Legalizing Medical Marijuana

Should medical marijuana be legalized?

  • yes

    Votes: 82 85.4%
  • no

    Votes: 14 14.6%

  • Total voters


New Member
So, what about when someone slams into my car at high speeds high off their ass? Do I just...accept that?

Yup. Same way you would if they were drunk. There ARE ways to tell if a person is stoned that are admissable in court, and they are prosecuted just like a drunk, so that argument there is moot.

I'm not a stoner, heck I rarely even drink, but I have no problem with the legalization of MJ. I say, tax the crap out of it, and leave my paycheck alone.


Dream Stealer
So, what about when someone slams into my car at high speeds high off their ass? Do I just...accept that?

I do know what you are saying..but I do have to add that people high on marijuana are mopre likely to be going below the speed limit :)

But there are fairly accurate field tests..pupil sizes..etc to determine what people are high on..if everything else has been ruled out..and blood tests indicate marijuana is in the system..I think that would be a logical way to charge someone with being DUI


Football addict
Yup. Same way you would if they were drunk. There ARE ways to tell if a person is stoned that are admissable in court, and they are prosecuted just like a drunk, so that argument there is moot.

I'm not a stoner, heck I rarely even drink, but I have no problem with the legalization of MJ. I say, tax the crap out of it, and leave my paycheck alone.
One wrong doesn't make another right. Just because drunk driving is an issue doesn't mean some stoner has the right to do the same on a continual basis.


Football addict
No one is advocating that it be legal to drive stoned. It is illegal just as driving under the influence of any drug is.
Don't get me wrong, I'd be up for medicinal usage just not full-fledged legalization. The discussion started to trend towards full-fledged legalization. I think we're a long way away from that if it ever happens whatsoever.


Dream Stealer
Don't get me wrong, I'd be up for medicinal usage just not full-fledged legalization. The discussion started to trend towards full-fledged legalization. I think we're a long way away from that if it ever happens whatsoever.

Though I think legalization is a neat with ya on medicinal usage...I think it may be helpful..and why keep that from someone who may benefit?


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
Why is it needed at all for medical purposes?

I have a friend who is a doctor, and he said he's against it mainly because he thinks it's just an excuse to toke up, because there's tons of painkillers that actually work better.

Prescription pain killers also have much more damaging long-term effects, and are much more addictive.

BTW, people toke up on pain pills all the time.

Not only should it be legal for medical purposes, it should be legal altogether.
Not only should it be legal for medical purposes, it should be legal altogether.

Of course it should. It's surreal to me, that the question of whether or not it should be legal is a point of any real debate. What kind of arrogance is required to make one think that they should have the right to decide what another adult can put in their body? I remain perplexed at the notion that so many people can be ferociously fervent in defense of certain kinds of liberty, while also being amazingly apathetic about other kinds of liberty - even wanting those other kinds of liberty, that are just as fundamental, just as inalienable, and just as meritorious, to be squashed. How can such a condition exist in any environment where intellectual honesty pervades?

I've never smoked pot in my life. In fact, I've intentionally removed myself from environments where it was being smoked. I've never had a use for it, and don't particularly care to alter my interface with reality (and when I want to alter my mood, I don't need a substance to helf me do so). I've never used any kind of illicit drug. I don't really even drink - you could probably fit all of the alcohol that I've consumed in my entire life in two one-gallon jugs. Frankly, I've never fully understood what useful purpose alcohol serves, and I can easily recognize a lot of problems that are associated with its use. That said, who the hell am I to tell someone they can't drink? That's their business, except to the extent that it affects their relationship with me - in which case it is a relationship issue between myself and them. If someone else behaves in a way that affects me (because they chose to drink), then their behavior might become my business - but only then and only that.

So many of the choices that people make are stupid, or un-productive, or self-destructive, or misguided, or wasteful, or whatever - but they aren't illegal. I'm just not arrogant enough to believe that most of the things that other people do are my business.


My 401K is now a 201K
So, what about when someone slams into my car at high speeds high off their ass? Do I just...accept that?

If anyone slams into your ass 'high' they deserve to be prosecuted regardless of the drug.

My grandmoher (God Bless her soul) was 'stoned' on Valium once & caused all kinds of damage...she was convicted of a DUI.

My brother (who lives in San Francisco, as she did at the time) moved there because 'medical marijuana' is legal. He has serious pain due to a bad accident he had where he broke bones in his spine - to make a long story short - he offered her some medicinal marijuana after she was starting to get whacked out on Valium. She tried it & it worked. She's not a tobacco smoker, but would once a day, sometimes two, take a few tokes for pain. She was a different woman vs. the Valium.

It helped her pain (she was 87 yrs. old at the time & passed away at age 99)

It helped her pain & she never got into another incident where 'a drug' made her incapicitated. She drove without incident until she was 90.

#1 When is the last time someone was convicted of smoking marijuana & slammed into someone's azz? Not worth arguing. :coffee:

#2 What can I do about the cracked out freaks harrassing me in the Shopper's parking lot?


Football addict
#1 When is the last time someone was convicted of smoking marijuana & slammed into someone's azz? Not worth arguing. :coffee:
Not sure about the regularity of it but I'm glad someone finally brought this up. Actually, I was hit in this particular instance and was lucky. Totaled my SUV, had glass shatter in my face, helli in the air. Turns out the guy was high off his ass riding on a motorcycle no less.

I see no reason to see the problem escalated even if it's minimal at it's current point.


If anyone slams into your ass 'high' they deserve to be prosecuted regardless of the drug.

My grandmoher (God Bless her soul) was 'stoned' on Valium once & caused all kinds of damage...she was convicted of a DUI.

OMG, MY MOM!!! I'm worried now:frown:
She isn't on Valium but on pain Rx, good thing she only drives a few blocks where she lives. I have been bugging her to sell the house and move in with me.


The Constitution does not authorize the Federal government to regulate any of our lifestyles, whether it be booze, drugs, or whatever. It should be a states issue and a states issue alone. And honestly, what a person does to, or puts in their bodies should be no ones business but their own, as long as what they do doesn't infringe on other persons liberties.


Well-Known Member
no one advocates making caffiene illegal.

Islamofascists? Mormons?

I voted "no", since our constitutional government has never had authority to make it illegal, it's really already legal, and it would be pointless to legalize something which isn't illegal. Of course, this has nothing to do with our government as it actually behaves.