Leftist Response to Hamas Attacks


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The Kids Are Not Alright

At first, I assumed this was a fringe thing, but as of late yesterday, the “Letter to America” videos had wracked up over 10 million views, with most people apparently agreeing that Osama had a point. America IS the bad guy because we are a settler colonialist nation and therefore any kind of resistance is justified.

Woman banned from TikTok for sharing Osama bin Laden letter says she wasn't promoting violence

One of the TikTok influencers who went viral for posting Osama bin Laden's "Letter to America" has spoken about the controversy and said people should have the right to access the information and form their own opinions.

Lynette Adkins, an online personality and pro-Palestinian activist, has responded to a request for comment by Fox News. Her statement is written in its entirety below.

"I read the letter after some other creators shared it and was surprised because I never knew it existed. I posted it to my page so others could read it as well," Adkins said.

"I did not share the letter to promote any form of hate or violence against anyone, nor do I agree with the extremism in it. I was just shocked by what I had read & wanted to have a conversation about it with my followers. I was 3 in 2001 and was always taught 9/11 happened because other people were jealous of our democracy in the U.S. Now that I'm older and am able to learn about history beyond the narrative of mainstream media, I'm realizing that there is more to the story. I think we all deserve a right to access the information being presented to us & form our own conclusions without subscribing to extreme or radical ideologies."


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CNN alters controversial homicide arrest headline after saying Jewish protester 'fell and hit his head'

Loay Abdelfattah Alnaji was charged with involuntary manslaughter related to the death of Paul Kessler

CNN changed a headline on Thursday following outrage over their report about an arrest being made for the death of a Jewish man at a protest in Los Angeles earlier this month.

The Ventura County Sheriff's Department announced that Loay Abdelfattah Alnaji, 50, had been taken into custody and charged with involuntary manslaughter related to the death of Paul Kessler on Nov. 5. Investigators with the department allege that Alnaji caused Kessler, a 69-year-old pro-Israel protester, to knock his head onto the concrete when he fell, which resulted in brain hemorrhaging that led to his death hours later in the hospital. Some witnesses have told Fox News Digital that the pro-Palestinian protester struck Kessler with his megaphone.

According to the Wayback Machine, CNN’s original headline read, "Arrest made in death of Jewish protester who fell and hit his head." However, hours later, it changed.

"Arrest made in death of Jewish protester in California after confrontation over Israel-Hamas war," the new headline reads.

CNN headlines on arrest story

CNN changed its headlines on Loay Abdelfattah Alnaji's arrest for Paul Kessler's death on Thursday. (CNN)

The update followed intense online backlash from people accusing the news organization of bias.

"If all he did was fall and hit his head, why is anyone being arrested? Is the state of critical thinking today such that no one is expected to analyze nonsense headlines like this?" BitChute senior policy officer Amy Peikoff asked.


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WOKE College Students RAGE Over ASU REFUSING TO ALLOW Rashida Tlaib To Speak On Campus!​



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California Dem Leader Vows Punishment For Any Delegate Who Aided Disruptive Anti-Israel Protesters

Rusty Hicks, a former union leader who is now chairman of the California Democratic Party (CDP), said an investigation is underway into the disruption that led officials to nix some events the night before for security reasons, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

POLITICO reported that Hicks told members, “Any delegates who actively participated in or aided the furtherance of those activities or events in violation of our party’s code of conduct will be held accountable.”

Hundreds of demonstrators pressed their way into the SAFE Credit Union Convention Center and disrupted events as they called for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, where Israeli forces are fighting Hamas after terrorist attacks in Israel last month.

Hicks said he was “deeply saddened and disappointed” by the chaos, noting two security guards sustained injuries and acknowledging Jewish attendees “were openly intimidated and harassed,” per POLITICO.

He emphasized, “Every delegate, volunteer, staff person and attendee has the right to be safe and to feel safe in the peaceful expression of their own voice and viewpoint.”


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Rep. Gallagher Rips ‘Massive Idiots’ Backing Bin Laden on TikTok, Calls to Ban Chinese-Owned App

According to Gallagher, the phenomenon is “further evidence that we have to ban TikTok or force a sale before the Chinese Communist Party checkmates the free world by controlling the dominant media platform in America and spreading this dangerous, disgusting nonsense.”

The comments come as bin Laden’s “Letter to America” went viral on TikTok this past week among a new generation of those mostly born after September 11, 2001, or too young to recall the deadliest terrorist attacks on American soil in U.S. history.

Amid the public debate on the Israel-Hamas war, young people are defending bin Laden for his opposition to America and its support for Israel.

Videos on the topic have already garnered millions of views.

“I’m not about to sit here [and] act like [bin Laden]’s just the worst person in the world when America has literally been terrorizing people since the beginning of history,” one TikTok user said in a video.



Beloved Misanthrope
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Beloved Misanthrope
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School board member resigns amid firestorm over calling Israeli military a 'terrorist organization'

Dr. Jamina Clay, elected to the Colonial School Board in 2021, resigned Thursday

A Pennsylvania school board member has resigned after she referred to Israel's military as a "terrorist organization" and faced backlash from those within the community.

Dr. Jamina Clay, who was elected in 2021 to the Colonial Board of School Directors, announced her resignation in a post to Facebook – the same social media platform she used to make controversial remarks about the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

And when they're not hate'n on the Jews, they're pushing little Asian women in front of subway trains.


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Muslim Reformer Blasts Susan Sarandon For Saying Frightened Jews Are ‘Getting A Taste’ Of What Muslims Feel

“That’s what it means to be Muslim in America,” she continued. “You get your full rights, like [Dr. Zuhdi Jasser] has wished for his family in the Muslim nation of Syria, where a Muslim dictator destroys the lives of Muslims.”

“My mom? Being Muslim in America meant she got to live FREE with the wind in her hair, like [Alinejad Masih] fights for women in the Muslim nation of Iran to be able to enjoy. And what did living free mean for my mom as a Muslim in America? It meant in 1981 she got to start a business on High Street in downtown Morgantown, called Ain’s International. That is something that [Ensaf Haidar] wished women could have had the right to do in the Muslim nation of Saudi Arabia.”

“But guess what? That entrepreneurship and financial independence is denied Muslim women in so many Muslim countries,” she pointed out. “That summer my mom started her business, I got on a plane at Pittsburgh airport for Tahlequah, Oklahama, and I went away from home at 16 for a National Science Foundation camp — without a male chaperone, a right denied Muslim women and girls in Saudi for so long.”

“In another ‘taste’ of being Muslim in America? My family got a pathway to citizenship. You think the Muslim dictatorship of Qatar allows a pathway to citizenship for Muslim slaves, servants or Palestinian Muslims? Hell no. The Muslim Al-Thani family just buys citizenship for Muslim soccer stars from countries in Africa to steal World Cup wins. But otherwise it treats non-Qatari Muslims like slaves.”

“America? My family waited, took the test, studied the constitution and we are citizens — hallelujah!” she celebrated. “I’m going to fast forward because this is just a ‘taste’ of what it means to be Muslim in America. In 2002, I fled Pakistan with a souvenir that could have gotten me imprisoned or killed: a baby growing inside of me, a wedding ring not upon my hand. Sharia law makes sex out of marriage a crime in Muslim countries like Pakistan. My body? The mullah’s tyranny. And even dare to be atheist like [Yasmine Mohammed]? It’s also a crime punishable by death — in Muslim countries but not in America!”

“Where do you think I came to give birth to my baby in safety and security, without shame? West by God Virginia in the United States of America — where we enjoy equal rights as Muslim AmeriCANs, not AmeriCANTs. This is a ‘taste’ of life for a Muslim family in America.”

She concluded, “Please don’t minimize the experience of Jewish Americans by sanitizing the hell that it is for Muslims living in Muslim countries and vilifying America for the life — and freedoms — she offers Muslims like my family. Go, live like a Muslim woman in a Muslim country. You will come back to America and kiss the land beneath your feet.”


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Susan Sarandon Kicked to the Curb by Top Hollywood Agency After Disgusting Anti-Jewish Comments

Well, look at that.

Far-left Oscar-winning actress Susan Sarandon has been dropped by United Talent Agency (UTA) in the wake of her predictable outrageous antisemitic comments about how "a lot of people [are] afraid of being Jewish at this time, and are getting a taste of what it feels like to be a Muslim in this country."

The lack of moral equivalence in Sarandon's comparison was ignorantly profound, but let's move on.

First, as we reported earlier on Tuesday, conservative Indian American author Asra Nomani, born in India to Muslim parents, masterfully destroyed Sarandon's silly yet hurtful premise in classy style with a "Let me give you a taste” of what it 'feels like' to be a Muslim in America" post to X.

Hi there @SusanSarandon, this is my mom, my dad, and me on the rail trail in Morgantown, West by God Virginia. Let me tell you what it means to be Muslim in America.

Click on "Show more" — it's an awesome read.



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The federal government and states have the power to go after rampant antisemitism

By Molly Slag

What to do with the Jew-haters who walk among us? They fall into two broad categories: non-citizens and citizens, and the answer depends on the category into which they fall.

For the non-citizen category, Newt Gingrich writes, “Americans overwhelmingly believe that activities designed to intimidate or frighten Jewish Americans can be punished legally (66 percent to 17 percent)” and “By 66 percent to 22 percent, Americans would deport non-citizens who publicly support the killing of Jews or support Hamas or other terrorist organizations.” Newt calls upon Congress to enact legislation that mandates deportation.

As for the citizen category, when it comes to our mostly home-grown loudmouth punks calling for violence against Jews, let them be prosecuted! Many states have statutes criminalizing threats of bodily injury and threats intending to place others in fear of bodily injury. These crimes may be called “menacing,” “intimidation,” “harassment,” or some variation of this concept.


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Susan Sarandon Kicked to the Curb by Top Hollywood Agency After Disgusting Anti-Jewish Comments

Well, look at that.

Far-left Oscar-winning actress Susan Sarandon has been dropped by United Talent Agency (UTA) in the wake of her predictable outrageous antisemitic comments about how "a lot of people [are] afraid of being Jewish at this time, and are getting a taste of what it feels like to be a Muslim in this country."

Anti-Racists Dropped by CAA Over Anti-Semitic Comments

In case you’re not familiar with Rao and Jackson, they are the duo who started Race2Dinner, a private dinner party for white women who wanted to be called racist by two genuine BIPOCs for $5,000. I wrote about them back in 2021 and here’s how their grift was described at the time.

Jackson and Rao ask guests to describe racist things they’ve recently done and press them on any evasions. Often the examples that emerge involve silence: failing to speak up or intervene. Sometimes they consist of thoughts or feelings: assuming that the Black teens pulled over in a white neighborhood must have been doing something wrong. Sometimes the guests struggle to think of what to say. “Not knowing is classic white behavior,” Rao told me. “You don’t know, because it would ruin your entire image of being the perfect, nice white lady. I’m sure you’re intimately familiar with this, being a white woman.”
Race2Dinner participants sign up for something that promises to be painful, unsightly, and yet transformative, like a chemical peel for the soul. “Interested in hosting a dinner?” asks the Race2Dinner website in red text superimposed on a shattered china plate. “Click here to smash your white fragility.” Guests used to be asked to read White Fragility, but no more. For one thing, Rao said, “we definitely don’t want to put another dollar in Robin DiAngelo’s pocket.” For another, among prospective customers, pretty much everyone has already read it.

The pair have gone from low-rent Robin DiAngelo imitators to having a book deal and a documentary of their own. They were in the process of turning the idea into an off-Broadway play when they got dropped:

Ally Shuster, who works for CAA, was the pair’s dramatic agent. Rao says they’ve been working with a theater producer to transform the concept of Race2Dinner into a scripted, off-Broadway production, but they didn’t hear from Shuster when they expected to last week — a sign that something was up.
“A couple of days ago, I get a call from our literary agent, who was like, ‘[Shuster] no longer is going to represent you both,’” Rao recalls. “She is offended by your posts.”

For its part, CAA claimed the decision was mutual and said the agency didn’t have a problem with Rao’s pro-Palestinian posts, it had a problem with her anti-Semitic posts.

Speaking through a spokesperson, the agency says many people it works with support Palestine, but Rao’s words went too far. The CAA cites four specific posts that it says crossed the line into “anti-Semitism and hate speech.”
“Zionists are starting to panic that more and more of the world sees them for the bloodthirsty genocidal ghouls that they are,” Rao wrote on Threads in one instance. Another example the CAA cites: “Can you imagine being so obsessed with land and power and money that you murder newborns to obtain this STUFF,” which Rao posted on X.
“Whiteness is a death cult and am so grateful to not be a part of it,” she added.

Now they’ve been dropped and naturally Rao sees that as “ethnic cleansing” (see her tweet above). So the company that helped her make money and spread her message is suddenly racist? I guess when you’re a one trick pony, all we can really expect is the same one trick. Rao seems incapable of performing the kind of self-reflection she demands of others. The idea that maybe she sounds like a racist just does not compute with her.



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'Shut It Down': Pro-Hamas Agitators Are Planning a Day of Chaos for Black Friday Shoppers

Black Friday shoppers, you've been warned. A group of well-funded, pro-Hamas, leftist organizations are collaborating to make Friday a day of disruption and chaos for shoppers. All in the name of antisemitism.

According to the group's website, the organizations plan to descend on shopping destinations to further what they see as their "global movement" to "free Palestine":

We must keep building momentum and increase the pressure with more marches, walk-outs, sit-ins, and other forms of direct action directed at the political offices, businesses, and workplaces that fund, invest, and collaborate with Israeli genocide and occupation.
NOW is the time for our mobilizations to grow in size, frequency, and focus; building a political climate that makes Israel’s business of genocide unsustainable.

In all likelihood, they'll succeed only in ticking off a stressed, harried group of shoppers who won't hesitate to give a good throat punch to anyone who gets in between them and a smoking hot deal. Few of these shoppers will have the time or patience to entertain the "from the river to sea" crowd when stock on that heavily discounted, 72-inch TV is running low.

Here's who is behind the plans to "shut it down":