn't the right way to put it. I was just a hoping.

With his history, there's no doubt he'll try it again.


New Member
A friendly reminder to all Maryland voters that only read the forums.

James P. Cusick Sr. said, "I am far better off if I do not win, as I am not healthy as I do have severe disabilities, and if I win then I will face far bigger critics and adversaries than are on these forums, and I am NOT assured of success of reforming the evil laws even as Governor."

Frederick News Post


Methodically disorganized
"I am far better off if I do not win..."
And he ensures that every day he ignores his campaign and instead discusses religion and news topics. On the plus side, his religious views have probably locked the extremist Muslim vote in his favor.

The only thing I'm waiting to see post-election is how he will respond. He got 17% against Hoyer, but he may be lucky to put as much as a scrape on O'Malley's backside.


JP's Favorite Heckler

In show business, you never wish someone "good luck". That's supposed to actually be bad luck, hence, the reason for telling them to "break a leg" instead.

It doesn't mean the same thing in politics.

Break a leg, JP.


In show business, you never wish someone "good luck". That's supposed to actually be bad luck, hence, the reason for telling them to "break a leg" instead.

It doesn't mean the same thing in politics.

Break a leg, JP.

I almost forgot about Cusick. Tomorrow is his big day. I will be very interested to see how may Demoncrats go to the polls and actually vote for him. These will be the people who never bothered to check out who they voted for. JPC is so delusional. He needs to stop running for anything. He only makes himself look like a fool.


:patriot: Greetings.

I just want to introduce myself as being the next Governor of the State of Maryland.

Campaign website is HERE.

The registration with the State Board of Elections was done on Tuesday.

My name is James P. Cusick Sr., but I will be listed on the Democratic Party election ballot as just "J.P. Cusick", as I see that having a better ring to it.

Democrats rock! :larry:

Just a little more than 24 hours form now and JPC will be a distant memory!!!

I seem to remember you said something about possibly not even being awake when they announce the results. Why would you be in bed at 8:01pm? Could it be you realize this whole campaign is a joke and you have absolutely no expectations of winning? Maybe that is why you have vacated the "elections" and "politics" forums this past month or so...