Law Goes Into Effect Today


Super Genius
The cold weather warning is excessive also. It shows a lack of consideration to say that you can't tie a Husky, Malamute, or other winter dog outside when it is a balmy 32 degrees.
:yeahthat: My German Shepherd can be out in sub-zero temps when I'm bundled up and still freezing and when I get him out of the kennel, he's ready to go for a walk. He LOVES the cold.


Help "Invisible Dogs"
I do not agree with dogs being kept outside, dogs are pack animals and belong in the house (IMHO).

If you want to keep a dog outside and use it as a "guard dog", I will not agree with that either, but that is your choice, it's your dog, your responsibility. BUT to chain/tether a dog for 24 hours a day 7 days a week is CRUEL. I do not care what breed of dog it is. If it doesn't make the dog a mental basket case that cowers whenever people approach, it becomes overly protective of it's space.

You are going to say that's fine because that's what YOU want the dog to do. What happens when the neighbor kid wanders into YOUR yard and gets within grabbing range of the chained dog. THOSE are the dogs that kill. Many of the animal attacks are from dogs that are chained/tethered and a child (usually) gets too close to it's protected area. When these chained/tethered dogs get loose they are a threat as they do not know any better, that is then the owners complete and total fault.


Look my ass glows!
My $.02

I have 6 dogs and I'm fostering 3-none are chained. I am fortunate enough to have the fenced space (8,000 sq. ft) for them to run free. I would no more consider chaining a pet than chaining my dear ol grandmother (if I had one) I am out and about in my community and see chained dogs-breaks my heart and I want to free them all-realistically, for some folks there are no alternatives.


'95 ZX6R
obviously having a large fenced area for them to run around is best for them, but tethering a dog is no more cruel than caging a hampster. infact most dogs will prefer to be tethered outside than be inside all the time. now compare that to sticking a dog in a kennel for 9 hours when you are at work then for 7-9 hours while you sleep.

dogs love being outside, heck i love being outside. thats why i go backpacking all the time.

oh no's i'm forcing inhumane treatment on myself sitting around a campsite in the cold air and sleeping in a thin walled tent.

people who pamper their pets are usually overly pampered themselves.
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Well-Known Member
I do not agree with dogs being kept outside, dogs are pack animals and belong in the house (IMHO).

If you want to keep a dog outside and use it as a "guard dog", I will not agree with that either, but that is your choice, it's your dog, your responsibility. BUT to chain/tether a dog for 24 hours a day 7 days a week is CRUEL. I do not care what breed of dog it is. If it doesn't make the dog a mental basket case that cowers whenever people approach, it becomes overly protective of it's space.

You are going to say that's fine because that's what YOU want the dog to do. What happens when the neighbor kid wanders into YOUR yard and gets within grabbing range of the chained dog. THOSE are the dogs that kill. Many of the animal attacks are from dogs that are chained/tethered and a child (usually) gets too close to it's protected area. When these chained/tethered dogs get loose they are a threat as they do not know any better, that is then the owners complete and total fault.

wow, you really assume and awful lot.....

Besides, where the Eff do you think the pack would live if it weren't for you?

and how about ol' Ceasar keeping his dogs outside? is he wrong too?


Well-Known Member
I have 6 dogs and I'm fostering 3-none are chained. I am fortunate enough to have the fenced space (8,000 sq. ft) for them to run free. I would no more consider chaining a pet than chaining my dear ol grandmother (if I had one) I am out and about in my community and see chained dogs-breaks my heart and I want to free them all-realistically, for some folks there are no alternatives.

I chain my dog on the front porch so she can bark at the kids and cars on the street, she loves it.
when i put her in the back with the fence she whines b/c there is nothing going on.....

WTF? where is she happier?


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
WTF? where is she happier?

Most likely where ever you are. If I'm outside, my pups want to be out with me and vice verse if I'm indoors.


Help "Invisible Dogs"
wow, you really assume and awful lot.....

Besides, where the Eff do you think the pack would live if it weren't for you?

and how about ol' Ceasar keeping his dogs outside? is he wrong too?

I said I'm not going to tell you how to keep your dog, but I don't have to agree. Granted pack dogs would live outside in a pack, that's fine and good, my dogs are domesticated and MY CHOICE is to have them live in the house with me.

If you move your dog from the front chain to the back then it's not chained 24x7.

My saying chained dogs kill is not just me, there are many documented cases attesting to that. You live like that and it's going to affect your mental balance - be it man or animal. And having 2 or 3 chained dogs, is not a pack either, they can't interact as normal dogs would. Keep them in your backyard as your choice, but do not chain/tether them 24x7.

If your dog is outside 24x7 I don't agree, but that's my option, so long as it's taken care of, has shelter and the owner gives it more than an hour a day I have no complaints. If you only interact with the dog at feeding time, then I will say that you don't need a dog.


New Member
I do not agree with dogs being kept outside, dogs are pack animals and belong in the house (IMHO).

If you want to keep a dog outside and use it as a "guard dog", I will not agree with that either, but that is your choice, it's your dog, your responsibility. BUT to chain/tether a dog for 24 hours a day 7 days a week is CRUEL. I do not care what breed of dog it is. If it doesn't make the dog a mental basket case that cowers whenever people approach, it becomes overly protective of it's space.

You are going to say that's fine because that's what YOU want the dog to do. What happens when the neighbor kid wanders into YOUR yard and gets within grabbing range of the chained dog. THOSE are the dogs that kill. Many of the animal attacks are from dogs that are chained/tethered and a child (usually) gets too close to it's protected area. When these chained/tethered dogs get loose they are a threat as they do not know any better, that is then the owners complete and total fault.

What about a dog is kept in a pen? All the time. Never let out. Never interacted with.
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Help "Invisible Dogs"
What about a dog is kept in a pen? All the time. Never let out. Never interacted with.

You get the same type of dog as a chained dog. Any dog that is not interacted with will have issues.

My own personal dog is very fence agressive and in the house he's agressive when he's on one side of the child gate and you are on the other. A dog that has that type of agression will only get worse if it's penned all the time w/o attention. Dogs get defensive about "their area" and when their area is a small portion that is their's 24x7, they will defend it all the more.

Some of my foster dogs are in outside pens. I hate it, but I spend most all of my days with my dogs, giving them attention, walking them, playing in the play yard with them. The only way I can deal with it is knowing it's only temporary for them.


New Member
You get the same type of dog as a chained dog. Any dog that is not interacted with will have issues.

My own personal dog is very fence agressive and in the house he's agressive when he's on one side of the child gate and you are on the other. A dog that has that type of agression will only get worse if it's penned all the time w/o attention. Dogs get defensive about "their area" and when their area is a small portion that is their's 24x7, they will defend it all the more.

Some of my foster dogs are in outside pens. I hate it, but I spend most all of my days with my dogs, giving them attention, walking them, playing in the play yard with them. The only way I can deal with it is knowing it's only temporary for them.

The difference give your dogs attention. I can't stand to see this dog in the pen for years without being taken out. He's fed and that's it.


Help "Invisible Dogs"
The difference give your dogs attention. I can't stand to see this dog in the pen for years without being taken out. He's fed and that's it.

That's what I wish people would understand, that dogs "need" company, they are not by nature a solitary creation.

I may not agree with having a purely outside dog, but if the owner spends a lot of time outside with the dog, walking, playing, hiking, whatever, (and providing more than adequate housing) I don't have a problem with that either.

But I will never approve of 24x7 chaining/tethering.

action jackson

New Member
"I chain my dog on the front porch so she can bark at the kids and cars on the street, she loves it.
when i put her in the back with the fence she whines b/c there is nothing going on.....

WTF? where is she happier?"

I am glad I am not your neighbor, Midnightrider.
How about chaining yourself to a tree along with your dog for a week?



New Member
This is the reason that this law was passed. Not only can owners get charged with animal cruelty but they can also be charged under the new law.


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New Member
Because animal cruelty wasn't enough?

Have you heard about the measly little fines people are getting for stuff like this? Yeah, animal cruelty most often isnt enough. If there were other charges to slap on, maybe it will wake people up.