Looking For A Great Divorce Lawyer


All Up In Your Grill
aps45819 said:
:huggy: at least not all of it. I'm clever and good looking in real life too

:yeahthat: And I'm the only former Playboy supermodel that's a brain surgeon. Bet y'all didn't know that. :bubble:


LostAngel said:
I have witnesses. . . .

Do yourself a favor and just get the divorce and try to not be too emotional over it. It is a formula and the results are going to be the same if you spend $1,000 or $50,000 and drag it out 5 years. You are mad and hurt and unless they changed the law he will not be horse whipped on the town square so just let it go. Right now you want to punish him and what thumping he is going to take is probably not going to be enough to make you happy.


New Member
Pete said:

Do yourself a favor and just get the divorce and try to not be too emotional over it. It is a formula and the results are going to be the same if you spend $1,000 or $50,000 and drag it out 5 years. You are mad and hurt and unless they changed the law he will not be horse whipped on the town square so just let it go. Right now you want to punish him and what thumping he is going to take is probably not going to be enough to make you happy.

WOW - honest answer there! And you are right. Thanks!


LostAngel said:
WOW - honest answer there! And you are right. Thanks!
Every once in a while I have a coherent thought.

Remember; Living well is the best revenge."
FYI-Maryland is NOT a community property state. What is in your name is your's and anything you came into the marriage with or inherited is not considered community property. What you two have aquired during your marriage is considered community property.


KAT20619 said:
FYI-Maryland is NOT a community property state. What is in your name is your's and anything you came into the marriage with or inherited is not considered community property. What you two have aquired during your marriage is considered community property.
You just defined community property.


New Member
IrishGal said:
Love her. She is awesome. Above all, she's honest and straightforward and will tell it like it is. She takes no BS, that's for sure.

I love her to! Highly reccomend


Main Streeter
KAT20619 said:
FYI-Maryland is NOT a community property state. What is in your name is your's and anything you came into the marriage with or inherited is not considered community property. What you two have aquired during your marriage is considered community property.
That's what happens in a community property state, isn't it?


All Up In Your Grill
Pete said:
Did you sign the pre nup I sent to you?

She advised me not to. Then replied with a counter-pre nup. Did you get that yet?

She said that, based on the size of the ring you gave me, I can get a whole lot more out of you in the event we should EVER divorce. Not like that would happen though. :huggy:


Stop Staring!!!!!
nachomama said:
Sue Ann Armitage. She's the best and will get nasty if she has to.


I totally agree. I had her. She wrote my separation agreement up so thouroughly that there was absolutely nothing to discuss come divorce time.

She also included several 'bones'. In other words she threw bargaining chips into it for things that really did not matter to me. She said use those to bargain with not the stuff I want.

She handled it so well I did not even need her for the actuall divorce. The X signed the separation paperwork and we did the divorce a year later with the terms of the separation still in effect.

That lady made my whole divorce so trouble free I sent her a dozen roses. Didn't propose though. I aint marrying a divorce lawyer. But when I sat down to talk to her after about two minutes I quickly realized. "This lady has bigger balls than I do."


New Member
The Divorce is a cake walk. Custody is another matter.

If he contests the custody ,or wants it himself ,be prepared to dig deep into your sock. If he is as bad as you say he will probably just sign off on it. However there is Child Support and Alimony also to be concerned with . many times the court will appoint a lawyer to handle the child's case. Yes: the child will have a lawyer.

You wont see a Judge any time soon, First there are "Masters" to deal with. A "Master is usually a lawyer who wasnt good enough to have his own law office and hired on to the State to take the load off Judges. You have to get past them to get into a court. Then there are Counselors, and Therapists ad infinitum. lots of luck ,if you have this settled in a year without spendiong $10,000 you will be one of the lucky ones.


On the Right Side.
My Ex-wife spent over $30,000 for her attorney who wanted to be very contentious. I spent under $1,000. Her attorney said, we will my your ex pay my fees so don't worry about how much it is.

Well to her surprise I did not pay one penny of her attorney fees.


New Member
If I were in your spot, I would use Sue Ann also. I am sorry for the spot your in, we take things lightly here, but I imagine your also hurt, no matter what, there was a time you loved this guy and he has betrayed you in the most intimate way. Sorry for your trouble!


Soul Probe
I'mno Mensa said:
lots of luck ,if you have this settled in a year without spendiong $10,000 you will be one of the lucky ones.


Let's see, I'm 8 months separated now and about 2-grand in the hole with not a damn thing signed thanks to my I-must-contest-everything-just-to-be-an-azzhat-and-still-be-a-thorn-in-R1's-life stbx. When all is said and done, I will have at least spent 5-grand. :frown:


Stop Staring!!!!!
smcop said:
If I were in your spot, I would use Sue Ann also. I am sorry for the spot your in, we take things lightly here, but I imagine your also hurt, no matter what, there was a time you loved this guy and he has betrayed you in the most intimate way. Sorry for your trouble!

Sue Ann is great but If she is booked up I am told another lady rates pretty high as well.

I forget her name and am not even sure I remember it exaclty right but if memory serves her last name is Chessie or something similar. I think she is on Great Mills Raod.