Kamala Harris


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
CNN Suggests Joe Biden Could ‘Step Aside’ for Kamala Harris

So can they do that? And if that was the goal, why not just give it to Kamala in the first place? It's not like Joe earned that spot or anyone voted for him - he got it by default because everyone else was pressured to drop out when he announced.

That aside, I'm curious what would happen if Joe Biden, say, dropped dead right now. Would Kamala then be the nominee? Because I'm not sure how that could be legal. But I guess the DNC can do whatever it wants - not like they care about the voters anyway.


Well-Known Member
So can they do that? And if that was the goal, why not just give it to Kamala in the first place? It's not like Joe earned that spot or anyone voted for him - he got it by default because everyone else was pressured to drop out when he announced.

That aside, I'm curious what would happen if Joe Biden, say, dropped dead right now. Would Kamala then be the nominee? Because I'm not sure how that could be legal. But I guess the DNC can do whatever it wants - not like they care about the voters anyway.

No. Actually Biden won the primaries and super Tuesday by getting the most delegate votes. If everyone had been pressured to drop out as you say when he announced we wouldn't have had a primary. In fact the exact opposite is true. Trump in fact threatened the GOP against supporting other challengers to his throne. It's the GOP that didnt have a primary.

Why must you constantly lie about easily disproven things? It just makes you seem untrustworthy and uneducated. Especially when the exact thing you are claiming the dems did you guys did enthrall to your carnival barker.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It's the GOP that didnt have a primary.
You better tell USAToday. They think there was a primary

It just makes you seem untrustworthy and uneducated.

From you... :roflmao:



PREMO Member
No. Actually Biden won the primaries and super Tuesday by getting the most delegate votes.

Liar .... the democratic party can choose anyone it wants to ..... Sleepy Joe is a place holder ... Dems held a primary to give the proletariat a feeling of involvement in the process ..... look at who the ' PARTY ' Supported

party being the Establishment Corporate Democrat Leadership - there were way better choice the Child Sniffing Joe Biden

If everyone had been pressured to drop out as you say when he announced we wouldn't have had a primary.

Fantasy Conjecture .........

Why must you constantly lie about easily disproved things?

Liar ..... you proved NOTHING only offer your typical Fantasy, Supposition, Innuendo and Conjecture ...... you presented NO Facts

It just makes you seem untrustworthy and uneducated.

YOU offer no FACTS only Fantasy Conjecture, then impune someones character because YOU disagree with the Opinion offered


Well-Known Member
You know, I've decided I'm not going to call you a liar anymore. I've decided that you are just gravely misinformed and incapable of understanding the truth.

GOP 2020 Primary Results

Haha. Thanks for proving my point. 1 electoral vote went to someone other than Trump.

And then you claim the DNC are the ones calling the shots when it’s the GOP telling you guys what to do.

Why do you not like free and fair elections? Why do you need to be told who to vote for ?

is it time to rise up against a tyrannical government? You will say no because you like the tyrants but make no mistake you are a hypocrite.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Haha. Thanks for proving my point. 1 electoral vote went to someone other than Trump.

How many "electoral votes" went to someone other than Obama in the 2012 Democrat primary?

How is it that you don't understand a sitting President always sweeps their re-election primary?

All I want is for you to think a second before you post. Can you do that?


Well-Known Member
Haha. Thanks for proving my point. 1 electoral vote went to someone other than Trump.

And then you claim the DNC are the ones calling the shots when it’s the GOP telling you guys what to do.

Why do you not like free and fair elections? Why do you need to be told who to vote for ?

is it time to rise up against a tyrannical government? You will say no because you like the tyrants but make no mistake you are a hypocrite.
“Why do you not like free and fair elections?”

please explain how the Democrats are for free and fair elections! I could use a good laugh this morning


is it time to rise up against a tyrannical government?

We did when we defeated Hillary. But the leftist reign of tyranny didn't end with her defeat. Her surrogates decided it was time to activate her obedient legions within our LE and intel agencies and launch false accusations of collusion. And when that failed, there had to be a 2 year long investigation into a benign phone call by Trump, which resulted in nothing more than a massive waste of time and tax payers' dollars.

Go back to school and learn what "tyranny" is.