Kerry Concedes!!



vraiblonde said:

would you accept a funny joke instead :shrug:

A man walks up to a woman in his office each day,
stands very close to her, draws a large breath of air
and tells her that her hair smells nice.

After a week of this, she can't stand it any longer,
and goes to personnel. Without identifying the guy,
she tells them what the co-worker does and that she
wants to file a sexual harassment suit against him.

The personnel manager is puzzled by this approach, and
asks, "what's sexually threatening about a co-worker
telling you that you hair smells nice?"

The women replies, "it's Keith, the midget

Is this the one Jazz has decided to torture me with :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Kerry is calling for an end to divisiveness when he just spent the last year perpetuating this division. Hypocrite.

He's starting to cry a little bit.


elaine said:
Oh, stop. :rolleyes:

I thought it was a pretty good speech. He's bowing out as gracefully as anyone could.

I just caught part of it on CNN downstairs getting my lunch from John Harvard's it was packed in there from folks watching it. From what I could see - he looked relieved he didn't win or something :ohwell:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
He keeps talking about "working to change America". Get a clue, Kerry! We don't WANT to change America - we like it the way it is. That's why we didn't vote for YOU.


vraiblonde said:
He keeps talking about "working to change America". Get a clue, Kerry! We don't WANT to change America - we like it the way it is. That's why we didn't vote for YOU.

would you be happier if he said he demands a recout :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
elaine said:
Oh, stop.
Sorry. I've spent the last four years listening to the mindless garbage that spews from the liberal Democrats. I'm not feeling particularly generous, after the way they've acted.

But I will give it to Kerry that he conceded instead of mobilizing the lawyers. :yay:


What's it 2 U
There does need to be some change. One of the reporters was saying last night how the Senate and House has become so divided and very much about who can win. She said it is very different than in the old days when the senators and representatives took pleasure and pride in being able to work together for the good of all americans.


vraiblonde said:
Sorry. I've spent the last four years listening to the mindless garbage that spews from the liberal Democrats. I'm not feeling particularly generous, after the way they've acted.

But I will give it to Kerry that he conceded instead of mobilizing the lawyers. :yay:

They were already mobilized :shrug: We have a skeleton crew here today... I'm dreading them all coming back tomorrow and being swamped.


vraiblonde said:
He keeps talking about "working to change America". Get a clue, Kerry! We don't WANT to change America - we like it the way it is. That's why we didn't vote for YOU.
He is talking about how he put forth his plans for change and presented them to America. What he forgot to mention is how they were slapped out of his hand and stomped on.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
carolinagirl said:
One of the reporters was saying last night how the Senate and House has become so divided and very much about who can win.
You can thank Terry McAuliffe for that. His bombastic, partisan attacks have done more to cheapen the tone of US politics than anything else.

That's why it burned me up when Kerry and Edwards were hitting Bush with the "uniter, not a divider" phrase, saying that America has never BEEN more divided. I was like, "Well duh! You all were the ones that worked overtime to destroy any unity Democrats and Republicans might have had!"

Oh well. It's over now.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
It's not real...

The ugliness will return the moment he attempts to confirm nominations for Renquist, O'Conner and other vacancies in the Federal courts.


My Sweetest Boy
vraiblonde said:
Sorry. I've spent the last four years listening to the mindless garbage that spews from the liberal Democrats.

I may need to find a job. I sat quietly watching his :rolleyes: no :blahblah: nothing. So when it was over, I said I have to get back to my desk and do something so I can come back and hear Bush speak. So the little demotwit pipes up "You mean try to speak." Sorry....I let him have it. I said "Look, I was quiet and resepctful of your candidate...please be respectful of my president." and I stormed out. DH :mad:


professional daydreamer
cattitude said:
I let him have it. I said "Look, I was quiet and resepctful of your candidate...please be respectful of my president." and I stormed out. DH :mad:

:yay: He had it coming.


cattitude said:

I may need to find a job. I sat quietly watching his :rolleyes: no :blahblah: nothing. So when it was over, I said I have to get back to my desk and do something so I can come back and hear Bush speak. So the little demotwit pipes up "You mean try to speak." Sorry....I let him have it. I said "Look, I was quiet and resepctful of your candidate...please be respectful of my president." and I stormed out. DH :mad:



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So here we go, folks - the Presidency, the Senate, the House and Governorships. Will the Democrats finally get a clue and realize that extreme liberalism is dead? Will they fire McAuliffe and try to get a viable party back together again?

Or will they say it was because they didn't "fight hard enough" and blame Karl Rove, ensuring more Republican victories in two years?