Leonardtown HS lockdown


I wanna be a SMIB
Just In.....leon High And All Others Will Be Releasing Kids At 1:15. Buses Are To Park At The Fairgrounds And Kids Will Be Escorted To Them. And Im In The Bus Buisness So This Is True


I bowl overhand
Tigerlily said:
BG's not his wife. She's his bebe's momma :killingme

Yeah, I run for office they'd have a field day with that one!!

Anyways.. Tommy McKay was just on CNN.. he describes a calm scene.. single student was seen this morning putting a handgun in his backpack. Video from the scene shows CALM parents in the parking lot, and in the fairgrounds.

Tommy said they have already breifed the parents as to what is going on about 1/2 hour ago, and will again shortly, at the fairgrounds. Parents are being cooperative and calm, and the situation is bing handled well by all involved.


Old Dog said:
I don't have a problem with the response of the authorities. I don't have a problem of them keeping the kids and not releasing them in some fashion. I have a problem with the lack of information coming from the authorities, especially the school system.

Once the police take over a "scene", the school system is not supposed to make their own statements.
kwillia said:
Will they be bused home or are parents expected to pick up from the fairgrounds?

Not exactly sure...my sister drives and I asked my mom that and she said that she didn't think they were letting students get to their cars.


Loving My Life...
kwillia said:
Will they be bused home or are parents expected to pick up from the fairgrounds?

Bused Home. The ones who drive no clue.

Also they said LMS will dissmiss at regular time. Dont have where they will be picked up yet
Hard to believe they are calmly releasing high school students when it was only an hour ago little Ty was face down with a gunman in charge of his classroom. This should be a LifeTime network story soon.


Old Dog said:
I don't need a blow-by-blow. But by now, you would think they would have posted something on their website. And as I said earlier, they seemed to have NO plan.

You realize that the website is probably updated by a teacher, office admin, or a student, right?

If it's a student, they're all currently in lockdown.

If it's a teacher or admin, they're currently locking down students.

And I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "no plan".

The school has called in trained professionals. THAT's the plan. I guarantee you that the police and the SWAT teams have a plan. I will also guarantee you that they're not going to take the time to share that plan with people who aren't directly involved with it. They have a situation to deal with.

Which leaves you and I, along with the teachers and administrators right out of the loop.
kwillia said:
Hard to believe they are calmly releasing high school students when it was only an hour ago little Ty was face down with a gunman in charge of his classroom. This should be a LifeTime network story soon.

You made me spit my water out....


kwillia said:
Hard to believe they are calmly releasing high school students when it was only an hour ago little Ty was face down with a gunman in charge of his classroom. This should be a LifeTime network story soon.