Legalizing Medical Marijuana

Should medical marijuana be legalized?

  • yes

    Votes: 82 85.4%
  • no

    Votes: 14 14.6%

  • Total voters


Dream Stealer
Why is it needed at all for medical purposes?

I have a friend who is a doctor, and he said he's against it mainly because he thinks it's just an excuse to toke up, because there's tons of painkillers that actually work better.

Painkillers are addictive..marijuana is not. Not to mention its positive impact on glaucoma and chemo induced anorexia.


Dream Stealer
Sorry, but marijuana is addictive.

Marijuana can be psychologically addicting..but then again so can any substance you believe you come to rely on. Rarely there will be evidence of withdrawel symptoms in people that are chronic heavy users that consume extreme amounts...But is very rare.
Caffiene and alcohol have higher addiction ratings than marijuana does. your body produces a very similar compound and marijuana fits into the same receptors
The label of addictive is simply a scare one advocates making caffiene illegal.


Soul Probe
and your point is?

I believe the point is that marijuana although possibly psychologically addictive like other everyday things is not enough to negate it's use in medicinal form, as it's not physiologically addictive as are other prescription meds.

If one were to use the psychological possibities of addiction as a factor then no medication or even vitamins/herbal supplements would be used for health purposes. :shrug:


1. It could be regulated just like alcohol or any prescription drug. And taxed as well too.

2. Just because you can test 'positive' doesn't mean a person is still feeling the 'effects' of marijuana.

You're not feeling high 2 days later but you test positive for it, again EVEN THOUGH YOU'RE NOT HIGH.....

The reason I say you can't regulate it is because you can't test for it accurately. Lets say I get together with my High School buddies and for old times sake we smoke up :cool:
A week later I'm at work and I have an accident, it's the kind of job where if you make a mistake you have to be drug tested, I test positive for marijuana BUT I'M NOT HIGH.....

That is why you can't regulate marijuana....


Dream Stealer
1. It could be regulated just like alcohol or any prescription drug. And taxed as well too.

2. Just because you can test 'positive' doesn't mean a person is still feeling the 'effects' of marijuana.

You're not feeling high 2 days later but you test positive for it, again EVEN THOUGH YOU'RE NOT HIGH.....

The reason I say you can't regulate it is because you can't test for it accurately. Lets say I get together with my High School buddies and for old times sake we smoke up :cool:
A week later I'm at work and I have an accident, it's the kind of job where if you make a mistake you have to be drug tested, I test positive for marijuana BUT I'M NOT HIGH.....

That is why you can't regulate marijuana....

This is very true..and probably the one good argument against legalization..but I think that with some coming technology..and good field testing..we could overcome this issue...


This is very true..and probably the one good argument against legalization..but I think that with some coming technology..and good field testing..we could overcome this issue...

I think the only way to get over that is if a strain is developed in a lab.... think "Pot Light" where it's out of your system as quickly as alcohol metabolizes. I don't know that specifics of that, if it could even be done.


Dream Stealer
I think the only way to get over that is if a strain is developed in a lab.... think "Pot Light" where it's out of your system as quickly as alcohol metabolizes. I don't know that specifics of that, if it could even be done.

I know many legalization groups are funding research on this sort of thing..not only for legalization purposes but also for law enforcement...When researching for a paper in school I did read where they were working on making the test more sensitive so that they could determine how long ago the marijuana was least a tighter range than they can now..also discussed is a way to take a fat tissue sample (as pot is stored in the fat) to determine a time frame..Until then there are fairly reliable field tests..I'm sure with time it could be worked out. Though you think that if taco bell delivered there would be a lot less pot heads on the roads..:killingme I joke.


I know many legalization groups are funding research on this sort of thing..not only for legalization purposes but also for law enforcement...When researching for a paper in school I did read where they were working on making the test more sensitive so that they could determine how long ago the marijuana was least a tighter range than they can now..also discussed is a way to take a fat tissue sample (as pot is stored in the fat) to determine a time frame..Until then there are fairly reliable field tests..I'm sure with time it could be worked out. Though you think that if taco bell delivered there would be a lot less pot heads on the roads..:killingme I joke.



My 401K is now a 201K
1. It could be regulated just like alcohol or any prescription drug. And taxed as well too.

2. Just because you can test 'positive' doesn't mean a person is still feeling the 'effects' of marijuana.

You're not feeling high 2 days later but you test positive for it, again EVEN THOUGH YOU'RE NOT HIGH.....

The reason I say you can't regulate it is because you can't test for it accurately. Lets say I get together with my High School buddies and for old times sake we smoke up :cool:
A week later I'm at work and I have an accident, it's the kind of job where if you make a mistake you have to be drug tested, I test positive for marijuana BUT I'M NOT HIGH.....

That is why you can't regulate marijuana....

I thought you were referring to 'regulation' as in 'selling' it for legal purposes, not for criminal or negligence reasons.

An individual can regulate what they do or don't do. Would you drink before going to work? Would you get stoned before going to work?

Of course not... (well most people wouldn't)

The only reason you are drug tested is because of an accident & they are looking to see if 'any' drug was the cause. Whether it's legal or illegal.

Let's be real - Casual use of pot would not have 'caused' an accident a week later. Alcohol use the night before however, may have.

This is why I'm against 'drug testing' when there is no reasonable cause - if you reek of alcohol, or you're acting 'incapacitated, or you're off in your own little world scratching imaginary bugs on your body - that's reasonable cause.

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New Member
Lets say I get together with my High School buddies and for old times sake we smoke up :cool:
A week later I'm at work and I have an accident, it's the kind of job where if you make a mistake you have to be drug tested, I test positive for marijuana BUT I'M NOT HIGH.....

That is why you can't regulate marijuana....

If it is legalized, that does not mean you have to smoke it... If you have a worry due to your job, don't smoke it. Easy peasy! :shrug:

If you want to smoke it, get a job where it's accepted.


It's a Jeep thang!
I think we should make tobacco illegal

If you're over 21, you should be allowed to fry your brain with any substance you choose, not wear a seat belt or a helmet, stick your fingers under a running mower and stand on the top step of a ladder.

You should also be held liable for the consequences

I wish it were that easy. Today, I cannot light a cigarette up in most places because the police state we live in dictates on where I can smoke and the taxes help pay for illegal alien healthcare.

Any legalizing marijuana will be different how?


Football addict
Turbok9 said:
If it is legalized, that does not mean you have to smoke it... If you have a worry due to your job, don't smoke it. Easy peasy! :shrug:

If you want to smoke it, get a job where it's accepted.
So, what about when someone slams into my car at high speeds high off their ass? Do I just...accept that?
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