Legalizing Medical Marijuana

Should medical marijuana be legalized?

  • yes

    Votes: 82 85.4%
  • no

    Votes: 14 14.6%

  • Total voters
Feds to Issue New Medical Marijuana Policy

Federal drug agents won't pursue pot-smoking patients or their sanctioned suppliers in states that allow medical marijuana, under new legal guidelines to be issued Monday by the Obama administration.

Two Justice Department officials described the new policy to The Associated Press, saying prosecutors will be told it is not a good use of their time to arrest people who use or provide medical marijuana in strict compliance with state law.

The guidelines to be issued by the department do, however, make it clear that agents will go after people whose marijuana distribution goes beyond what is permitted under state law or use medical marijuana as a cover for other crimes, the officials said.

The new policy is a significant departure from the Bush administration, which insisted it would continue to enforce federal anti-pot laws regardless of state codes.


New Member
it absolutely should be, Salvia is legal and marijuana is not? the trip that salvia produces is FAR more intense then the high feeling from marijuana, and its not even a medical drug. Alcohol is legal, and marijuana is not? well you know where im going with that one. in the end it comes down to one thing, money, money, money. until our lovely government can find some way to fatten their wallets off of it, MJ will remain illegal. as far as what i think, marijuana is by far the safest "psychoactive drug" (though its a plant, not a drug) there is, it should be legalized, taxed and have restrictions similar to that of alcohol (i would not recommend driving super blazed, but thats just me) do it to it guys.


Dream Stealer
it absolutely should be, Salvia is legal and marijuana is not? the trip that salvia produces is FAR more intense then the high feeling from marijuana, and its not even a medical drug. Alcohol is legal, and marijuana is not? well you know where im going with that one. in the end it comes down to one thing, money, money, money. until our lovely government can find some way to fatten their wallets off of it, MJ will remain illegal. as far as what i think, marijuana is by far the safest "psychoactive drug" (though its a plant, not a drug) there is, it should be legalized, taxed and have restrictions similar to that of alcohol (i would not recommend driving super blazed, but thats just me) do it to it guys.

Many states are taking steps to control the use of salvia for recreational purposes.


New Member
Define medical.

Something you see a doctor for. Maryland law states that if you can PROVE in court that you have a medical condition that MJ helps the max fine they can give you is $100. So technically I would call it legal now. I also know people who have been stopped and had MJ on them and the cop gave them a ticket for it and sent them on their way.

I think in the next 3-5 years it will be legalized and taxed. I see industrial hemp being legalized before that. From what I have read hemp could be a great replacement crop for our local tobacco farmers who's buyout is expiring very soon.
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New Member
But what of the large contingent with out medical insurance, or just do'n;t go tho the doctor out of shame or whatever. I think a lot of pot use is self medicating. As well as other addictive substances.


New Member
That's a good point, people like me.

Maybe have some type of program where they can go to the doctor and get a doctors note. Not a prescription because that generally means they treated you for something. The fed pays the doctor with either the tax revenue or the money saved by the elimination of the war on drugs. I would think the cost would be pretty low for this. Another option might be a clinic, they are usually lower cost.

Then say you MUST have a note or a prescription for those with insurance.

From what I can tell only about 20% of the population don't have insurance. How many of those would use if it was illegal? I doubt it would be a major issue.

I might come up with a better response but that will do for now.
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New Member
Some insurance won,t cover psych anyway. Latest research points to brain chemical imbalance/genetic but for whatever cause; if a chemical/medicine helps for a better life experience vs harm ? Natural medicine is historic and I feel the use of cannabis falls there in that history.


New Member
My thoughts are that it should be treated more like alcohol than prescription medication. That solves the whole discussion. With medical use you run into the whole policing thing. If it's treated like alcohol, we already have somewhat functioning infrastructure to address it.


New Member
For legal Marijuana...

I'm for Legal Marijuana. I see no reason why we wouldn't allow humans access to one more medicine to manage pain, nausea, weight, etc.

In SMC we have plenty of people waiting in CVS for opiates to control their pain. I don't hear of anyone crying out against this. The people went through the loopholes of seeing a doctor, getting a prescription, and whatever process the pharmacy requires before getting the opiate.

If people have to go through the same process to get medicinal marijuana why should we view it differently? Look at the crap that Rush Limbaugh was taking. It was a highly addictive painkiller. (he went so far as obtaining it illegally, it was that addictive)

Cigarettes are legal and they lead to sickness and death, alcohol is legal and it leads to sickness and death. Neither are intended to treat illness or contribute to pain management yet our society tolerates their use. For some reason some stuck up jerks are ok with this yet demonize medicinal pot. Why?

If marijuana was the only thing that relieved a loved ones pain I highly doubt those on the supposed "moral high ground" against legal medicinal pot would want the loved one to suffer just so they could keep that high ground.



The carnage caused by drunken idiot drivers is mind bending. You have people up in Congress drunk. (they must be) cause they do not admit to using pot. The whiskey and beer brewers have very deep pockets. I am a recovering alcoholic and that drug cost me a whole helluva lot more than all the pot I smoked in my life. I used to light up almost everyday and still would if i did not have to be tested. I get a random test and I go to work everyday and pay my taxes, Now welfare mommas, they dont have to be tested to get taxpayers money. Then there is the thing about how pot is going to eventually turn you to harder drugs, Bullshiat. Do people who only drink beer, move on to whiskey!? I do not know any perverted pot heads, but I bet you all the sex offenders on the state registry are drunks or hard drinkers. Oh legalization is coming then the country will be better off. Cause then you will have a joint lunch instead of Martini lunches. Once all the good old boys are gone from Washington that is. Light one up for me people! Oh by the way, I started smoking reefer when i was in the U.S. Army:coffee: