Kamala Harris - Presidential Candidate


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The Democrats cannot control gas prices.
Here it is with an election coming up and gas prices the cheapest they have been in years.


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Democrat MALFUNCTIONS After Confronted With SIMPLE QUESTION On Kamala Harris Flip Flopping!​



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Kamala Harris BEGS For Second Debate Against Trump After CNN Anchor ADMITS Their Polls Are BS!​



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Kamala Harris Doesn't Represent Black Men and Can't Represent Us

Kamala Harris doesn't represent Black men and can't represent us because we're beasts of burden for the outside ideology owning her loyalty.

She's ready to sit in the saddle the left wants on every Black man's back.

In closing, look at who Democrats position in our community.

They're positioning a politicized version of Black femininity disconnected from our masculinity. Sisters are simply another front for furthering their ideology not advancing our community.

Vote against this ideology or sit out the 2024 presidential election entirely.

Either way, exercise your autonomy.


PREMO Member

Trump Brings Receipts Showing Crime Is Actually Way UP Under Kamala Harris

In a Trump-Vance campaign email Monday, the GOP nominee struck back and released statistics that he says show a large increase in crime during the Biden-Harris regime. He first pointed out that the FBI changed the way they collect the data (all formatting and links theirs):

Violent crime is up, not down, under Kamala Harris — but as usual, the Fake News isn't telling the whole story
Violent crime hasn't "dropped," as the Fake News insists.
When Kamala took office, the FBI changed how it collects crime data. As a result, they're missing data from nearly a third of the nation's law enforcement agencies — including from many of the most violent cities, such as Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Oakland, and New Orleans.

If you’re missing data from Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Oakland, and New Orleans, hoo boy, you’re not counting a whole lot of crime, as anyone who lives in one of those cities can tell you. Trump argues that there’s a better way to assess what’s really going on out there: look at the Victimization Survey:

A much more accurate picture emerges using data from the DOJ's National Crime Victimization Survey, which shows crime rates remain WAY UP under Kamala — throwing a dagger straight through the heart of claims to the contrary by Democrats and their Fake News allies.

FACT: Violent crime is up 37% between 2020 and last year.
  • Rape is up 42%.
  • Robbery is up 63%.
  • Assault is up 34%.
  • Violent crime (excluding simple assault) is up 55%.
  • Domestic violence is up 32%.
  • Stranger violence is up 61%.
  • Violent crime (with an injury) is up 10%.
  • Violent crime (with a weapon) is up 56%.
  • Motor vehicle theft is up 42%.

The Victimization Survey details their methods on their website, explaining, “Findings are based on the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), a self-report survey administered annually from January 1 to December 31. Annual NCVS estimates are based on the number and characteristics of crimes that respondents experienced during the prior 6 months, excluding the month in which they were interviewed.”


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Democrat Mayor BETRAYS Kamala Harris And Gives MASSIVE ENDORSEMENT To Trump In CRUCIAL Swing State!​



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Fox News’s Sandra Smith Embarrasses Kamala Harris Lackey and Makes Her Implode After Asking Pointed Questions About Harris’s ‘Plan’ to Lower Prices

An appearance on national television proves that Kamala Harris’s own surrogates are just as clueless about the issues impacting the American people as she is and just as inept at explaining her ‘ideas.’

Kelly Hyman, a Florida attorney and Democratic strategist, appeared on the Fox News show Your World with Neil Cavuto to defend Harris’s plan to lower the price of goods for Americans.

But she was left completely clueless when Sandra Smith, who was filling in for Cavuto, decided to perform an act of journalism and ask her to specify Harris’s economic plan in detail for viewers. Hyman first tried to tout Harris’s Marxist plan on price gouging and claimed that this would prevent “big corporations” from taking advantage of American customers.

However, a skeptical Smith responded by asking her whether this was happening. Hyman first answered “No” but then claimed she was uncertain because she was “not privy to that type of information.”

This caused Smith to astutely point out that Hyman was having difficulty explaining Harris’s economic plan to voters. Already humiliated by a prepared Smith, Hyman then imploded completely:

“I’m not! Honestly, that’s not true!” she bellowed. “Please. I’m constantly being interrupted by you. Which as a woman, I think is disrespectful!”




PREMO Member

New Kamala Ads Are So Cringe, Some Think They're Actually for Trump

The Lincoln Project has even put out a cartoon ad featuring Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Dick Cheney. I'm sure they thought it was clever, but I don't think they realized -- because they're perpetually clueless -- what a great ad for former President Donald Trump this is. The ad has Sanders calling Cheney a "warmonger" and Cheney in return calling Sanders a "commie."

"I'm still on the left," Sanders says, while Cheney says he's still "on the right," as they play poker together.

"But if we can agree on Trump," Sanders declares. "It means something big," Cheney replies.

"Bigger than policy," Sanders says. "Bigger than ideology," Cheney responds.

"We're both voting for Kamala Harris," Bernie explains. "Because it's a choice between America," Cheney says.

"Or Trump." Sanders finishes.

So they really think endorsements from a "commie" and a "warmonger" are good things, that's what they're telling us? That tells us something all right, that when it comes to keeping the establishment candidate they will do anything, throw under any principle or ideology, to keep the oligarchy in power. Not to mention the execrable Lincoln Project endorsing Harris.

This was a hilarious rewrite of history. "She was working at the White House, what a cool VP."

Um, no. She was practically invisible except for her failure at the border and until they had to elevate her to the nominee she was the most unpopular VP in recent memory, more unpopular than the four preceding VPs.

Only two were more unpopular than her going back to the 1990s: Dan Quayle and...wait for it...Dick Cheney.

"Then Biden stopped his campaign." Again, no. Biden was shoved to the side after a concerted effort to push him out by the Democratic elite because they knew he was going to lose. So they disregarded the votes in the primary of more than 14 million people. This wasn't a "George Washington" sacrifice, it was a desperate coup to try to help them win. They didn't even really care about his cognitive decline, they used it to shove him aside as a candidate but then left him there in office.

"She's got brains, she's got balls," it continues, but somehow, I don't think she's demonstrated that she has either. And do they know what a woman is, that women don't have certain equipment?

The "girl who turned black." Okay, I'm not even going to go there.

Then again all they have is the empty "hope and joy" mantra, and even that's recycled and stolen from Barack Obama.

"Republicans are switching," it contends.

Yeah, no, Adam Kinzinger and the Cheneys don't count. And if you want to talk switching, have you been checking all the former Democrats who have been fleeing to the Republicans because the Democrats have become crazy, including Elon Musk as well as black, Hispanic, and young voters?

It even has the gall to claim that she's going to "save democracy" -- after disregarding the primary vote and shaping out Joe Biden. Not to mention trying to keep opponents off the ballot.

They had a list at the end of people involved in that cringe-arama and they all should be embarrassed. None of this fiction told Americans why they should vote for Kamala Harris. As some pointed out, "hope and joy" doesn't feed their families. Some also laughed at how this was supposed to be pro-Harris, but It came across more as a mockery of her.

Ramp Guy

Well-Known Member

Fox News’s Sandra Smith Embarrasses Kamala Harris Lackey and Makes Her Implode After Asking Pointed Questions About Harris’s ‘Plan’ to Lower Prices

An appearance on national television proves that Kamala Harris’s own surrogates are just as clueless about the issues impacting the American people as she is and just as inept at explaining her ‘ideas.’

Kelly Hyman, a Florida attorney and Democratic strategist, appeared on the Fox News show Your World with Neil Cavuto to defend Harris’s plan to lower the price of goods for Americans.

But she was left completely clueless when Sandra Smith, who was filling in for Cavuto, decided to perform an act of journalism and ask her to specify Harris’s economic plan in detail for viewers. Hyman first tried to tout Harris’s Marxist plan on price gouging and claimed that this would prevent “big corporations” from taking advantage of American customers.

However, a skeptical Smith responded by asking her whether this was happening. Hyman first answered “No” but then claimed she was uncertain because she was “not privy to that type of information.”

This caused Smith to astutely point out that Hyman was having difficulty explaining Harris’s economic plan to voters. Already humiliated by a prepared Smith, Hyman then imploded completely:

“I’m not! Honestly, that’s not true!” she bellowed. “Please. I’m constantly being interrupted by you. Which as a woman, I think is disrespectful!”


Loved the fact she had to play the "women card". I'm surprised she didn't accuse Smith of "womensplaining"


PREMO Member

Is Kamala Harris writing off North Carolina and Georgia?

By Monica Showalter

Kamala Harris is out campaigning at long last, but her schedule this week doesn't seem to include the swing states of the South.

Instead of campaigning in North Carolina (16 electoral college votes) and Georgia (16 votes), she's focused on Arizona (11 votes), Nevada (6 votes) and Pennsylvania (19 votes) this week.
Pennsylvania, I can understand. It's hotly contested. But her lunge for the Western states over the Southern states suggests maybe her chances aren't quite as good as she'd like. Or perhaps just as likely, she's alarmed at the inroads made by the Trump side of the contest in those Western redoubts, particularly Arizona, where Trump reportedly leads, polls show.

According to the New York Times:

Voters across the Sun Belt say that Donald J. Trump improved their lives when he was president — and worry that a Kamala Harris White House would not — setting the stage for an extraordinarily competitive contest in three key states, according to the latest polls from The New York Times and Siena College.

The polls found that Mr. Trump has gained a lead in Arizona and remains ahead in Georgia, two states that he lost to President Biden in 2020. But in North Carolina, which has not voted for a Democrat since 2008, Ms. Harris trails Mr. Trump by just a narrow margin.
The polls of these three states, taken from Sept. 17 to 21, presented further evidence that in a sharply divided nation, the presidential contest is shaping up to be one of the tightest in history.

So she's thrashing for a lead in these three swing states and she needs at least some of them to gain the 270 electoral college votes it takes to win, and she goes to the state with the lowest number of electoral college votes? The one where, according to CNN, Republican voter registrations over Democrat voter registrations have doubled to a six-point lead over the last election? The one where ads are being run by Catholic organizations, advising their large blocs of voters in the state of Harris's nasty record of singling Catholics out for persecutory legislation and lawfare?


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Wow I love @RealCandaceO investigations!!!

Candace trying to find Kamala’s black heritage and can’t !!

Candice Owens Investigates Kamala Harris
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I think I saw on the Five or something, claiming that currently, Kamala leads on the issue of being an agent for CHANGE.

This drives me crazy. She's the status quo. I have to think there are just so damned many voters who are so clueless, they either don't realize she's the sitting Vice President - or are able to do the doublethink that both claims she's qualified for the job by BEING the Vice President but at the same time dismissing everything she has DONE as Vice President.


PREMO Member
I think I saw on the Five or something, claiming that currently, Kamala leads on the issue of being an agent for CHANGE.

Yeah I saw this pointed out on Twitter in the past week

KM is part of the CURRENT Administration but is campaigning on Change or Reform ... and the left is lapping it up