Leftist Response to Hamas Attacks


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72 Columbia Student Groups Issue Anti-Israel, Terrorist-Empathizing Manifesto

Ironically, the manifesto signers included Columbia Queer and Asian, Columbia Queer Alliance, Proud Colors, and GSAS Queer Graduate Collective. Yet if these LGBTQ radicals went to Palestinian-controlled areas, because the Palestinians are Muslim, these Columbia activists would “risk summary execution” and face harsh persecution. Ultimately, Hamas would be happy to kill every single one of these woke Columbia students, except possibly some of the Muslims, but the students probably couldn’t be brought to realize that until and unless they were actually being killed. This is the level of willful ignorance and self-delusion at Columbia:

We are committed to creating a multi-generational, intersectional, and accessible space dedicated to fighting for abolition, transnational feminism, anticapitalism, and decolonization, and also to combating anti-Blackness, queerphobia, Islamophobia, and antisemitism.

In reality, Arab Muslims oppress women, LGBTQ, and blacks.

Below are the demands from the 72 students groups at Columbia. It is important to note that polling shows an overwhelming majority — 80% — of Americans support Israel against Hamas, so the manifesto is being deceptive. It is also key to note that it was Jewish students, not Palestinian students, who were being threatened at Columbia. Again, the manifesto is riddled with lies:

1. Call on President Biden, Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand and Chuck Schumer, Rep. Adriano Espaillat, and all other government officials to support an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, in line with the demands of the majority of Americans.
2. Divest from companies profiting from Israeli apartheid, noting that both former Columbia and Barnard presidents unilaterally and anti-democratically ignored the student body referendums to divest in 2020 and in 2018.
3. Cancel the opening of the Tel Aviv Global Center, noting that Palestinian affiliates of Columbia would be restricted from access to this program given Israel’s apartheid policies, and further noting that this, therefore, violates Columbia’s very own non-discrimination policy.
4. Cease the dual-degree partnership with Tel Aviv University, for the same reason.
5. Stop repressing and vilifying pro-Palestinian activism and vigorously protect the academic freedom and right to political speech of students, staff, and faculty as they face McCarthyite smear campaigns. Accordingly, the University must change policy so that protests and events can be sanctioned within three days to allow students to organize under urgent circumstances, such as the current Palestinian genocide.
6. Reinstate Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace, and issue an official apology for their unjust suspension in violation of University procedure.


Beloved Misanthrope
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British Broadcaster Was Left ‘Shaking’ After ‘Very Intimidating’ Encounter With Pro-Palestinian Protesters

“In the last hour or so, we, the cameramen, our back watcher, who’s here to keep us safe, had really quite an unpleasant experience,” she said. “A guy on a [loudspeaker] shouting at us wanted to know who we were broadcasting from. He wouldn’t go away. He was very persistent.”

“Eventually, I said GB News. At that point, he just, I can’t tell you what he said, but it was vile: fascist, scum, etc,” she said. “A group of people came ’round us all shouting at us. I have to say it was very intimidating. I was shaking by the end of it.”

“We then moved to a completely different place, and at the end of that live, lo and behold, he appeared again. The police spoke to him. He’s been moved on. We’ve been told to stay here and we’re filing a police report,” she continued. “But there’s always an element. And of course, it’s really important that the press can bring you the news, can tell you what’s going on. If it wasn’t for the press, we wouldn’t even know what was happening in Israel and Gaza. But intimidating the press on the streets of London, not okay at all.”


PREMO Member

Woke Christmas Tree Farm in Virginia Posts Shameful Antisemitic Message on Welcome Sign

From the Leftists Ruin Everything file: A Christmas tree farm in Northern Virginia felt this was the perfect season to blast an antisemitic message to customers and passers-by. Cox Farms, a popular destination for pumpkin pickers and Christmas tree shoppers in the D.C. area, put "Ceasefire Now" on their roadside welcome sign and accentuated the antisemitic display with a wooden watermelon.

The addition of the watermelon wasn't some folksy, farm-y touch, it was an obvious wink and a nod to the "from the river to the sea" crowd, who use the watermelon emoji to show their solidarity with Hamas. Nothing says "Let's celebrate the birth of the Christ child" like an anti-Jewish smear on display to the public.

The owners of Cox Farm, who clearly faced blowback from the community for their unnecessarily political sign, took to Facebook on Thursday -- the day of giving thanks -- to double down on their hatred for Israel, explaining that they "are committed to fighting injustice and white supremacy." If you're confused, wait until you read the entire message:



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Anti-Israel Activists Throw Smoke Bombs and Red Paint At Home of AIPAC President

Protesting at someone’s home is crossing a boundary. It’s an act of intimidation. It’s an implied (and sometimes express) threat.

We’ve seen leftist activists repeatedly cross that boundary, including at the homes of conservative Supreme Court Justices. The publication of Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s home address for the purpose of such home protests led to an assassination attempt.

AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee) is hated by those who oppose Israel because it is so effective at exercising the constitutional right guaranteed in the First Amendment, “to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” In modern political terms, that’s called lobbying. It’s legal and it’s a guaranteed right.



PREMO Member

“Pro-Palestinian” Student Mob Hunted ‘Pro-Israel’ Jewish teacher at Queens (NYC) High School


These students remind me of the Hamas and Palestinian “civilians” who committed atrocities on October 7. They were out for blood with glee in their eyes. Had they found that teacher, there would have been a savage beating or worse. These are dangerous little Nazis being raised among us. The NY Post noted the seriousness of the situation:

The NYPD not only sent a couple dozen cops to restore order, but tapped its counterterrorism bureau to investigate a possible threat against the school, according to City Councilman James Gennaro (D-Queens), citing officials.
“Whether it was one student or multiple students who did or said something, whatever the trigger was, something happened. And I know from my many years on the City Council that the counterterrorism task force is not engaged unless they believe it is potentially a serious situation,” Gennaro said.

The flames are fueled also by the anti-white racism taught in schools as part of ‘social justice’ and ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’. The NY post noted:

Most comments posted on the videos applauded the kids and jeered the teacher, one calling her a “cracker ass b—-.”

It’s also a reflection of a failing school system leaving a generation ignorant and angry:



PREMO Member
We've seen a lot of radical protests for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, including violently storming the DNC and high school kids in NYC going wild and hunting down a pro-Israel teacher who had to hide from them in a locked closet.

There is a ceasefire at the moment as hostages are being released, and it was just extended for another couple of days.

But protesters at the White House want to make it permanent, so they claim they're doing a "hunger strike" in front of the White House to get it. Sumaya Awad says in her profile that she's part of the NY Democratic Socialists.

It's not Israel starving the people of Gaza; this is all completely on Hamas. But even now, they're playing games with the hostages to stretch out the ceasefire. Hamas got a ceasefire. But they still want more.

Then they're also petitioning the wrong people. Biden can't give them a ceasefire; only Israel and Hamas can agree to that. Biden might think he has influence, but ultimately, that's up to Israel.

Then, too, they got some hilarious encouragement in their endeavors.



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LONDON HAS FALLEN: Tensions rise as Pro-Palestine protesters continue to cause chaos



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UAW President Compares Israel to Nazi Germany as Union Calls for Ceasefire in Gaza

The fascist nations of World War II included Nazi Germany, which murdered six million Jews in the Holocaust; as well as Italy under Benito Mussolini. The Axis powers also included imperial Japan, ruled by Emperor Hirohito, and smaller fascist nations.

As the UK Guardian reported, the union — one of the nation’s largest and most powerful — officially called for a ceasefire in the conflict, which would leave 136 hostages in Gaza and allow the Hamas terror organization to retain its weapons to threaten Israel.

It is the largest major union to join left-wing calls for a ceasefire.

The UAW made its stance known on Friday, during a demonstration in front of the White House in Washington, DC:



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Albanese government ‘betrayed’ every Jewish person in Australia: Rowan Dean​



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Columbia U 'Teach-in' on 'Palestine Counteroffensive' Gets Epic Community Note Treatment

The tweet, thankfully, got the Community Note treatment:

October 7 was not a “counteroffensive.” There was a ceasefire in place that Hamas broke on Oct. 7., when it launched thousands of rockets, invading Israel, and committing hundreds of war crimes. The term “counteroffensive” applies to Israel’s response, not the Hamas attack. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/hillary-clinton-there-was-a-ceasefire-on-october-6-hamas-chose-to-break-it/

The absolute state of our colleges and universities is something to behold.
