Kamala Harris - Presidential Candidate


PREMO Member

Kamala Harris, Taking No Questions, Bolts from Podium After Remarks with Volodymyr Zelensky

Harris has held zero press conferences since she joined the presidential race in July. She only conducted five television interviews, for which she faced a backlash for avoiding questions and failing to provide solutions to ongoing problems under the Biden-Harris administration.

Thursday was not an exception. Taking no questions, Harris bolted from the podium and directed Zelensky out of the room.

Harris’s attempts to weave and dodge suggest her record is a political liability. Harris faces a conundrum: She cannot campaign on policies to fix crime, inflation, and border security without undermining the Biden-Harris administration’s policies, but she must tout the administration’s policies to validate her record and candidacy.

President Joe Biden stated Wednesday that he delegated “everything” as commander in chief to Harris, including foreign policy and domestic policy.

During her Thursday remarks with Zelensky, Harris pledged to continue to help Ukraine fight Russia, which has repeatedly claimed any expansion of NATO into Ukraine is a redline. While former President Donald Trump promised to end the war if reelected, the Biden-Harris administration vowed to bring Ukraine into NATO.


PREMO Member

Kamala Harris will work with builders and developers to construct three million new homes and rentals.

And she will help first-time buyers get their foot in the door with $25,000 down payment assistance.

The government spent $7.5 billion on 500,000 electric vehicle chargers.

Only 8 chargers have been built in over two years.

What is Pete Buttigieg's response? We are ‘on track.’

Next, Harris was put in charge of the Biden-Harris administration's $42 billion promise to bring broadband internet to every American. After a year, not a single American has been connected.

Federal Communications Commissioner Brendan Carr testified on Capitol Hill about the boondoggle earlier this week.

1⃣,0⃣4⃣4⃣ days.

VP Kamala Harris has been in charge of the Administration's $42 billion plan to expand Internet to millions of Americans for 1⃣,0⃣4⃣4⃣ days now

0⃣ people have been connected

Insiders describe “a chaotic implementation environment,” “dysfunction,” and “delays.”

It’s been nearly three years since the BEAD program was established – and in all of that time the program has not connected a single household to the internet. “Broadband Czar” Harris’s tenure has been nothing short of a disaster.



PREMO Member

Kamala Harris’s Four (Weird) Freedoms

By John C. Chalberg

Her laundry list of “freedoms” was actually quite revealing, meaning both what she didn’t include and what she did include. First was the “freedom to make decisions about your own body.” That wasn’t exactly one of Franklin Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms,” but there has never been much doubt that it is Kamala Haris’s first freedom. Now we have solid evidence that this is the case.

And yet it, too, was in its own way a bit vague. The obvious presumption is that she was referring to the modern Democrat party version of a “positive good,” meaning an unlimited right to an abortion rather than the right to own slaves. But notice what was missing: “your body,” not a woman’s body.
She left open the possibility that she was also including the freedom of a child to attempt to alter his sex. Or the right of an illegal alien to do the same thing — and at taxpayer expense. Or the right of a male to compete in female sports. In any case, it is revealing that this is Kamala Harris’s first freedom.

Second on her list was the “freedom to be safe from gun violence.” But how will she ensure this? She doesn’t say. Will she interfere with the freedoms of gun-owners? After all, to guarantee such a freedom, there will have to be gun confiscation on a massive scale. If this is really her second most important freedom, nothing less than that will be required.

Third was the “freedom to have access to the ballot box.” To be sure, that freedom was denied to women and minorities decades upon decades ago. But just how is this freedom being denied to any eligible voter today? And might it not be considered freeing to know that assurances are made to ascertain that only eligible voters exercise the franchise?

To be more specific, does Harris’s third freedom include the right to have an unrequested ballot mailed to you? Does it demand voting for weeks on end? And does it include not being required to show identification prior to voting?

To cap it all off, Harris returned to the body — and perhaps the mind: “the freedom to be who you are and just be ...” And precisely what does that freedom imply? Who knows? It’s not likely that even she knows. In any case, it is completely vacuous.

Then she got slightly more specific: “the freedom to love who you love openly and with pride.” Everyone who is sentient knows precisely what category of lovers she was pridefully talking about here. But just to make sure that everyone gets it, she clinches things with a second mention of the “freedom to just be.” The Peter Sellers character in Being There couldn’t have said it any better.

Having covered virtually all of the bases of the ever-expanding sexual revolution, Harris concludes with a triumphant “And that’s who we are. We believe in all that.” And that apparently is that. But not quite.


PREMO Member

'I Don't Speak Drunk Hallmark': Dana Loesch TORCHES Kamala Harris for Saying the American Dream Is Gone

Oof. This is both funny and brutal.

Yesterday Kamala Harris -- who seems to forget she's the sitting VP -- said the American dream is gone. But if we ignore the fact she's been in power for the last 3.5 years and elect her, she'll definitely make it better.

It's straight bull, and everyone knows it.

But here's Dana Loesch absolutely torching Kamala.


Found Kamala's sock puppet account, apparently.

We live in reality. Kamala herself said the price of beef and bread has gone up 50%.



Well-Known Member
There is often message in her and the far-left's words when you read into them , yes they are word salads but read in between the lines the far-left tell you their ideology like when she and the Dems say "not going back" they mean not going back to "we the people" ruling the nation and when she and the Dems say " what can be, unburdened by what has been" they mean unburdening themselves from the Constitution that is holding them back from doing whatever they want.

When she says "the children of the community, they ARE children of the community" , when Biden says " our nation's children are all our children" or even back to when Clinton said "it takes a village to raise a child" what they are really saying is they believe the youth belong to them and government over parents and family quote Karl Marx "The education of all children, from the moment that they can get along without a mother's care, shall be in state institutions."


Well-Known Member
Just saw an ad where Kamala claims that if billionaires would “pay their fair share” she will dig you out of debt.

Assuming they don’t pay it now - how will having them pay their fair share dig you out of debt? Taxes don’t work that way. If Bill Gates pays more, YOUR taxes don’t go DOWN. And your credit card debt doesn’t disappear.

We tax income. If you taxed INCOME at 100% - it wouldn’t do a damned thing about the debt. We have something like 750 billionaires. They don’t make enough to pay your debts. But you do. So long as you don’t spend more than you make.


Well-Known Member
Still don’t get how mispronouncing Kamala’s name is so unforgivable and racist - but it’s perfectly acceptable to call Trump supporters Nazis.


PREMO Member
She's the status quo.

Somewhere you inquired about Harris and her work as an Atty ....

this does not start out as Harris background, but this guy gets into it a bit

Nancy Pelosi LOSES IT on air after CNN played this Trump clip!! LOL​



PREMO Member
There are multiple reasons why the Green New deal died hard...and the governmental controls while crippling so much of our economy, travel regulations, home heating, etc etc. I KNOW it will not pass, thus Kamala will pull the plan from Soetoro's playbook and use her pen & phone to dictate how to use the EPA to force it....
So, how is that "Saving Democracy" story go again?

This was 2019 ...

AOC’s Chief of Staff Admits the Green New Deal Is Not about Climate Change

“The interesting thing about the Green New Deal, is it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all,” Chakrabarti said to Inslee’s climate director, Sam Ricketts, according to a Washington Post reporter who attended the meeting for a profile published Wednesday.

“Do you guys think of it as a climate thing?” Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing,” he added.

The Green New Deal, proposed earlier this year by Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Ed Markey (D., Mass.), would transition the U.S. economy entirely away from fossil fuels within ten years while simultaneously providing a federal jobs and healthcare guarantee. It would also, according to its proponents, advance “social, economic, racial, regional and gender-based justice and equality and cooperative and public ownership.”

All told, the proposal will cost up to $93 trillion in new government spending over ten years, according to a recent report by the conservative American Action Forum.


PREMO Member

Kamala Harris BUSTED Staging Photo Op At The Border As Border Patrol DROPS DEVASTATING News!​



PREMO Member

When Biden and Harris took office, they reversed Trump’s effective border policies and opened the floodgates to an illegal immigration crisis. This wasn’t incompetence—it was intentional. Kamala was appointed 'border czar,' but it was all theater. Instead of enforcing laws, building the wall, and reinstating "Remain in Mexico," they chose open borders. Now, millions of illegal immigrants have entered, creating economic, social, and national security chaos.

Venezuela alone is sending thousands across our borders each month, while dangerous gangs like Tren de Aragua are taking root. Weak leadership has emboldened criminals and threatened our nation. Harris won't use tools like visa sanctions, but Trump did—and it worked.

It’s clear we need strong leadership back. Trump’s America First policies are what will restore order and secure our borders. We need him back to clean up this disaster.


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