Leftist Response to Hamas Attacks


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If the hostages are released and fighting ends will the student protesters return to class or take up another protest.


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Massachusetts Town Hoists Palestinian Flag Over Public Park

Dozens of people showed up at Monday’s Select Board meeting to express their opinions on raising the Palestinian flag. During the hour of public comment, residents spoke both in favor of and against flying the flag.

“It’s a big deal for us to see the Palestinian flag that many of us think represents the attempted genocide of the Jewish people,” Rabbi Idan Irelander said, according to WHDH. “It basically represents Hamas, since they are the elected ruling party in Gaza.”

A supporter claimed to the outlet that the flag represents “a nation, the heritage of the people, their traditions, their culture and it doesn’t represent a terrorist group.”

A college student, Selma Khayal originally petitioned the town on October 16 to raise the Palestinian flag.


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Gawker Co-Founder Tries to Go Toe-To-Toe with Noam Blum, Gets Ratioed into Oblivion

It's sometimes best before engaging on Twitter to consider who it is you're engaging with and exactly how loyal and active their followership is. Gawker co-founder Elizabeth Spiers, who it seems is currently employed at 'Digital/polling for Dems' and as a Journalism Professor at NYU according to her bio, found this out the hard way when she decided to mix it up with Noam Blum, AKA 'neontaster', host of 'Ambitious Crossover Attempt' along with Jen Monroe.

In fairness to Spiers it was Blum who initiated the engagement, quote tweeting part of a long rant that we will not link here because Spier's language in her post was a bit blue for our digital pages. But here's what Blum was responding too, bowdlerized:

And I actually think the morality re: civilian kids here should be apparent to everybody. (And anyone who tells me Palestinians are using children as human shields: (f$%@ off. That is racist by itself and has been used to justify all manner of atrocities)

And Blum's response:

This coping mechanism thing where you don't want to deal with a harsh truth so you call it racist in a desperate attempt to prevent people from saying it isn't going to work here.

Spiers would have been better leaving well enough alone, but you know that was never going to happen. She instead jumped in to accuse Blum of being a racist (?!?):



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“Over the past 24 hours, thousands of TikToks (at least) have been posted where people share how they just read Bin Laden’s infamous ‘Letter to America,’ in which he explained why he attacked the United States,” journalist Yashar Ali posted to X. “Many of them say that reading the letter has opened their eyes, and they’ll never see geopolitical matters the same way again. … [and many] say it has made them reevaluate their perspective on how what is often labeled as terrorism can be a legitimate form of resistance to a hostile power.”

In one viral video, a woman said the letter is “wild” and “everyone should read it,” adding that reading it has “left her disillusioned.”

Another woman said reading the letter left her reeling in an “existential crisis,” and encouraged viewers to also read it. “In the last 20 minutes, my entire viewpoint on the entire life I have believed and I have lived has changed. Please read that entire letter.”

“I need you to stop what you’re doing and go read a ‘Letter to America,'” a male said on video. “It is literally the craziest thing I have read in a while and while I can’t say that I’m not surprised, I’m pretty shocked.” He then proceeded to read the following X post, which he said was reminiscent of the letter: “Under settler colonialism, any kind of resistance is branded as [terrorism] because the only acceptable violence is violence by the occupier.”

Bin Laden Tik Toks
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Bin Laden Tik Toks

The Kids Are Not Alright

At first, I assumed this was a fringe thing, but as of late yesterday, the “Letter to America” videos had wracked up over 10 million views, with most people apparently agreeing that Osama had a point. America IS the bad guy because we are a settler colonialist nation and therefore any kind of resistance is justified.


It’s not exactly a secret that the Left runs our cultural and educational institutions and that as a practical matter, this meant that Democrats benefited from the “energy” they were able to generate in the young and impressionable. And so much of the social justice message has a plausibly empathetic feel–who doesn’t want the legacy of slavery to be banished, or inequality to be reduced? It sounds so nice if you don’t actually listen too hard.

“Justice” has a nice ring to it, until you realize it means killing people by the bushel.

Who could have believed that the Left actually meant what they said: “By any means necessary?” I did, actually. Most conservatives did. Liberals, though, thought it was charming or inspiring.

But of course, they actually mean “By any means necessary.”

It didn’t take a genius to see that, and I suspect that most Democrats who empowered these people worried a bit that the Left was getting a bit too radical.

They created propaganda factories in our educational system, a massive propaganda system in our media and in Hollywood, and of course, have bullied Big Tech into pushing a Left-wing agenda.

They invented and spread the “settler colonialism” message, and embraced critical theory. They told everybody to read Kendi and DiAngelo and even Franz Fanon.

And the kids, it turned out, listened. They buy the intersectional DEI “settler colonialism” CRT bulls**t the Democrats and radical Left have been selling, and now they believe that flying airplanes into skyscrapers is actually a pretty good idea. Americans deserve it.

Thanks, Democrats. You own this.

People who toy with and empower revolutionaries have a significant blind spot: they seem to think that revolutionaries are like guided missiles they can aim at their opponents and they themselves will escape the blast zone. It doesn’t work that way, I am afraid.

The riot at the DNC–which of course got little coverage in the MSM, including the Washington Post–trapped lawmakers both in the DNC building and actually caused a lockdown at all the Capitol buildings next to which the DNC is located. Lawmakers who claimed to have been terrified by January 6th felt, this time, actually frightened by the crowds as their rage was directed at them. The Capitol Police were genuinely shocked by the level of violence.

It turns out that these radicals hate Democrats as much as Republicans when the Party disagrees with them. They are actual ideological zealots and hate anybody who doesn’t bow down to their monstrous moral demands.

Schools have been pushing this oppressor/oppressed dichotomy so hard and for so long that unlike most things taught in schools, it took. Kids actually believe that this is the proper way to understand the world.

So proper, in fact, that Hamas and Osama bin Laden were right when they murdered thousands and raping “settler colonialists” is a moral form of #resistance to oppression.



PREMO Member

“Right now our officers are working to keep back approximately 150 people who are illegally and violently protesting in the area of Canal Street and Ivy Street, SE,” Capitol Police posted on X during the attack. “Officers are making arrests. All Members have been evacuated from the area. Please stay away from the area.”

  • Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) posted on Instagram that the protesters were “socialists”: “Violent socialists Hamas supporters trying to storm the offices of the Democratic Party tonight in D.C”
  • Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) posted on X: “The nation’s capital is under siege. Last week, it was the White House. This week, it’s the DNC. These left-wing lunatics have to be held accountable.”
  • Rep. Eli Crane (R-AZ) slammed law enforcement for waging a double system of justice: “The @FBI has arrested hundreds of people for entering the Capitol on January 6th. Given tonight’s chaos (we’ll see if they get the same treatment), it’s worth reminding everyone that they still have no idea who planted pipe bombs at the DNC & RNC that same day.”
  • Jason Miller, a senior adviser to former President Donald Trump, said the mob attack is a precursor to the Democrat convention: “DNC 2024 Convention is going to be lit.”
  • Richard Grenell echoed Miller’s remark: “This looks like the Obama DNC Convention in 2012 – when half the Democrat delegates were loudly anti-Israel.”
  • Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL) said the whole Capitol Building was shut down because of the unrest: “I am on Capitol Hill right now and it’s on lockdown. No getting in or out of our offices. We have officers that were pepper sprayed by pro-Hamas protestors with a lot of people attempting to break into the Democratic HQ. Anyone else notice how violent the so-called ‘ceasefire’ crowd is?”
  • Sebastian Gorka mocked the protesters on X: “Democrat HQ in D.C. stormed by pro-Hamas lunatics. Just don’t call it an ‘insurrection,’ OK?”
Via Axios:

One House Democrat who was present at the DNC told Axios it “scared me more than January 6,” recounting that they were about to leave and return to the Capitol when police told them not to exit.
“Someone sent out word for people to come [back] and police said it’s not safe,” the lawmaker said. “Police were wearing gas masks … this was not peaceful.”

Some defended the mob attack.

“The goal was just to block the door [to the DNC building] in non-violent civil disobedience,” IfNotNow national spokesperson Eva Borgwardt told Axios, claiming the violence was “one-sided”–by police. “The most brutal police response I have ever seen,” she said.

Capitol Police posted on X during the attack, warning people to stay away.

“Right now our officers are working to keep back approximately 150 people who are illegally and violently protesting in the area of Canal Street and Ivy Street, SE,” Capitol Police said. “Officers are making arrests. All Members have been evacuated from the area. Please stay away from the area.”

Fuk'em Democrats are getting what they deserve for pushing this narrative for years ... America is evil for the ' settler / colonialism ' history ...

Completely fuc king clueless about history

Islam is one of the greatest colonizing movements in history


PREMO Member

‘Scared Me More Than January 6’: Dem Rep Recalls ‘Violent’ Palestine Protest at DNC HQ

Democratic National Committee (DNC) members are reeling from the “violent” pro-Palestine protest that took place at their headquarters Wednesday, with one congressional representative saying it scared them “more than January 6.”

Republicans loudly condemned the mob that descended upon the DNC’s Washington, DC, headquarters and clashed with law enforcement in an effort to push for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war.

Footage from the incident shows the protestors getting physical with police in front of the building.


PREMO Member

The Kids Are Not Alright

At first, I assumed this was a fringe thing, but as of late yesterday, the “Letter to America” videos had wracked up over 10 million views, with most people apparently agreeing that Osama had a point. America IS the bad guy because we are a settler colonialist nation and therefore any kind of resistance is justified.
