Kamala Harris


Well-Known Member


PREMO Member
And then you claim the DNC are the ones calling the shots when it’s the GOP telling you guys what to do.

You would be WRONG, but that is no surprise, you spew nonsense claiming its Gods Honest Truth

Why do you not like free and fair elections? Why do you need to be told who to vote for ?

Ah Yes Impune the character of those you disagree with assigning a false narrative of motivations

is it time to rise up against a tyrannical government? You will say no because you like the tyrants but make no mistake you are a hypocrite.

Again You Impune his character because you disagree with his politics

and if Trump was a tyrant you would be in the Gulag Already

no the Tyranny is coming from Black Lives Matter


Kids these days think tyranny is when they're not given free Chipotle. They think torture is when the wifi is slow.

And they think it's when the country elects someone they didn't want; especially if that someone says things that offend their little snowflake feelings.


Well-Known Member
We did when we defeated Hillary. But the leftist reign of tyranny didn't end with her defeat. Her surrogates decided it was time to activate her obedient legions within our LE and intel agencies and launch false accusations of collusion. And when that failed, there had to be a 2 year long investigation into a benign phone call by Trump, which resulted in nothing more than a massive waste of time and tax payers' dollars.

Go back to school and learn what "tyranny" is.

Still talking about Hillary? She really must be the most powerful woman in the world despite holding no public office she still terrifies people into working for her and doing her biding even 3.5 years later? How did you let Trump convince you to be this scared of an older woman who has worked tirelessly for the rights of others?

DEEP STATE, Q Anon. You know you sound insane right?

Collusion was proven and Trump was impeached in the house. Only his sycophants wouldn't allow witness's in the senate and dismissed the proceedings.


Still talking about Hillary? She really must be the most powerful woman in the world despite holding no public office she still terrifies people into working for her and doing her biding even 3.5 years later? How did you let Trump convince you to be this scared of an older woman who has worked tirelessly for the rights of others?

DEEP STATE, Q Anon. You know you sound insane right?

Collusion was proven and Trump was impeached in the house. Only his sycophants wouldn't allow witness's in the senate and dismissed the proceedings.

I do realize this is the best you can do. It's okay. :poorbaby:


Well-Known Member
Folks on the news keep referring to her as the first African American women tapped for VP. These days you can identify as anything you want.

I had a back & forth over this on another site. Guy said her heritage traces back to African slaves brought to Jamaica. Really want to ask how can they tell since there are really no records besides man or woman. There are slave trading records ( if they can be found ) listing people but without names. So can the same slave be claimed by hundreds of people.?


PREMO Member
Collusion was proven and Trump was impeached in the house. Only his sycophants wouldn't allow witness's in the senate and dismissed the proceedings.

Liar there was no Collusion ...... only my opinion, I think, may have ....... NO FACTS


PREMO Member
Says the person who's side believes wearing mask to protect themselves and loved ones from disease is oppression.

Says the authoritarian that wants to control everyone .......


Studies have confirmed the fact that homemade cloth masks are pretty terrible at catching viruses. A 2013 Cambridge University study found that tea towels and vacuum cleaner bags were far closer to the effectiveness of actual surgical masks in blocking a certain type of virus.

And then there’s the fact that people might think their cloth face masks can do more than they actually can — in fact, a false sense of security could actually do more harm than good. By touching a contaminated surface and then the mask could actually end up with you getting infected yourself. Besides, homemade masks aren’t properly sterilized.

Surgical and Cloth Masks are Useless Against COVID-19, Says New Study

Both the cotton and surgical masks are ineffective for filtering the SAD-CoV-2 and don’t prevent the dissemination of virus from the sneeze or cough of patients suffering from COVID-19. The study was conducted at two hospitals in South Korea and Seoul, which demonstrated that face masks are ineffective as virus droplets release to the external mask surface and the environment when patients coughed into either type of face mask.

The findings of the research report are published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Face masks are thought to prevent virus transmission during respiratory viral infections, leading healthcare professionals to recommend the use of masks during coronavirus pandemic. With the shortage of N95 and surgical face masks, which thought to prevent the virus spread, cotton masks are now used as a substitute. But it is not confirmed if these masks are worn by COVID-19 patients actually prevent the transmission of the virus to the environment.

COVID-19 – Your Mask Is Useless, and You’re Using it Wrong

Disclaimer: the information contained within this article was gathered from the following sources:

Now, if you paid attention to the words I used so far, you’ll have noticed that I’m only mentioning surgical masks. You know, those cheap masks, usually blue or green, that you see everywhere in Hong Kong. Well, those masks are useless against 2019-nCoV. And for three reasons.

First off, surgical masks are loose-fitting. Try as you might, you will never obtain a perfect seal around your mouth and nose with a surgical mask. This allows smaller airborne droplets, which may -or may not- carry viruses, to find their way through gaps between the mask and you skin, and into your respiratory system, hence infecting you even though you are wearing a surgical mask.

As a matter of fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates that the surgical mask “(d)oes NOT provide the wearer with a reliable level of protection from inhaling smaller airborne particles and is not considered respiratory protection”[1].

One could argue, though, that surgical masks may be useful in case an infected person coughs directly in your face. Although incredibly rude, it happens (this is Hong Kong, after all). And in such case, a surgical mask may offer some protection against splashes of fluids and larger droplets.

However, one must bear in mind the mode of transmission of coronaviruses. And 2019-nCoV, as most human coronaviruses, spreads from an infected person to another through the air (coughing or sneezing), through fecal contamination (albeit rarely), or through contact (direct or indirect) between a contaminated surface and your mouth, nose, or eyes. Yes, you could also get infected with 2019-nCoV through the eyes.

Now, let’s bring back that infected person coughing directly in your face. In such a scenario, wearing a surgical mask would help prevent contamination directly through the respiratory system. It wouldn’t protect you from a contamination through the eyes, though.

The Science Turns Against America’s Mask Fascists

No less than the New England Journal of Medicine has dealt a body blow to America’s growing army of mask fascists with the news that “wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection.”

The reasons for this are both simple and logical:

We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection. Public health authorities define a significant exposure to Covid-19 as face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with symptomatic Covid-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes). The chance of catching Covid-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal. In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic.

Cloth Masks Are Useless Against COVID-19

The idea that cloth masks will protect anybody from contracting COVID-19 is magical thinking, Lisa Brousseau, ScD, expert on infectious diseases, Professor (retired), University of Illinois at Chicago, tells Infection Control Today.
