My 2 year old last night was complaining about her butt hurting, exact words "I hurt my butt." This went on for a short while. I was sitting on the floor and she walks over to me, takes down her pants and pull-up and says "I hurt my butt, mommy want to kiss it?"They are so much fun at this age, why do they have to grow up? I want her to stay little and adorable forever...
My 2 year old last night was complaining about her butt hurting, exact words "I hurt my butt." This went on for a short while. I was sitting on the floor and she walks over to me, takes down her pants and pull-up and says "I hurt my butt, mommy want to kiss it?"
They are so much fun at this age, why do they have to grow up? I want her to stay little and adorable forever...
When my oldest was 3 she fell and skinned her elbow. I was on the phone with my best friend trying and trying to console a 3 year old that freaked every time she saw a drop of blood. I tried putting neosporin on it and she screamed even harder every time I got near her. My friend asked to speak to her. She gets on the phone and my friend asked why she wouldn't let me put the neosporin on it. My daughter stated that was only for knees and not elbows. She wanted elbowsporin. We started laughing and naming different body parts. Everything had it own sporin, bellysporin, headsporin, legsporin etc. Finally my friend said what would you put on your butt if you hurt that? We were expecting hineysporin, buttsporin but instead she said matter of factly DESITIN! We still crack up over that one.![]()
I was drying off my son last night and he asked me why he had so much fur on him. He looked at me, confused, and said "Mom, am I a monkey?"
My son makes me laugh daily. He is four and I also have two daughters, a 16 yo and an 8 yo. Earlier this week we were in my room watching TV and he said I'll be back. I said where ya going? He said I am going upstairs to get my "short sister". I couldn't help but laugh and wonder where he would get that from.