Kurt Schlichter takes Nikki Haley APART


Well-Known Member
Lindsey Graham
Mitch McConnell
Adam Kinzinger
John McCain
Liz Cheney
Larry Hogan
Lisa Murkowski
Susan Collins
Mitt Romney
Nikki Haley
George W. Bush
George H.W. Bush
Arnold Schwarzenegger

I can rattle off a whole bunch of them, and that's just off the top of my head. If I get to the lower tier and the fake news media tards I could to to infinity.
I didn't exactly follow politics closely in the early 90s, but what was the issue with H.W. Bush? The "no new taxes"? Iraq?

He wasn't my favorite, but in light of pretty much every president since I don't feel he was particularly bad either.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It will let us know if she has any funny nicknames for her competitors and how quickly she can throw shade. That's the primary presidential measuring stick now, right?

I'd rather watch that than a bunch of stuffy rich people stand up there and spew talking points like they usually do. Debates and political speeches are nothing more than a drinking game because they're so predictable.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I didn't exactly follow politics closely in the early 90s, but what was the issue with H.W. Bush? The "no new taxes"? Iraq?

He wasn't my favorite, but in light of pretty much every president since I don't feel he was particularly bad either.

That just goes to show how bad they are, when HW isn't so bad compared to them.
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Power with Control
Who else does what Trump did? Tell me and I'll like them too. I do like my Governor, and I like Lauren Boebert but I can't really think of anyone else. As far as Presidents and presidential candidates go, Trump is it. Other politicians could do what Trump did, but I don't see them doing it. So if Trump is "the only one", whose fault is that?

What *should* I call traitors and cabalists? What's another name for them? I'll call them that if it makes you feel better. But I'm not going to pretend these war mongering globalist authoritarian anti-American greedy money laundering talk out the side of their mouth shitbags just "have a different opinion". Joe Biden "has a different opinion". George Soros "has a different opinion". All these aholes trying to decimate our country "have a different opinion" and "think a different path is valid". What should I call them besides traitors and cabalists?

And if the traitors and cabalists lose elections because of their "different opinions" that won't hurt my feelings one single bit.

So saying you present Trump as the one is a statement of fact, not mocking. That was my point.

You could call them wrong. You can be wrong and not be a traitor. I think they are wrong. And their version of what America should be is wrong. Its the whole "dont attribute to evil that which can be adequately explained by stupidity" thing.

My point there is that even if they were truly evil people intent on destroying the country, unless your plan is full on revolution, describing them that way is counterproductive. Same reason you don't go into a work meeting and say "We're doing this because the boss is an idiot who cant comprehend why we shouldn't". I mean here, like say at the bar, sure thing. Go for it. But in an open discussion, its counterproductive.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
My point there is that even if they were truly evil people intent on destroying the country, unless your plan is full on revolution, describing them that way is counterproductive. Same reason you don't go into a work meeting and say "We're doing this because the boss is an idiot who cant comprehend why we shouldn't". I mean here, like say at the bar, sure thing. Go for it. But in an open discussion, its counterproductive.


Why is it counterproductive to call things what they are and hold people accountable?

I never have thought a substandard status quo was the best I can hope for.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Are you kidding me right now? Do you mean to tell me that you've never seen the horndogs on here slobbering over her? Or Tulsi Gabbard?

Now you're just being ridiculous.
I went back 200 posts searching nikki and/or haley and found exactly 2, both fro Hijinx this is as horndog as it gets “Nice looking woman, but cannot be trusted to go home with the one that brung her.” Not being ridiculous, you’re just seeing things that aren’t there.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I see at least 10 that deserve to be listened to. And this is a year old!

I see two: Trump and DeSantis.

  • Kristi Noem isn't authoritative enough, nor is Josh Hawley. Both are strictly second tier, not global leaders. Same with Tom Cotton and Chris Sununu.
  • I don't trust Ted Cruz because I saw his presto changeo from smarmy presidential candidate to firebrand Senator and it's like two different people. Which one would we be getting?
  • I like Rick Scott okay and might be willing to give him a look.

The rest are either weasels, have a weasel factor, or are outright scumbag POS traitors.

Honestly, I hope with all my heart Liz Cheney is arrogant enough to throw her hat in the ring. It gave me a lot of pleasure to see the folks of WY spank her and send her home, and it would give me pleasure to see Republican voters laugh her off the ballot.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I went back 200 posts searching nikki and/or haley and found exactly 2, both fro Hijinx this is as horndog as it gets “Nice looking woman, but cannot be trusted to go home with the one that brung her.” Not being ridiculous, you’re just seeing things that aren’t there.

Yeah yeah :rolleyes:

Why don't you tell me why you like her and think she'd make a good President? Because I can't think of a single thing she's done, outside of being a pretty good UN Ambassador under Trump, that would make me want to vote for her, and I can think of a zillion things she's done that make her a no-go.


Well-Known Member
I see two: Trump and DeSantis.

  • Kristi Noem isn't authoritative enough, nor is Josh Hawley. Both are strictly second tier, not global leaders. Same with Tom Cotton and Chris Sununu.
  • I don't trust Ted Cruz because I saw his presto changeo from smarmy presidential candidate to firebrand Senator and it's like two different people. Which one would we be getting?
  • I like Rick Scott okay and might be willing to give him a look.

The rest are either weasels, have a weasel factor, or are outright scumbag POS traitors.

Honestly, I hope with all my heart Liz Cheney is arrogant enough to throw her hat in the ring. It gave me a lot of pleasure to see the folks of WY spank her and send her home, and it would give me pleasure to see Republican voters laugh her off the ballot.
Liz is done forever unless she moves to Ca or NY and becomes a dem.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Liz is done forever unless she moves to Ca or NY and becomes a dem.

Do you ever wonder why she decided to torch her career like that? The only thing I can think is she got paid, but these Congresscreeps get greased big anyway. Maybe it was personal, but even so - what kind of bunny boiler do you have to be to implode so spectacularly over whatever slight it might have been?


Well-Known Member
Do you ever wonder why she decided to torch her career like that? The only thing I can think is she got paid, but these Congresscreeps get greased big anyway. Maybe it was personal, but even so - what kind of bunny boiler do you have to be to implode so spectacularly over whatever slight it might have been?
First two sentences I can agree as plausible....... you lost me on the last except it was probably personal.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
First two sentences I can agree as plausible....... you lost me on the last except it was probably personal.

Glenn Close GIF

You've never seen Fatal Attraction???


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Yeah yeah :rolleyes:

Why don't you tell me why you like her and think she'd make a good President? Because I can't think of a single thing she's done, outside of being a pretty good UN Ambassador under Trump, that would make me want to vote for her, and I can think of a zillion things she's done that make her a no-go.
That’s a pretty predictable answer, “you think she’s hot and that’s the only reason you want her.” Yes she was pretty good as a UN ambassador, she was also a pretty good governor, to the point that she still has an 80% approval rating by the S.C. Republican Party. You don’t really care what her positions are, she’s not trump and that’s as far as you have to go. So state a couple of your zillion things or don’t, because truthfully I’ve quit caring about your opinions. You really don’t care to have an honest discussion so I don’t see any reason to continue to entertain your pig headedness.


Well-Known Member
That’s a pretty predictable answer, “you think she’s hot and that’s the only reason you want her.” Yes she was pretty good as a UN ambassador, she was also a pretty good governor, to the point that she still has an 80% approval rating by the S.C. Republican Party. You don’t really care what her positions are, she’s not trump and that’s as far as you have to go. So state a couple of your zillion things or don’t, because truthfully I’ve quit caring about your opinions. You really don’t care to have an honest discussion so I don’t see any reason to continue to entertain your pig headedness.
Hell hath no fury like a dumb broad scorned by a politician.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
That’s a pretty predictable answer, “you think she’s hot and that’s the only reason you want her.” Yes she was pretty good as a UN ambassador, she was also a pretty good governor, to the point that she still has an 80% approval rating by the S.C. Republican Party. You don’t really care what her positions are, she’s not trump and that’s as far as you have to go. So state a couple of your zillion things or don’t, because truthfully I’ve quit caring about your opinions. You really don’t care to have an honest discussion so I don’t see any reason to continue to entertain your pig headedness.
Defensive and insulting! I must have struck a nerve. So in other words, you can't name a single reason to vote for her?


Well-Known Member
Defensive and insulting! I must have struck a nerve. So in other words, you can't name a single reason to vote for her?
If one said she had a nice ass would that APPEASE you? ;)
I have a dream that my four little sob's will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the shape of their ass but by the content of their character.

You forever attack her personally through her flaws but don't specify. I haven't put her under a microscope, it's early with much to be examined along with a dozen more to come.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You forever attack her personally through her flaws but don't specify. I haven't put her under a microscope, it's early with much to be examined along with a dozen more to come.

I've said numerous times why I won't vote for her - she's buddied up with traitors who are destroying this country. Anyone who is all kissy face with John Brennan and James Clapper, I am not going to vote for them to be President. Even if she's just being politically expedient, I hate that even more.

Her little friends belong in a federal prison for the crimes they've committed. I don't need to know anything more about her than the company she keeps. It stuns me that anyone would even consider her.

Now it's your turn. Give me one good reason why she should be President of the United States.