Kamala Harris


Well-Known Member
Pfffttt. You know that's so much meaningless drivel to the smartest man on the forums.

Look man, we know you have waterfront property in Piney Point, travel around the world, have family in the glorious Fjords of Norway, work on St. Catherine Island making sure the Jefferson Island Club has a place to call home, have boats and trailers and cars (running optional, rust mandatory), own Island Engineering, went to Purdue (boiler up!), etc. You've told us ALL how awesome you are. Multiple times. You've made it clear how smart and successful you are. It's really something special and something to be proud of.

But you proclaiming you're the "smartest man on the forum" is a whole new level of narcissism.

Especially about Kyle. The way you two follow each other around and boost each other's day by hanging on each other's word. It's something special. Don't let your internet ego ruin that. We'd hate to miss any more of back-patting. :yay:


PREMO Member
Earning a salary you were promised in exchange for work done is not the same as steering government funds to your business's and enriching your self at tax payers expense.

Liar ...... You expect Trump to stay at a Motel 6 when he has his own properties or the SS should stay at a hotel down the road or other staff

also as I understand it the rates paid are AT COST NO Profit

Its called the emoluments clause. look it up

No It's NOT, you are WRONG As Usual

The emoluments clause, also called the foreign emoluments clause, is a provision of the U.S. Constitution (Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 8) that generally prohibits federal officeholders from receiving any gift, payment, or other thing of value from a foreign state or its rulers, officers, or representatives. The clause provides that:No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

The Constitution also contains a “domestic emoluments clause” (Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 7), which prohibits the president from receiving any “Emolument” from the federal government or the states beyond “a Compensation” for his “Services” as chief executive.

The plain purpose of the foreign emoluments clause was to ensure that the country’s leaders would not be improperly influenced, even unconsciously, through gift giving, then a common and generally corrupt practice among European rulers and diplomats. An early version of the clause, modeled on a rule adopted by the Dutch Republic in 1651 that forbade its foreign ministers from receiving “any presents, directly or indirectly, in any manner or way whatever,” was incorporated into the Articles of Confederation (1781) as Article VI, Paragraph I: Nor shall any person holding any office of profit or trust under the United States, or any of them, accept any present, emolument, office or title of any kind whatever from any King, Prince or foreign State; nor shall the United States in Congress assembled, or any of them, grant any title of nobility.

Didn't the media say Trump is using his office to enrich himself?

For the last two years, the media have been complaining that Donald Trump was violating the Constitution's emoluments clause and enriching himself. There has been a series of nuisance lawsuits because heaven forbid people from foreign countries be staying at or playing at Trump properties. There is no indication that Trump is charging anyone extra or handing out favors for them staying there, but the lawsuits and garbage stories go on.

Under those rules, no one who owns businesses that have any foreign customers need apply for the presidency. That way, only career politicians can win.

Now the Washington Post and others are running stories cheering that Trump's businesses are faltering. Shouldn't that show that he isn't using the presidency to enrich himself?

The media have run fake news stories for over two years about Russian collusion, obstruction when there is no crime, and any number of other things where they are essentially campaigning for Democrats while seeking to destroy Trump and other Republicans. The truth and the American people haven't mattered for a long time — only putting Democrats back in power, which makes the media much more dangerous to our freedom and the integrity of our elections than anything Russia or China has done or is doing.

While journalists are up in arms because people from foreign countries are staying at Trump properties, they never cared about Hillary and her family enriching themselves greatly while she was in office, selling access to foreign countries.

They also didn't care as Obama handed out taxpayer money and jobs to big contributors.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Look man, we know you have waterfront property in Piney Point, travel around the world, have family in the glorious Fjords of Norway, work on St. Catherine Island making sure the Jefferson Island Club has a place to call home, have boats and trailers and cars (running optional, rust mandatory), own Island Engineering, went to Purdue (boiler up!), etc. You've told us ALL how awesome you are. Multiple times. You've made it clear how smart and successful you are. It's really something special and something to be proud of.

Your jealousy is unbecoming.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
, have boats and trailers and cars (running optional, rust mandatory),

Trucks. You forgot all the trucks, Chrissy...

And PS: Fiberglass does not rust. Neither does aluminum. It's an engineering thing..probably why you didn't know it.


PREMO Member



PREMO Member
Ultimately though, this Harris announcement is just step 1 in the bait & switch. It won't be "Biden/Harris 2020," it will be "Harris/VP Pick 2020." Doing it this way in order to get past Sanders, IMHO.

--- End of line (MCP)

CNN Suggests Joe Biden Could ‘Step Aside’ for Kamala Harris
