Kamala Harris - Presidential Candidate


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Black Democrat Operative PANICS Over Candace Owens EXPOSING Kamala Harris' Family History!​



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Super Liberal Actress Calls Out Hollywood For Supporting Kamala Harris And The Democrat Party!​



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Project 2025 was never a Trump plan. The book Democrats keep parading around is called “Mandate for Leadership,” which the conservative Heritage Foundation has published every four years since 1980.

It is and always has been meant as a guide for any incoming administration to policies that conservatives endorse. No one outside of policy wonks knew about it, much less read it. And in the 44 years since the first edition came out, only two presidents have used it – Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump – both of whom implemented pro-growth tax cuts, cut back the regulatory Leviathan, and spurred strong, widely shared, economic growth.

This year, with no record to run on, Democrats decided that their entire campaign had to be built around scaring voters about Trump. But since calling him a “threat to democracy” and arresting him wasn’t working, they decided to find another bogeyman. And they settled on the “Mandate.”

At 900 pages, it was big enough that they could find a few things that, taken out of context, seemed frightening, and then they just made up the rest because who’d bother to check?

The campaign worked. An NBC poll finds that American adults have a more negative view of Project 2025 than they do of socialism.

The Democrats are still at it. They even held a mock hearing last week.

The press has apparently tired a little bit of the lies the party is peddling. CNN just called out Tim Walz for claiming that Project 2025 would require parents to register their pregnancies with the federal government.

“Walz’s claims are false,” CNN states categorically.

But up until now, the Trump campaign has inexplicably been on defense.” I don’t know anything about it,” Trump would say. Some of the ideas are nutty, he’d say. “I have my own agenda.” Etc., etc.

At last, and hopefully not too late, he’s figured out how to turn the tables on Harris. And it just took one post on X.

Here it is:



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Her latest commercial talks about - “when she was a prosecutor” (remember, she wants you to FORGET she’s VP) that she never asked a client if they were Republican or Democrat.

This is supposed to be an extraordinary and admirable trait.

FWIW - I have never had a doctor, surgeon, lawyer, boss, employee, checkout clerk, pastor, garbage collector or electrician EVER ask or even TRY to ask that. Because it has nothing to do with my interaction with them. It’s not “noble” and it doesn’t point to some imagined virtue.

I’m weary now of her accentuating normal human decency as stellar credentials for the Presidency.


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Watch Liberal Panelists Cope and Seethe As Scott Jennings Drops Hard Truths About Kamala's 'Border Visit'

It was all too much for GOP strategist and CNN political analyst Scott Jennings, who dropped some inconvenient facts on the liberal panelists including Obama alum Van Jones, whose facial expressions as Jennings was talking said it all:

In fact, I think the Trump campaign line today ought to be arsonist returns to scene of crime. I mean, look at the last three-and-a-half years, we've got the border is effectively been opened, people flowing across.

ICE today, released information that there are 13,000 noncitizens convicted of homicide and almost 16,000 noncitizens convicted of some kind of sexual crime who are in the country right now.

Only because we are in the shadow of an election is Kamala Harris trying to rush and pay some lip service to this issue as a tactical matter, Anderson.

I don't think Harris should be trying to elevate this issue because this is the best ground from which Donald Trump has to fight.

So no, I think the Harris campaign is making a tactical mistake and I think they have very little to say that the American people are going to buy on this today.

Later, Jennings shared more hard truths about Kamala Harris' border visit in contrast to her past stances:

It's not that it took them too long. It's that they actively worked to undo everything Donald Trump had done during his time in office.

On the first day, they rescinded all of Donald Trump's border executive orders. The floodgates opened. All of these people come rushing across. Then it becomes a political problem. And now, at the end of the election, they want to blame it on Donald Trump.

For her entire career, she has wanted a more permissive immigration structure. When she ran for president before, she wanted to decriminalize border crossings. In her heart -- in her heart of hearts, she wants a more liberal, permissive immigration structure. And in his heart of hearts, Donald Trump wants to crack down on the border.


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you have to understand… For a Democrat, normal human decency is a tremendous accomplishment.
The whole thing reminded me of when my toddler told me he used the potty today, or when an older kid said they DIDN’T get in trouble at school or they finished their dinner or homework. And I usually answer you’re SUPPOSED to do that.


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Sen. Tom Cotton Calls Kamala Harris the Iranian Ayatollahs’ ‘Handpicked Candidate,’ Calls to ‘Let Israel Win’

Noting that Israel has dealt a “huge blow” to Hezbollah’s leadership, he argued that now is the time for the U.S. to back Israel in fully neutralizing the group’s remaining capabilities.

“I’m not sure that Israel’s expanding the war so much as it is trying to end the war,” he said, pointing to Hezbollah’s vast arsenal of over 100,000 rockets, missiles, and mortars aimed at Israel. He added that recent Israeli strikes have “devastated the entire leadership structure of Hezbollah,” including the killing of the group’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah.

Cotton stressed that the U.S. should support Israel in completely dismantling Hezbollah, asserting that the destruction of the group’s leadership and military capabilities would leave Iran vulnerable.

“Iran has used [Hezbollah’s] threat to deter Israel for years … Now is not the time for a ceasefire or to de-escalate as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want,” he continued, noting that Hezbollah is “on its knees.”

“The United States should help Israel drive Hezbollah to the mat, choke it out, and finish it off once and for all,” he added, insisting that “we should let Israel win.”


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During her 2024 campaign, Kamala Harris stated, "What can be unburdened by what has been." At first glance, this seems like a straightforward message of optimism and progress. However, upon closer examination, it reflects a more profound ideology that aligns with Marxist thought—casting off the past to create an equitable future.

Harris's words imply more than progress within existing systems; they require radical liberation from their foundations. In Marxist ideology, dismantling the old is necessary to build a new social order. Marx famously said through the character of Mephistopheles in Goethe's Faust, "Everything that exists deserves to perish."

Harris echoes a softer version of this idea, proposing that we achieve social justice not through re form but by redesigning the entire power structure. To fully grasp the implications of this, we need to explore how Marxist dialectics have made inroads into modern American political thought, often without recognition, and now its resurgence.

Karl Marx critiqued capitalist society by arguing that history burdens the present. He believed that systems and institutions from the past—especially capitalism—oppressed the working class and per petuated inequality. These structures maintained the power of the elite and kept the masses sub servient. Marx argued that true liberation could only happen by breaking these “chains."

Harris's call to be "unburdened" reflects Marx's view of history as a weight cast off and the capital ist state not as an imperfect entity but as a tool of oppression that protected the wealth and power of the elite. His revolutionary vision sought to dismantle these structures and create a society where



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Why Can’t Kamala Harris Prove She Worked At McDonald’s (And Why It Matters)

These are questions a normal media would ask. Since we don’t have normal media, they aren’t asked.

Instead, you get tools in the media looking at the comment section for a porn website from 15 years ago to see if a guy running for governor in North Carolina posted anything offensive. It’s the comment section of a porn website; what are you expecting to find there that isn’t offensive? And who the hell knew porn sites had comment sections?

The media demands that Donald Trump and JD Vance denounce that guy. Still, they can’t burn a single calorie to insist on even the most basic details about Kamala's claims about herself, like where McDonald’s is located.

The Home Depot of media tools, the Washington Post’s Phil Bump, tried to look into it, if only to embarrass Trump. He couldn’t get a location out of the Harris campaign and couldn’t find a single human being to corroborate her story.

If someone I was waiting tables with was running for President of the United States or were the sitting Vice President, I’d tell the world. Or at least I’d tell someone, then the world would know. If they needed a story about how she made a salad with her hands without washing them or how we’d all complain about bad tippers, they could get them from me.

Weirdly, not a single human being has come forward to claim they worked at McDonald’s with the sitting VP of the United States. This was in the mid-80s, not 100 years ago, so the odds that Kamala Harris is the only living former employee from McDonald’s at that time is pretty slim. Where are they?

Bump couldn’t find them, so he stopped caring. Because he’s a douchebag, he concludes his inquiry with, “Another difference is that Harris, unlike Trump, has earned the benefit of the doubt on assertions that may not be immediately provable.”

There is nothing “immediate” about this; she’s been making the claims for months. You can easily verify where she went to high school; there’s a record and witnesses. The political boards her married boyfriend Willie Brown appointed her to, there’s public records and other members. Yet, there’s nothing and no one from that summer job at McDonald’s, the job that allows her to identify with millions of Americans, claim the middle-class status growing up she never actually had, and point out how Trump, as Bump put it like he was directly quoting a Harris campaign press release, “ever worked was for the private company that shares his name. He never worked on a farm or at McDonald’s. You understand the point.”


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