Kerry Concedes!!


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
... Or will they say it was because they didn't "fight hard enough" and blame Karl Rove, ensuring more Republican victories in two years?
:yay: :yay:

They weren't extreme enough.


But wait, there's more...
carolinagirl said:
There does need to be some change. One of the reporters was saying last night how the Senate and House has become so divided and very much about who can win.
wanna put an end to the political division? remove all democrats from the house and senate. :shrug:


But wait, there's more...
Vrai ... you're slacking!

I would have expected a poll by now asking what the first alleged "conspiracy theory" by Kerry supporters following his loss would be. :ohwell:

git 'r done :yay:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
cattitude said:
I'm getting ready to go listen to THE PRESIDENT. I'm trying to find a large piece of duct tape.
If it's for your Demmie co-worker, might I suggest a staplegun?


cattitude said:
II'm trying to find a large piece of duct tape.

Why, is our homeland under attack:shrug:

j/k catt :huggy:

Enjoy your day, I'd be enjoying my day if my candidate had won but he didn't. :shrug:


cattitude said:
So the little demotwit pipes up "You mean try to speak."

Welcome to the next four years.

I have a very bad feeling that the incessant screeching and vitrolic hatred of the past four years are going to be nothing in comparison to shrill bitterness and mind-boggling intolerance that are to come over the next four.

Oh yeah. It's gonna be real ugly.


crabcake said:
I would have expected a poll by now asking what the first alleged "conspiracy theory" by Kerry supporters following his loss would be. :ohwell:

git 'r done :yay:

Can't -- not until the DUI is up and running again... :killingme:

btw, had one of the pizza's last night -- very good!!! :yum:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Toxick said:
Welcome to the next four years.

I have a very bad feeling that the incessant screeching and vitrolic hatred of the past four years are going to be nothing in comparison to shrill bitterness and mind-boggling intolerance that are to come over the next four.

Oh yeah. It's gonna be real ugly.
Give 'em what they ask for...

They want to be decent treat them such. If they continue to act like Democrats... Treat 'em like Democrats.


Toxick said:
Welcome to the next four years.

I have a very bad feeling that the incessant screeching and vitrolic hatred of the past four years are going to be nothing in comparison to shrill bitterness and mind-boggling intolerance that are to come over the next four.

Oh yeah. It's gonna be real ugly.
I hope you are wrong. You would think the Democrats would drop the crap, they are like a tennis ball, no matter how hard you hit it, it just keeps coming back the same.

Come to think of it so is Crabby.




Fricken ceiling tiles fell on my head. :confused:

Oh, what was I going to say. Yeah that's right, poor Kerry, should have won that race.