Looking for a Female Friend


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
jazz lady said:
Stop! I'm about to pee myself!
Don't do that. She'll be on here any minute now wanting to know why I'm so obsessed with her. Then she'll get all huffy and spend hours telling me that neither I nor this forum are important to her and that her life is just oh so perfect and I should try getting a life just like hers. And I'll reply, "I do have a life just like yours - 24/7 on the forums!!!!"

Watch and see...

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Don't do that. She'll be on here any minute now wanting to know why I'm so obsessed with her. Then she'll get all huffy and spend hours telling me that neither I nor this forum are important to her and that her life is just oh so perfect and I should try getting a life just like hers. And I'll reply, "I do have a life just like yours - 24/7 on the forums!!!!"
:roflmao: :killingme :lmao: :lol:

Watch and see...
I can't wait. :popcorn: :cheers:


<--------lookin for a woman that can cook....(and put up with my BS)..:lol:


BigCountry2004 said:
Yeah........advice taken....I got to run...maybe i'll catch ya'll tomorrow ?

I'm nice :dance: :howdy: :huggy:

Drive safe...!!!

I cook too, just not very grill friendly or steak friendly... cooking steaks and grilling is a guy thing anyways... so if you can do either... we'd be a good match (no pun intended). :huggy:
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vraiblonde said:
...or animal friendly or computer friendly or intelligence friendly or....

Here's a sample...

:burning: In case the other hens in the coop havn't informed you -- you are the checkered one -- it's a polish top hat -- I named you -- you because you pull your hair out alot - I imagine. :frown:

You obviously glossed over the fact that I said something nice about Bush.. :ohwell: and then folks that I was on eggnog as a result... :mad:


Kizzy said:
Eggnog, just remembered I have some in the frig.

If you would like some eggs... let me know... the hens have been laying some doozies out there.... sorry jazz... no peeps this week either.... I keep telling you not to count your chickens before they hatch... :ohwell: sorry.. :frown: