Kerry Concedes!!



Kizzy said:

Fricken ceiling tiles fell on my head. :confused:

Oh, what was I going to say. Yeah that's right, poor Kerry, should have won that race.



b*tch rocket
carolinagirl said:
There does need to be some change. One of the reporters was saying last night how the Senate and House has become so divided and very much about who can win. She said it is very different than in the old days when the senators and representatives took pleasure and pride in being able to work together for the good of all americans.
When have they not been divided? :confused: That's the whole point. 2 parties, diffierning ideas. :shrug: I don't think any of them have ever taken "pleasure and pride" in being able to work together. :lol:

Forgive me if someone has already responded to this, I'm desperately trying to catch up and I haven't read the whole thread. :lol:


b*tch rocket
Toxick said:
Welcome to the next four years.

I have a very bad feeling that the incessant screeching and vitrolic hatred of the past four years are going to be nothing in comparison to shrill bitterness and mind-boggling intolerance that are to come over the next four.

Oh yeah. It's gonna be real ugly.
Yeah, but Bush never cared before, so why should he care anymore now since he won't be going for "4 more years" next go around.

My hope is he finally just breaks bad and commences with some serious ass whipping. I've grown tired of playing nicey nice with Iraqi insurgents.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Christy said:
... so why should he care anymore now since he won't be going for "4 more years" next go around.
He could, all Congress has to do is repeal the 22nd Amendment and get the states to ratify it (now look at a map with all that Red :biggrin: ). I would love to go through a Shrub versus the Carpetbagger Senator in '08. If that happened I would buy as much stock as I could in pharmaceutical companies making ulcer medication and aspirin type products.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
So Ken... a 'new' GOP'er does this feel wierd to you at all?

I grabbed a nap this PM and had the TV on, The Godfather was on. So, I'm doing that drift in and out thing and TV and real life are morphing in and out of my subconcious, not quite a dream, not quite awake and then, as Michael is having everyone wacked, Budzini, Tataglia, Fish et al, I'm like:

"Terry McCaullife, Micheal Bushleone says hello, BLAM"

Don John Kerryzini gets his on the steps as his limo driver is getting a ticket...

Daschle is Moe Green and catches one in the eye...

George Soros, trapped in the revolving door...BLAM, BLAM...

Pimp Daddy Edwards all surprised as Fat Clemenzocheney catches him coming out the elevator...BLAMBLAM double barrel...

It all feels so real.

I'm just wondering if it was as good for you as it was for me?


All family business is settled.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said: a 'new' GOP'er does this feel wierd to you at all?

I grabbed a nap this PM and had the TV on, The Godfather was on. So, I'm doing that drift in and out thing and TV and real life are morphing in and out of my subconcious, not quite a dream, not quite awake and then, as Michael is having everyone wacked, Budzini, Tataglia, Fish et al, I'm like:

"Terry McCaullife, Micheal Bushleone says hello, BLAM"

Don John Kerryzini gets his on the steps as his limo driver is getting a ticket...

Daschle is Moe Green and catches one in the eye...

George Soros, trapped in the revolving door...BLAM, BLAM...

Pimp Daddy Edwards all surprised as Fat Clemenzocheney catches him coming out the elevator...BLAMBLAM double barrel...

It all feels so real.

I'm just wondering if it was as good for you as it was for me?


All family business is settled.
It feels good, makes me feel a bit younger, but I bet it will feel even better once the new card arrives.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
It feels good, makes me feel a bit younger, but I bet it will feel even better once the new card arrives.
You know, considering I'm always right on everything I tell you, do you intend to now just take my words for things without argument?



Football season!
Ken King said:
It feels good, makes me feel a bit younger, but I bet it will feel even better once the new card arrives.
Interesting, since most agree that people tend to become more conservative as they get older.


Just wondering - what do you think Bush's cabinet changes will be? I heard on the radio that Rummy is out and Condi will be taking his place -- I'm sorry but I just don't think she is qualified... I'd prefer Rummy any day -- I actually liked him -- yes another republican I actually like (that makes 3 of them). What do you think about this decision :shrug:


Football season!
dems4me said:
Just wondering - what do you think Bush's cabinet changes will be? I heard on the radio that Rummy is out and Condi will be taking his place -- I'm sorry but I just don't think she is qualified... I'd prefer Rummy any day -- I actually liked him -- yes another republican I actually like (that makes 3 of them). What do you think about this decision :shrug:
I've brought this up several times, and people are reluctant to really discuss it. It will be interesting.


SmallTown said:
I've brought this up several times, and people are reluctant to really discuss it. It will be interesting.

:shrug: I find this very freightening :shrug: especially because of the way she glossed over on her academy award act in front of the panel "I think the title read something about [eyes rolling toward ceiling] Osama Bin Laden wanted to attack the United States" :drama:


Vria? Christie? Steve? Ken King? Can anyone explain why she would be a good candidate for this - maybe I havn't read enough of her qualifications :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What's annoying is that CNN is blaming the Bush win on evangelical Christians - like there are enough of those in the US to get a President elected. They're going on and on - "evangelicals this" "evangelicals that". Like nobody voted for Bush but hardcore religious folks. :rolleyes:

Then, for an encore, they had a segment about "Do the Republicans have the lock on moral values" and guess who they had debating it? Jerry Fallwell and.....

....Jesse Jackson! :roflmao: I kept waiting for Fallwell to ask Jesse how his mistress and illegitimate daughter were doing but he didn't. :lol:

Now Begala is on saying that the American people don't like "intellectualism", which is why they went for Bush over Kerry. :lol:

How much more out of touch could a news network be???


Football season!
All I have heard is that she doesn't want to keep her current position. The rumors I have heard say she is going to take Powell's spot.