JP for Governor.


Just a little more than 24 hours form now and JPC will be a distant memory!!!

I seem to remember you said something about possibly not even being awake when they announce the results. Why would you be in bed at 8:01pm? Could it be you realize this whole campaign is a joke and you have absolutely no expectations of winning? Maybe that is why you have vacated the "elections" and "politics" forums this past month or so...

It's not that he has vacated. He is just a busy man. He has been campaigning (bothering the little old ladies at the Library) and putting together his victory speech. Heck, I'll bet is went out today and got a really nice haircut and a new used suit from the Salvation army. I was going to say he's been out there shaking a lot of hands but I have a feeling that's not what he's been shaking with his hands.


JP's Favorite Heckler
Funny search terms

Here are some of the search terms visitors to my blog have used when searching for info about Cusick. This is how they got to my blog.

"j.p. cusick and michael w. lang, jr. gay"
"j.p. cusick criminal record"
"j.p.cusick child support"
"jame p cusick's childhood"
"jp cusick's life"
"cat cusick"
"is a reliable source"
"j. p. cusick gay"
"qualifications for cusick"
"maryland govenor child support candidate"
"is j p cusick sr gay"
"women beating down men"

That last one is the funniest


Methodically disorganized
"cat cusick"
I know Jimmy got into it with the horse people a while back for saying that riding horses is "abuse". Does he have something against cat people too? :confused:

"is a reliable source"
If one considers a site comprised almost entirely of direct quotes 'reliable'. :lol:

That last one is the funniest
I think it's funny how many times "gay" is found. Maybe there's something about Jimmy that even I have not heard before. :lol:


His delusion (one of many) is that the race is going to be so close between him and O'Malley, that we won't know the results for days.

Maybe he will not know the results for days - but we will know the results MINUTES after the polls close.

I will be watching CNN on line tomorrow for any and all results.


JP's Favorite Heckler
I know Jimmy got into it with the horse people a while back for saying that riding horses is "abuse". Does he have something against cat people too? :confused:

Just women with cats...(as Booky)
I am not certain possitive, but I do believe it is very true; that any woman that has a cat for a pet is off limits, there is no use for any man to seek them, no reason to flirt with them, and do not try to date one, because the woman having a pet cat is a sure sign that her heart is closed and she has completely given up on men. The woman might say otherwise, and they might even go to single groups, and they post online dating sites seeking her "Prince Charming", but men do not be fooled. The pet cat is the sure sign of winter's cold. I get this opinion from experience and looking around. And the women talk to each other so a new woman comes around and another woman will whisper to them to go get a cat. And I do not say owning the cats make the women cold, the cat is just a sign. An I do admit that surely there might be some single women with a cat and not be rigid, just as surely there are some single men that might have a cat, but my point remains true for the vast majority. A single woman over 40 and having a pet cat is not going to be open to any romantic relationship, and it is a sign for men to stay away and do not even try. Senior Dating and Sexuality


JP's Favorite Heckler
If one considers a site comprised almost entirely of direct quotes 'reliable'. :lol:

I got a big kick out of that one. It's funny, but out of 187 visits so far today, 100 of them read the "Cusick Responds to Issues Questionnaire" which is an exact copy of what is on the League of Woman Voters page. I think my site comes up before theirs in the search. Blogs are almost instantly added to the search engines. If I had just done a plain website, I don't think it would have even showed up in the search engines.

Another thing that is funny is that JP made a big, big mistake using the VoteJP user name. He was so sure that using these forums was going to get him well known (outside of the forums). Who would ever search for VoteJP when trying to research his qualifications? Any time we used his real name in a posting is practically the only time he would be picked up by the search engines. We certainly did do him a favor when doing that, but the results are not what he expected to get.


JP's Favorite Heckler
He may get a few votes from the "Anyone but O'Malley" voters...:killingme

Yes, especially since they are listed alphabetically and Cusick is first. But I wonder how many Dems are in the "Anyone but O'Malley" category? The media doesn't inform us of such things.


Luvin Life !!!
He may get a few votes from the "Anyone but O'Malley" voters...:killingme

I was so peeved that JPC was the first one listed on the faux ballot I received . I will in no way vote for MOM again. So I think I may just vote for the Jaffe family who are in the middle for the primary.

To be honest though I have debated tonight as to even waste my time to go there and vote as there are only 4 out of 15 actual races where my vote will even matter. All the other 11 races are uncontested in the primary.

I am a Demipublican and my SO is a Republicrat. I will say that no matter what I will vote for Stephen Waugh in the fall but only due to the fact that I respect the fact that he sits at the end of GMR and RT 5 at 6:50 am at least three times a week with a big sign and just waves at us all. He really has the traffic signal timing down to a tee.


Luvin Life !!!
You know what just forget what I posted. After a moment of reflection I am writing in my own candidate. T-Bone for King!!!:lol:


Methodically disorganized
Just women with cats...(as Booky)
Wow, he sounds awfully superstitious there. Or maybe just desperate and looking to blame his dating failures on anything but his own weaknesses.

Blogs are almost instantly added to the search engines. If I had just done a plain website, I don't think it would have even showed up in the search engines.
Yeah, that's probably true. To get a highly-ranked website takes a lot of visits.

Another thing that is funny is that JP made a big, big mistake using the VoteJP user name.
Of course, what else but big, big mistakes would you expect from someone of his caliber? Maybe by his 20th election he'll have learned enough to not appear as a complete idiot. :lol:

But I wonder how many Dems are in the "Anyone but O'Malley" category? The media doesn't inform us of such things.
There is exit polling. Sometimes that can be insightful, but as you indicated, the media source still needs to report the information fully and accurately.


Methodically disorganized
Well folks, election day has arrived! It has been fun, but I have to say I'm glad another Cusicko campaign will be ending shortly.

The stats from thunder's blog show why it is important to reveal the true intentions of this fool: relying on his brief answers in given questionnaires, a voter may be led to believe Cusicko is a serious candidate with sound ideas.

A couple days back, he mentioned how he will be happy regardless of the outcome today because he knows his vision [of destroying CS] will one day happen. Days like today, when the voters officially register their opinions, have to deliver the message that not only do voters disapprove of his looney ideas, they profoundly detest them. I don't care how bad O'Malley is, a crackpot like Cusicko does not deserve a SINGLE vote.

In about 17 hours we'll see how close to that he ends up. May it be his most embarrassing day yet! :cheers:


JP's Favorite Heckler
I don't care how bad O'Malley is, a crackpot like Cusicko does not deserve a SINGLE vote.

In about 17 hours we'll see how close to that he ends up. May it be his most embarrassing day yet! :cheers:

I have a very mild fear that what happened in N.C. with Alvin Greene could happen in MD. That is the reason for my CRUSADE (like that word Jimmy?). But on the other hand, if that did happen, Cusick would get beaten down so badly in the General Election, no matter who ran against him, that it would most likely be the last election he would run for. Who knows what his next attempt for attention would be after that?

Mr. Cusick, originally from St. Mary's County, claimed he was trying to send a message to Gov. Parris N. Glendening. He had written the governor letters denouncing child support laws as thievery.

When the governor didn't write back, Mr. Cusick said he decided to deliver a message Mr. Glendening would be sure to see. Homeless man gets 3 years for graffiti • Top Stories ( - The Capital)


Methodically disorganized
I have a very mild fear that what happened in N.C. with Alvin Greene could happen in MD.
I don't see that happening. Jimmy has tried - to the best of his limited ability - to put himself out there, and wherever he goes, he garners nothing but scorn. But as you said, if he WERE to win this round, he would be absolutely demolished in the General - which is the only reason I have a slight hope that he might actually win today. :lol:


JP's Favorite Heckler
I don't see that happening. Jimmy has tried - to the best of his limited ability - to put himself out there, and wherever he goes, he garners nothing but scorn. But as you said, if he WERE to win this round, he would be absolutely demolished in the General - which is the only reason I have a slight hope that he might actually win today. :lol:

Yeah! Slight hope! Maybe that's what I meant. That's the ticket!


New Member
I got a big kick out of that one. It's funny, but out of 187 visits so far today, 100 of them read the "Cusick Responds to Issues Questionnaire" which is an exact copy of what is on the League of Woman Voters page. I think my site comes up before theirs in the search. Blogs are almost instantly added to the search engines. If I had just done a plain website, I don't think it would have even showed up in the search engines.
That's great you got a lot of visitors. I never bother to pay attention to how many was visiting my website and blog. Guess I should have. Well it's not that important now.

It's Election Day already, boy how time flys. :buddies:

Another thing that is funny is that JP made a big, big mistake using the VoteJP user name. He was so sure that using these forums was going to get him well known (outside of the forums). Who would ever search for VoteJP when trying to research his qualifications? Any time we used his real name in a posting is practically the only time he would be picked up by the search engines. We certainly did do him a favor when doing that, but the results are not what he expected to get.
That was the main reason I used his full name on the forums sometimes.
Cause I knew the search engines would pick it up.

That small piece that I wrote was used in the voting section. In one of the local newpapers.
I'm sure quite a few seen that and had to check out who James P. Cusick Sr. really is.

My blog: The Truth Is Clear

I think we both did a great job. We got the truth out. :high5:


JP's Favorite Heckler
That was the main reason I used his full name on the forums sometimes.
Cause I knew the search engines would pick it up.

I thought that was what you were doing. Way to go!

That small piece that I wrote was used in the voting section. In one of the local newpapers.
I'm sure quite a few seen that and had to check out who James P. Cusick Sr. really is.

I don't think I saw that. I just went to your blog and saw a new post. I am a follower, but I didn't receive a notice about it. I wonder why?

I think we both did a great job. We got the truth out. :high5:

BTW, I forgot to tell you that I love that jail picture you did of Cusick.

We were a team, weren't we? Like two peas in a pod! :buddies:
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No matter the results or how they turn out (I think we all know how things will turn out), I want to say BZ to both GERUCH and THUNDERCLAPP. Without you guys, people may not have known the truth. You guys busted butt and ensured the word got out.

I would also like to say thank you to all of the Forumites that challenged JPC in any discussion (as painful as it may have been). Because of all of you, JPC showed his true colors to all of the potential voters in Southern MD in particular and to anyone outside the tri-county area interested in voting in the primary.


JP's Favorite Heckler
No matter the results or how they turn out (I think we all know how things will turn out), I want to say BZ to both GERUCH and THUNDERCLAPP. Without you guys, people may not have known the truth. You guys busted butt and ensured the word got out.

I would also like to say thank you to all of the Forumites that challenged JPC in any discussion (as painful as it may have been). Because of all of you, JPC showed his true colors to all of the potential voters in Southern MD in particular and to anyone outside the tri-county area interested in voting in the primary.

Thanks so very much! You certainly did your share of putting him in his place. I guess he is taking the day off. He usually comes back to say something after he loses and then eventually fades away. I think he's going to go to Home Depot to look at paint swatches to prepare for his next tagging spree.