mama to two
Definately check out doodlekisses. It's a huge, over 14,000 members, worldwide doodle community. Lots of great info. Hope to see you there.
I actually ran across doodlekisses website in my search weeks ago, among many others. I know I didn't do this exactly right, but I am going with Daisy. She is supposed to be my dog. I think of it as all the animals out there whether bred, or stray in shelters, if I zeroed in on Daisy, then it was a done deal. When I started college at LSU, I was in prevet. I found out my heart was too soft for that career, and I changed majors. I know a lot about animals because of my experience, and I also go with my heart. I still have to assess this breeder. My problem. Thanks so much for all the replies and advice. Y'all are the best. This forum is awesome.