JP for Governor.



Hey - to all concerned, the message above has it that if any person does not believe in God then such an Atheist can not hold any office in Maryland.


And, your point is Allah lover!!!!!

Maybe this is your way to win the are going to prove on Sep 13th that Stenny is an Atheist - thus getting him kicked out of the race and opening the door for you to slither your way in....


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

And, your point is Allah lover!!!!!

Maybe this is your way to win the are going to prove on Sep 13th that Stenny is an Atheist - thus getting him kicked out of the race and opening the door for you to slither your way in....

That is perfect.

Yes and cheers to Allah.

While down and dump that heathen "Stenny" :killingme and then vote on the 13th :killingme.

A wimmer. :howdy:



That is perfect.

Yes and cheers to Allah.

While down and dump that heathen "Stenny" :killingme and then vote on the 13th :killingme.

A wimmer. :howdy:


The laugh is on you....the primary is the 14th :killingme:

I know and understand what you are trying to do and I refuse to be sucked into your little game. No emotion..just the can try and get under my fingernails but it will not work...


Well-Known Member
Hey - to all concerned, the message above has it that if any person does not believe in God then such an Atheist can not hold any office in Maryland.

Given that it also states in 36 that 37 has no validity, and in 2 that what is said in 37 is overridden by the US Constitution, and that there is no requirement to state such belief for any current office held, I'd say your point is, well, like all of your points to date - meaningless, based on inaccurate understanding of the issues, and a waste of time for people to consider.



J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

Given that it also states in 36 that 37 has no validity, and in 2 that what is said in 37 is overridden by the US Constitution, and that there is no requirement to state such belief for any current office held, I'd say your point is, well, like all of your points to date - meaningless, based on inaccurate understanding of the issues, and a waste of time for people to consider.


Well those are technicalities, but they would not matter if you had a healthy sense of humor.

So here I am stumped again as I was mistaken and heathen people really can hold office in Maryland.

In the older days the law said each person must believe in God but not any more.

And I guess that also means that now we can not tar-n-feather the heathen anymore.



Methodically disorganized
So here I am stumped again as I was mistaken
Doesn't take much, does it? Funny though how you can turn your opinion on one post of one topic such as that, but, despite being proven wrong about the child support system many thousands of times, you can't bring yourself to budge an inch.

Exactly 3 weeks to go until the next colossal failure. Any big post-election plans? Taking a vacation, perhaps? You could sit on the beach for a while and ponder which office you'll go for next. :lmao:


J.P. Cusick
Mr Short-Bus.

Doesn't take much, does it? Funny though how you can turn your opinion on one post of one topic such as that, but, despite being proven wrong about the child support system many thousands of times, you can't bring yourself to budge an inch.

The thing is that I am completely correct about the thieving Child Support and Custody laws, and it is others being wrong about those.

You could follow the rightful example and admit your self being wrong just as I do when I make mistakes.

And just because I make a legality mistake about the religious oath of office does not make me as wrong on everything else - certainly not.

I do admit when I am wrong, but the evil Child Support and Custody laws simply have to reformed.

Any big post-election plans? Taking a vacation, perhaps?

I am considering having a victory party, or at least one really happy time.

The fact is that I win on election day no matter how the vote turns out.



Methodically disorganized
The thing is that I am completely correct about the thieving Child Support and Custody laws
You could follow the rightful example and admit your self being wrong just as I do when I make mistakes.
But you don't admit when you're wrong about the biggest, most important things (See first quote). I think god him/itself could come to earth and tell you you are wrong straight to your face and you would continue to disagree. :coffee:

So did you send out any invitations to your big post-election bash? Or when you mentioned having a "really happy time", does that mean you plan to buy double your normal amount of alcohol to consume alone?

Dimwit Child

Chaos and Mayhem
id rather

My representative be either a heathen or an athiest as seperation of church and state is in the constitution. i dont care what your religion is on sunday.....when u are representing all of the people......represent ALL of the people.

As long as they arent a criminal when they get into office. bad enough they will be one when the leave.

If you start out as an obvious liar and criminal then things will only get worse from there. Bow out now you loathesome POS. You and your "Lt Govenor" candidate. Its a shame to see your names on any ballot.

One plank platforms! BAH! Walk that plank! Neither one of you has the equilibrium to even step out onto it!


J.P. Cusick


Methodically disorganized
"... a judge raised concerns over the children's safety when their mother failed to appear for the divorce proceedings." :shrug:

It is peculiar how you believe people are not thinking for themselves, that somewhere there must be government representatives sitting in a control room somewhere manipulating each person like a puppet.

Say, I'm feeling hungry for breakfast. Or is that my Overseer telling me I'm hungry for breakfast? :eyebrow:


Methodically disorganized
Yes, it definitely looks like JokeJP is taking his candidacy seriously! Less than 3 weeks out and he is really kicking it into hi - :snooze:

Oh, uh...

I moseyed over to the Balt. Sun forum and found their thread discussing this psychotic mother. Had to chuckle at this response to JokeJP's drivel:
HotDoggy said:
Who forgot to screw the lid back on? :rolleyes:


JP's Favorite Heckler
I moseyed over to the Balt. Sun forum and found their thread discussing this psychotic mother. Had to chuckle at this response to JokeJP's drivel::lmao:

This is hilarious too!
J P Cusick Sr6561656 said:
Sarah Palin has never yet figured out what she is a doing but she sure has the dumb nerve to run for Governor of Alaska and Vice President of the USA and make big speeches and do whatever is available without any regard for herself not knowing what she is barking about..


Methodically disorganized
This is hilarious too!
There is one [song] lyric that comes to me often when I read his junk, and you have probably thought of it your self (heh)...
Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see. - John Lennon, "Strawberry Fields"

I would be challenged to name an individual who embodies that better than Jimmy.


New Member
This is hilarious too!

Originally Posted by J P Cusick Sr6561656
Sarah Palin has never yet figured out what she is a doing but she sure has the dumb nerve to run for Governor of Alaska and Vice President of the USA and make big speeches and do whatever is available without any regard for herself not knowing what she is barking about..
Same thing could be said about James P. Cusick Sr. He's not the brightest.
He doesn't have a clue to what he's doing. He wants to get notice. He feeds off the attention.

After reading so many post of his. He often puts down women.
No matter how well educated or successful they are. He doesn't have any respect for women.
Maybe it's because he spent to much time in jail with bubba. :killingme