Kurt Schlichter takes Nikki Haley APART


Well-Known Member
I've said numerous times why I won't vote for her - she's buddied up with traitors who are destroying this country. Anyone who is all kissy face with John Brennan and James Clapper, I am not going to vote for them to be President. Even if she's just being politically expedient, I hate that even more.

Her little friends belong in a federal prison for the crimes they've committed. I don't need to know anything more about her than the company she keeps. It stuns me that anyone would even consider her.

Now it's your turn. Give me one good reason why she should be President of the United States.
You claim she's in the rack with Clapper and Brennen........... how so??

She was liked as Gov in SC and actually had good decorum with the UN. That at least rates a look IMO as well as SEVERAL others including Trump who did an excellent job as long as he wasn't in the assshole mode.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You claim she's in the rack with Clapper and Brennen........... how so??

You're going to have to do your own homework on that. I've already posted it in here several times and am not interested in running it down again. And if you can't find it that has to be your problem.

She was liked as Gov in SC

Barack Obama was liked as President, according to his poll numbers, and absolutely revered among Democrats. Joe Biden is liked by more than half of voters - a record 82 million of them, so the story goes. Larry Hogan is beloved in MD and I won't vote for that dick either.

Nikki Haley is driving the Marxists into a frenzy, so that's a plus, but they get all twerky over any Republican. In the end, she will either be elected President or she won't. If she is, one of us will be able to tell the other, "I told you so."
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One must remember......
Donald Trump registered as a Republican in Manhattan in 1987; since that time, he has changed his party affiliation five times. In 1999, Trump changed his party affiliation to the Independence Party of New York. In August 2001, Trump changed his party affiliation to Democratic. In September 2009, Trump changed his party affiliation back to the Republican Party. In December 2011, Trump changed to "no party affiliation" (independent). In April 2012, Trump again returned to the Republican Party.

Jus sayin and so was RR at one time. :)


PREMO Member
So her big achievement so far is that she is not a white man.

67% of the country isn’t.

But she is so much more than her sex and Indian heritage. Item 10 said, “She watched Gilligan’s Island and The Brady Bunch and The Love Boat and Fantasy Island. She played Monopoly and The Game of Life. She was a Girl Scout. ‘You have to go to church or you’re going to hell,’ people in her town would tell her and her family.”

Not for a moment do I believe that quote.

Missing from the list was any accomplishment as governor. I mean, at least Kamala could say she put 1,500 potheads away as California attorney general. Oh wait, Nikki signed off on removing Robert E. Lee’s statue. That will show him.

The main thing she did as governor was fight with her fellow Republicans, who ran the legislature.



Well-Known Member
Well she took down their flag, I hold that against her.
But otherwise.
Defensive and insulting! I must have struck a nerve. So in other words, you can't name a single reason to vote for her?
I can name several reasons, She isn't Newsome, Schiff, Harris, Bernie Sanders, or any other democrat that might run. If she won the primary (which I don't think is possible) I would vote for her. It's going to be a long 2 years and it's possible Biden might get us nuked before the election, but if we get that far and Trump wins the primary I will vote for him. Fact is ,I would vote for Randy Guy for President before I would vote for any Democrat, and that is saying a lot.


Well-Known Member
Do you ever wonder why she decided to torch her career like that? The only thing I can think is she got paid, but these Congresscreeps get greased big anyway. Maybe it was personal, but even so - what kind of bunny boiler do you have to be to implode so spectacularly over whatever slight it might have been?
I really believe she gambled and lost. I think she saw what she believed to be a fantastic opportunity. She thought everyone would turn on Trump and she would be seen as a hero to all of the Trump supporters that were fooled by him. Once she agreed to help head the Jan 6 Committee, it was too late. All she could do is continue down that path even when it was becoming obvious, it wasn't working in her favor.

I truly don't know if she believes Trump is scum or if it was just her time to shine in the hopes of becoming the Republican Savior.


Well-Known Member
I've said numerous times why I won't vote for her - she's buddied up with traitors who are destroying this country. Anyone who is all kissy face with John Brennan and James Clapper, I am not going to vote for them to be President. Even if she's just being politically expedient, I hate that even more.

Her little friends belong in a federal prison for the crimes they've committed. I don't need to know anything more about her than the company she keeps. It stuns me that anyone would even consider her.

Now it's your turn. Give me one good reason why she should be President of the United States.
Never said she should ......yet, I said she is worth a look. We are LOADED with good possibilities while the shiit has trash.:rolleyes:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I really believe she gambled and lost. I think she saw what she believed to be a fantastic opportunity. She thought everyone would turn on Trump and she would be seen as a hero to all of the Trump supporters that were fooled by him. Once she agreed to help head the Jan 6 Committee, it was too late. All she could do is continue down that path even when it was becoming obvious, it wasn't working in her favor.

I truly don't know if she believes Trump is scum or if it was just her time to shine in the hopes of becoming the Republican Savior.

She didn't think that one through, did she? Talk about out of touch with your constituents....


PREMO Member

DAVID MARCUS: Looking Back, Nikki Haley Was Wrong To Take Down the Confederate Flag

In 2015, when she ordered away the Stars and Bars was Nikki Haley making a serious and considered choice, or simply buckling to progressive pressure? Couldn’t the question of the flag’s fate have been brought to referendum? Couldn’t it have been considered coolly and not as a knee-jerk reaction to horrific murders?

If Haley still defends her decision to bar the flag, where does she stand on the destruction of history that that decision led to? Where does Haley draw the line? Culture wars get ugly, and the generals leading them must be strong– they must risk offending people sometimes.

Is Nikki Haley prepared to stand firm in the face of woke attacks? Is there anything in her history that should make us confident she can or will? The former governor is wont to point out that her gender and ethnicity bristle the left, that she is supposed to be one of them. Fair enough. But not enough.

Haley’s decision to take down the Confederate battle flag is not disqualifying in and of itself. But it does raise questions about how firmly she stands in opposition to attempts to destroy American history that some may find offensive.

Does Haley regret this decision in retrospect? She probably should, but even if she doesn’t, she needs to articulate why her decision was different from toppling the statues of Lee and Jackson, not to mention Washington and Roosevelt.
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Well-Known Member
One must remember......
Donald Trump registered as a Republican in Manhattan in 1987; since that time, he has changed his party affiliation five times. In 1999, Trump changed his party affiliation to the Independence Party of New York. In August 2001, Trump changed his party affiliation to Democratic. In September 2009, Trump changed his party affiliation back to the Republican Party. In December 2011, Trump changed to "no party affiliation" (independent). In April 2012, Trump again returned to the Republican Party.

Jus sayin and so was RR at one time. :)
I was a Libertarian, and then I changed to Independent.

Yeah, that's pretty much it.


Well-Known Member
Well she took down their flag, I hold that against her.
But otherwise.

I can name several reasons, She isn't Newsome, Schiff, Harris, Bernie Sanders, or any other democrat that might run. If she won the primary (which I don't think is possible) I would vote for her. It's going to be a long 2 years and it's possible Biden might get us nuked before the election, but if we get that far and Trump wins the primary I will vote for him. Fact is ,I would vote for Randy Guy for President before I would vote for any Democrat, and that is saying a lot.
I'd be surprised if we don't. Cut off the dinero to Ukraine and see what happens.

As long as it's any major city on either coast, I'm fine with it.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I'll never forget Steny at the Obamacare thing he had up in Waldorf. How they bussed in a bunch of union folks all in ther union T-shirts and made sure they were all up front to shout down the regular folks in the back.
The Ideal Tolerance of Democrat Democracy.
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Well-Known Member
Yes: I went to that Steny thing. I waited in line for about an hour and when they let us in the place was already filled up with people Steny bused in.
We have a person, a black lady Republican running against him this year don't forget to vote for her.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I’m going to have to agree with you here, the R’s do seem to have turned on her.

Nikki pisses me off because she was a terrific UN Ambassador with nerves of steel, then something happened - maybe her kids are being held hostage, dunno - and she went tone deaf. Started buddying up with the cabal, saying and doing stupid things on the campaign trail, to the point it's like, "Nikki, noooo...washoo doon girl?" It's like she deliberately made herself unappealing to the masses.

So I'm thinking it's not so much that the Rs turned on Nikki, it's that she turned on them.