Looking for Mr. Right!


Harley Rider
If you folks get time tomorrow, I'm making the trek to Cheeseburger in Paradise for a few hours. Supposed to meet some friends there but I don't stay long. I usually like to get there @3 and stay until 6 or so depending on the crowd. I'll be the one drinking iced tea at the bar.
My favorite bar tender got canned this week! :bawl: I need some grief counseling. GG, Crewdawg, Kris, Toppick, etc., come on down!!! :buddies:
If you folks get time tomorrow, I'm making the trek to Cheeseburger in Paradise for a few hours. Supposed to meet some friends there but I don't stay long. I usually like to get there @3 and stay until 6 or so depending on the crowd. I'll be the one drinking iced tea at the bar.
My favorite bar tender got canned this week! :bawl: I need some grief counseling. GG, Crewdawg, Kris, Toppick, etc., come on down!!! :buddies:

i work til 530.. then going to a friends house for dinner and a movie.. Sorrrrryyyy :)


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