If I may ...
So you are assuming something not known? I've walked off many a job for reasons that went against by beliefs when employed, (without another job lined up), and stopped serving customers, or refused to return to a repeat customer, as self-employed, for a variety of reasons. What you fail to understand, is that I, and many others, have lived life knowing that there are, and will be, times where the rubber meets the road, decisions must be made, and have planned accordingly, so as to not put self/family financial matters in harms way, when any affront to self determination is hindered. I am sure, you, and the majority of this Nation, have not lived as I and others have, as I can sense you are of those that live above your means and as a result fear any retaliation or reduction to your standard of living, and lack the courage to stand and fight for your beliefs for that very fear of losing those measly scraps from the table of your masters.