Looking for a nice girl


24/7 Single Dad
virgovictoria said:
[a href='http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb008_ZNskw006' target='_blank'><img src='http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/15/15_8_1.gif' alt='Model' border=0></a>[QUOTE]
Great Mills Rd. ?


Kizzy said:
Stop leading the guy on everyone.

We don't have any nice girls here. We are all bad, very bad girls.
Didn't you forget , hell bound :confused:

Looking for a good girl is like looking for clean dirt. :killingme


I bowl overhand
K_Jo said:
"I wanna be an air force ranger
I wanna live a life of danger"
Air Force RANGER!??? Whaddahelliszat?? I think that's something we used to sing when running as a joke.. think one line had to do with paper cuts, falling out of my chair.. etc..

of course another jody call had to do with the wife of an Army Ranger..


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
itsbob said:
Air Force RANGER!??? Whaddahelliszat?? I think that's something we used to sing when running as a joke.. think one line had to do with paper cuts, falling out of my chair.. etc..

of course another jody call had to do with the wife of an Army Ranger..
It's from the Breakfast Club. But I think I screwed up and he actually says "Airborne." I don't think he's supposed to know what he's talking about.


I bowl overhand
K_Jo said:
It's from the Breakfast Club. But I think I screwed up and he actually says "Airborne." I don't think he's supposed to know what he's talking about.
OOOH I do remember that.. and it was Airborne!! Just a LITTLE difference between Airborne and Air Force....I'll let ya slide on this I mean it IS Sunday and all


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
itsbob said:
OOOH I do remember that.. and it was Airborne!! Just a LITTLE difference between Airborne and Air Force....I'll let ya slide on this I mean it IS Sunday and all
Yeah, and I'm just a dumb girl. :silly: :lol:


open loop stable
I must be bored because I just read the whole thing. Time to get out of the house...

What ever became of Mr Harvard?

Did he find his true love on Great Mills RD?

Did he retreat to take remedial spelling and grammar lessons?

Did he go on to troll under a different persona?

Or did he really find his true love through PMs? If so, does she have a sister?

Inquiring minds want to know.