LG DARE Update V06


Since we're talking Dare here, heres a couple of things.

1. Who can give me the idiots guide to putting vids from this thing online?

I don't know if you want to know about ringtones, but if you want free ringtones just e-mail the file to your phone.

And just save the incoming attachment.

Has anyone tried doing this on the 06 update? I would like to know that you can still send ringtones this way before updating. Or do you use BitPM?


I use Bitpim for my Dare.

UPDATE: My battery is dead... I usually dont have to charge my phone for about a week at a time. Now my battery was full when I got the update and now my battery is dead. Once I get home and get a full charge again we shall see how long it really lasts. If my battery life is this short im going back to V03 where I didnt have any problems other than texting on the qwerty keyboard.


Power with Control
I use bitPM myself. Had Speed Racer for a while, then ran a general alarm tone, like youd hear in a command bunker when launch was imminent. Dropped that, freaked people out:) The old time (1970s) era phone ring is pretty cool too.

Lots of cool animated wallpapers out there to. None of the revs remove any functionality, its not like the PSP that way:)


Got mine updated to V06 today. The keyboard is MUCH more accurate. I used to have to fix 2 or 3 mi####s ( Ha ha it thinks mis-hits without the hyphen is a dirty word) and just got used to it. Sent a bunch of messages today and it worked great.

I did notice one weird thing. I was on a conference call and had it on speaker. While listeing I got a text so I went to reply while it was going and the screen kept going blank. It only did it while txting while a call was going on in speakerphone mode.


Told you the qwerty board was better ;)

And to a9l8e7n. The software update changes many things. Battery life is just one of them.


As of now im still at 100% (4 bars) of battery life. So far ive updated my VZnavigator and played with that. Sent a few texts. Took some pictures and listened to some music. Man I love this little phone.


Power with Control
Had a full four bars when I unplugged it yesterday about 8 am. Since then, its been about 8-10 calls, about 203 minutes each, 4-6 text messages, and about an hour total driving in the car (bluetooth active) Still sitting at four bars right now.

Whoops, shoulda mentioned, I'm using V05.


Just down one bar this morning so im happy with the update still.

I love only having to charge this phone once a week!


New Member
Thanks for the info on the update Floyd. Mike and I got Dares a few weeks ago and are running the v05. Going to update today, I hate the texting!


Supper's Ready
Went to the Verizon store yesterday and didn't think to ask about getting 06 update. :doh:

I used the rebate card and bought another charger and leather pouch for it instead. I've already dropped it once...luckily it wasn't damaged. Maybe I'll go back tomorrow and get the update. I like the phone, but then I'm a newbie to cel phones (never owned one before a few months ago). Now an official member of the 21st century.


I just got the v06 update today, and i gotta admit the texting is a lot better!!!!!:yahoo:

Told you it worked better than V05.
Also I have 2 bars of battery left from LAST THURSDAY!
So it looks like the battery life still lasts me about a week or so before I have to charge the phone.


Power with Control
Told you it worked better than V05.
Also I have 2 bars of battery left from LAST THURSDAY!
So it looks like the battery life still lasts me about a week or so before I have to charge the phone.

I dont know that he had 06, I think he was at 05. And you never had 05, did you? In any case. My phone died yesterday, so I got about 4 days out of the charge. Not bad considering the amount of time has the bluetooth active just driving around.