Kamala Harris


Well-Known Member
They are both 100x better than Trump.
They are both experienced , follow the laws and rules and know how to govern. How many people has Biden insulted over his long career the way Trump has in 3.5 years? How often has Biden enriched himself at tax payers expense?

Kamala is an authoritarian with a much longer history. If something were to happen to Biden, we'd get her. Someone with Trump's zeal of unchecked executive power coupled with the left's idea that everything is within reach of govt. action. Seems like a great recipe.

Kamala's time as a DA saw her office mismanage a crime lab, she argued that a guy found innocent after 13 years in prison was actually guilty. She refused to follow the Governor's orders to reduce the prison population. She fought a judge's decision that CA's death penalty was unconstitutional. She staunchly opposes marijuana legalization (just like Joe Biden). She called to expand the state's tracking of prescription drug users. She thinks parents of truant children deserve jail time. She ramped up stings on sex workers. She thinks social media platforms should censor users. I know the left doesn't care about it, but her gun law proposals are a slap in the face to anyone who believes in the Constitution.

No doubt Trump insults people, but Biden has spent his entire adult life in politics, being paid by taxpayers. 35 years in public office, enriching himself at tax payer expense.

This pick represents everything the left thinks is wrong in a politician.


Well-Known Member
Like being removed under the 25th Amendment.

Like that.

Of course, it'd just be a mirror image of what we just witnessed.

The left would call is a political hit job and the right would praise the time and money spent on the process.

Maybe that's their whole plan.


Well-Known Member
You really don’t get it. If you get what you are wishing for, I can guarantee you that you won’t like it. What does Bezos have to do with what we are discussing? Bezos happened to get lucky by starting selling used books out of his garage, and then he made it big. Why? Because of Capitalism and freedom. Work hard and do great. Bezos turned on the Country that allowed him to be great. I have boycotted Amazon ever since I realized he is a money grubbing, power hungry arsehole sheep.

So Bezos got “lucky” through hard work becoming a billionaire from his garage and Trump was given $600 million and every advantage and you think he is a great businessman.

do you hear yourself?


PREMO Member
They are both 100x better than Trump.

Fantasy Conjecture

They are both experienced , follow the laws and rules and know how to govern.

That's Rich

How many people has Biden insulted over his long career the way Trump has in 3.5 years?

You mean recently like in the last 2 weeks ?

Joe Biden insults black Americans AGAIN, says ‘Latino community’ has more ‘diverse’ views and attitudes

Biden gave ‘a great insult to the black community’

How Joe Biden Gets Away With Calling A Voter A Fat, Dumb, Liar

Joe Biden Blanks Out and Then Insults Martin Luther King In Disastrous Public Comments

How often has Biden enriched himself at tax payers expense?

Not the Tax Payers but corrupt crony deals ....... How exactly is Trump the billionaire getting rich off the tax payers

How did Hunter get that JOB at Barisma .... the sweetheart deal from the Chinese


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Wonder what Trump saw in her back then. A strong "law and order" type, no doubt.

How is it that you ask these questions at your age?

He donated to her for the same reason all major business owners give to political candidates: to buy influence.

Why do you think any of these people buy politicians? Why do you think Trump made a point to eliminate that from his 2016 campaign?

If you'd thought about that for two seconds before barfing up your masters' talking points you'd never say something so stupid.