Just thinking...


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
morganj614 said:
I was always told you were Catt's MPD. Remember I won $5.00 at Neptunes cuz I said ya weren't? :lol:
Money started changing hands as soon as we walked in the door. :lmao:


kwillia said:
Yes... let's bring it back around to my original *DING* comment. I do believe that a large number of relationships wither and die on the vine because one or the other partner thinks they need to "outsource" in order to discover the passion that is missing or to liven a life that is status quo and comfortable. But then guess what happens... their new found "sparky" relationship eventually gets status quo and comfortable and then they start to realize that what they were seeking is nothing more than what they had to begin with. :shrug: Of course this theory doesn't work in regards to abusive relationships.

THe grass might be greener on the other side but you still have to mow it. Relationships are work no matter which side of the fence you are on.


Dancing Up A Storm
BS Gal said:
Don't know. I've been with my husband for 26 years. I love him more today than I did 26 years ago. He is my best friend.

Honestly, I've only known maybe 3 women in my entire life that I could make this statement about. The rest, I'm not sure why, but the term "best friend" never seemed to arrive.

When you find a lady who does give you that magic feeling, that "walking on air" sensation, goo-goo eyes and silly senses, where for days and weeks, she's the only exciting being you look forward to spending time with - in the morning, at lunch, or at the end of the workday, it is truly magic.

But at sometime in the future, we all know that wears off. I have found that true friendship, the ability to rationally talk about today's issues, sometimes controversial, life in general, and not find yourself at crossroads with your sweetie is a hard thing to find.

For me, it's like discovering life all over again, going to the movies, travelling to places you've been before with others, but are now seeing in a different light, because of her?

Maybe it's just that. That type of person opens up a new and different vision of life you've never noticed before. Seeing things with that kind of person takes on a new meaning, that maybe you were never aware of before.

Best friends can do that for you. And that is a magic feat in itself.


100% Goapele Head!
Azzy said:
:mad: :drama: I will settle for watching him when you go for your romantic weekends. I might even watch your son too. Now, I'm gonna go cry, you Indian giver :bawl:

In the famous words of Carol Burnette

"How :mad: Dare :smack:You! :drama: "

You KNOW there will never be Indian in me. :whistle:


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
julz said:
Just thinking...

What's the price one pays for being in relationships that are comfortable for the sake of familiarity and for the fear of being alone or starting over. Years of dating exclusively, living together, or married...what does one think about or do when, once completely in love and compatible, it no longer exists but yet neither party is willing to end it.

Most know there are spells that all couples go through, but what if it's no longer just a spell, what if the "magic", the "sparks" are really gone? What if one finds it just isn't a compatible, fulfilling relationship anymore? Does one take the step to say I can not exist in this relationship just for the comfort of it, I will not just settle for less than I feel I deserve or want?

What about the reverse? What if one is in a completely passionate relationship but you know this person, in the grand scheme of things is just not the right one to make a life with.

Just thinking out loud...

Well, I find comfortability and familiarity and a truly rare friendship are the very reasons to solidify, not doubt your relationship - or even questioning it for that matter.

More often, folks stick in a bad or "familiar" relationship fearing that being alone will be worse than being where they are - or that they should stick to what they've committed to - the good or bad rationality.

I don't know about when a decision should be made if a couple feels that they are truly out of love. It's lonely and it's rough. And the dynamics of it are out my qualification range.

Being with someone you lust - knowing that you are simply having a good time is fair game as long as both parties are aware of the agenda and the rules.

Love sure has surprised me. Many ways, every day and selflessly. It makes you want to be a better person, I think. And, should a hard time (or twelve) fall on us, I hope that we not only recover but gain from it.


julz20684 said:
What's the price one pays for being in relationships that are comfortable for the sake of familiarity and for the fear of being alone or starting over. Years of dating exclusively, living together, or married...what does one think about or do when, once completely in love and compatible, it no longer exists but yet neither party is willing to end it.

Most know there are spells that all couples go through, but what if it's no longer just a spell, what if the "magic", the "sparks" are really gone? What if one finds it just isn't a compatible, fulfilling relationship anymore? Does one take the step to say I can not exist in this relationship just for the comfort of it, I will not just settle for less than I feel I deserve or want?

What about the reverse? What if one is in a completely passionate relationship but you know this person, in the grand scheme of things is just not the right one to make a life with.

Just thinking out loud...

Being comfortable with someone is great...but to keep things magical I like to shave my hairy self...It is really magical when both of us cant figure out how I got all of the hair from my butt crack.


hairybeast said:
Being comfortable with someone is great...but to keep things magical I like to shave my hairy self...It is really magical when both of us cant figure out how I got all of the hair from my butt crack.

is it magical or just too nasty to not look?


New Member
Whomever left me the karma..:roflmao: what does that matter? :jameo: oh my, no comments, I better panic. You can't see the messages, the phone calls or when we are together. Sorry you are so immature to think if you don't get myspace messages it means nothing :killingme TFF.


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
I think "magic" and "sparks" are for kids. After 10 (or 20 or 30 or even only 5) years of watching someone snore, eat over the sink, be rude, fart, burp and scratch their nuts, the "magic" and "spark" fade a bit.....

You could run off with some other guy and it would be all magical and sparky, but he'd soon be farting and scratching himself, too. .

I think you've unwittingly hit on it. Farting and burping and scratching yourself IS WHAT MAKES MARRIAGE WORK!

Here, pull my finger....


cattitude said:
I think I saw Larry scratching in front of me yesterday. :ohwell:

And if I'm not mistaken Vrai once said that if he ever farted in front of her she'd seal him shut, or something to that effect. :lmao: