Looking for Mr. Right!


No, I have never heard of::

Sam Adams::
Boston Ale
Boston Lager
Sam Adams Light
White Ale
Double Bock
Summer Ale
Winter Lager
Old Fezziwig Ale
Cranberry Lambic
Holiday Porter
Cherry Wheat
Cream Stout
Pale Ale
Scotch Ale
Black Lager
Brown Ale
Honey Porter
Irish Red
Chocolate Bock
Millenium Beer
Triple Bock
Hallertau Imperial Pilsner
Hallertau 24


Wild Goose:
India Pale
Brown Lager
Oatmeal Stout
Pumpkin Patch
Snow Goose


Pick a 6 pack out of that impressive list that you pasted and I will bring it and a notepad.



durn right

you better pay more than $5. I'm thinkin somethin like $50 for a 6 pack and a lesson.

I figure that if there are more than just me attending 1 a 6 Pack a piece would be more than sufficient! Especially at over $10 a 6 pack with Md State Taxes!


They're out to get us
Beer. I pay in Beer! This way when I drink you under the table, I take what remains in the cooler home with me for later.

Do jew understand me? My only currency is CASH! Do jew want to be provided beer and lessons or not?



Harley Rider
All I can say is that most of you CANNOT have real jobs! All these posts in one morning???
your old and you do not have a clue, Beta is very respectful!
Have the engineer check your grammar.
Respectful??? I guess you're either dating, FWB, shacking up and probably not married to Beta??? I can tell by the blind love you have for him. No matter; check back with me in a few years and see how you feel then.
Ummm... if you drown him, won't YOU end up in hell?
Nope. Drowning someone is not the unpardonable sin but we're off topic here...
I don't want to get into any religious argument here, but you are merely going based on an opinion. What if I told you that you'd be going to hell based on my beliefs? You don't know whether you're right or I'm right. You have absolutely no 100% definitive premise except for what YOU believe in YOUR heart. So don't feed me that crap. You may not realize it but it's insulting, rude, and downright hateful...and I have 0 respect for that.
Again, your bad study habits are showing. You can tell me, all you want, what you believe and I'd listen without the immature, disrespectful name calling that you do so well. This is a clear sign to me about the condition of your heart.
And I absolutely have a "100% definitive premise" for the truth but, I have to admit, I've had more trouble convincing you "book smart folks" because of your desire for physical proof and lack of faith... My faith is not a blind faith. My faith is in the EVIDENCE.
What you think is "insulting, rude, and downright hateful" is actually my concern for your eternal destiny. YOU and others ALWAYS see it differently but remember this: if you're wrong you'll spend forever regretting it!
Now, let's get back to the ring thing and the topic at hand.
Beta84 said:
Actually, you'd go to hell if you drowned me ya dumbass. Oh wait, you probably believe that everyone can do bad things but as long as they stay true to their religion, they can be saved! Talk about stupid. The point of religion isn't to stay 100% true to your religion, it's to be a good person! It's fundamentalists like you that have your wires crossed.
Nope! Wrong again dude. Very worldly minded belief system you have there.
You should keep this stuff in the "religion" section...and besides, we've been through this before. A LOT!
Beat84 said:
I don't need to know someone's age to determine whether or not I have respect for them. Go back to what I said higher up and you'll see why I have no respect for you. I don't really care if you agree, but that's how it goes. And I have better manners than most people...ask anyone that's actually met me. You just strike me as a POS and I have no need to be friendly toward you.
Sounds Christ like to me :sarcasm: Where'd that Beta84 guy go who said: "The point of religion isn't to stay 100% true to your religion, it's to be a good person!"??? :lmao:
Betalover...is this the same guy you're confused about???
There is no handbook, you dirty little fun haver!
I learned that years ago. You just have to figure out how they're wired and THEN things go smoother.
My problem, as I said earleir, is meeting them. It's like the old Cat Stevens song? "....if I could meet em I could get em, but as yet I haven't met em, that's how I'm in the state I'm in...."

Although it took me a lot of years, they're not hard to figure out:
1) no logic
2) some/lots of emotion
3) some thinking...
See? I'll pay for this one later. :1bdz:
Yes? You started this thread but have been quiet for a while now!
MPD, that's why..... :whistle:


All I can say is that most of you CANNOT have real jobs! All these posts in one morning???
Have the engineer check your grammar.
Respectful??? I guess you're either dating, FWB, shacking up and probably not married to Beta??? I can tell by the blind love you have for him. No matter; check back with me in a few years and see how you feel then.

Nope. Drowning someone is not the unpardonable sin but we're off topic here...

Again, your bad study habits are showing. You can tell me, all you want, what you believe and I'd listen without the immature, disrespectful name calling that you do so well. This is a clear sign to me about the condition of your heart.
And I absolutely have a "100% definitive premise" for the truth but, I have to admit, I've had more trouble convincing you "book smart folks" because of your desire for physical proof and lack of faith... My faith is not a blind faith. My faith is in the EVIDENCE.
What you think is "insulting, rude, and downright hateful" is actually my concern for your eternal destiny. YOU and others ALWAYS see it differently but remember this: if you're wrong you'll spend forever regretting it!
Now, let's get back to the ring thing and the topic at hand.

Nope! Wrong again dude. Very worldly minded belief system you have there.
You should keep this stuff in the "religion" section...and besides, we've been through this before. A LOT!

Sounds Christ like to me :sarcasm: Where'd that Beta84 guy go who said: "The point of religion isn't to stay 100% true to your religion, it's to be a good person!"??? :lmao:
Betalover...is this the same guy you're confused about???

I learned that years ago. You just have to figure out how they're wired and THEN things go smoother.
My problem, as I said earleir, is meeting them. It's like the old Cat Stevens song? "....if I could meet em I could get em, but as yet I haven't met em, that's how I'm in the state I'm in...."

Although it took me a lot of years, they're not hard to figure out:
1) no logic
2) some/lots of emotion
3) some thinking...
See? I'll pay for this one later. :1bdz:

MPD, that's why..... :whistle:

No I have a nice comfortable job that allows me to play with very few things online. The forums just happen to be something that is not filtered out from me.


Harley Rider
No I have a nice comfortable job that allows me to play with very few things online. The forums just happen to be something that is not filtered out from me.
That's fine. It works out this way normally. I don't do mornings so (as you can see) it's 10:30pm and this is pretty much the last post until tomorrow. When I get on tomorrow, usually afternoon, there will be a bunch of more pages. That's why I asked. :yay:


That's fine. It works out this way normally. I don't do mornings so (as you can see) it's 10:30pm and this is pretty much the last post until tomorrow. When I get on tomorrow, usually afternoon, there will be a bunch of more pages. That's why I asked. :yay:

so what is your point? :popcorn:


They're out to get us
All I can say is that most of you CANNOT have real jobs! All these posts in one morning??? I have a great job considering my age, thanks for asking!
Have the engineer check your grammar.
Respectful??? I guess you're either dating, FWB, shacking up and probably not married to Beta??? I can tell by the blind love you have for him. No matter; check back with me in a few years and see how you feel then. Are you that ignorant? It's an MPD that's just screwing with you. They were being honest though, I am quite respectful to most people. You lost mine.

Nope. Drowning someone is not the unpardonable sin but we're off topic here...Exactly. Murdering is pardonable but not believing in Jesus isn't. That's ludicrous. In your beliefs, someone who behaves like a saint their entire life can still go to hell, while murderers get into heaven. You don't see ANY problem with this at all?? :crazy:

Again, your bad study habits are showing. You can tell me, all you want, what you believe and I'd listen without the immature, disrespectful name calling that you do so well. This is a clear sign to me about the condition of your heart. Not really, it's more like a clear sign that I have no tolerance for people that tell me I'm going to hell.
And I absolutely have a "100% definitive premise" for the truth but, I have to admit, I've had more trouble convincing you "book smart folks" because of your desire for physical proof and lack of faith... My faith is not a blind faith. My faith is in the EVIDENCE. You mean that book written by some guys 2000 years ago that almost definitely distorted at least some facts? If you are 100% a believer in books being accurate, you should try Dianetics...it's more recent.
What you think is "insulting, rude, and downright hateful" is actually my concern for your eternal destiny. YOU and others ALWAYS see it differently but remember this: if you're wrong you'll spend forever regretting it!
Now, let's get back to the ring thing and the topic at hand. And if YOU'RE wrong, YOU will spend forever regretting it!! When you're sitting around in hell for being hateful toward others, you'll wish you had shut your pie hole and started treating non-believers with more respect. This whole "I am concerned" for you BS where you look down on us is just pathetic.

Nope! Wrong again dude. Very worldly minded belief system you have there.
You should keep this stuff in the "religion" section...and besides, we've been through this before. A LOT! Which is why it's a waste of time to do again. You really should stop wasting your time trying to "help" people that don't want to be "saved" by lunatics.

Sounds Christ like to me :sarcasm: Where'd that Beta84 guy go who said: "The point of religion isn't to stay 100% true to your religion, it's to be a good person!"??? :lmao:
Betalover...is this the same guy you're confused about???
Oh I'm sorry, the point of religion is because everything definitely happened the way YOU think it did and not the way BILLIONS of other people are CONVINCED it did. Somehow YOU are right and all those other people who also have "proof" are WRONG. I bet you've never listened to their proof before, you're just so convinced yours is right that you have no need to listen to others.

But back on point, I forgot...the point of religion is to go around murdering people your entire life, but get saved and go to heaven right before you die and let all the good non-believers go to hell since the only unforgivable sin is not believing!! Yeah that doesn't sound screwed up and brain-washed at all.

I learned that years ago. You just have to figure out how they're wired and THEN things go smoother.
My problem, as I said earleir, is meeting them. It's like the old Cat Stevens song? "....if I could meet em I could get em, but as yet I haven't met em, that's how I'm in the state I'm in...."

Although it took me a lot of years, they're not hard to figure out:
1) no logic
2) some/lots of emotion
3) some thinking...
See? I'll pay for this one later. :1bdz:

Oh please. You sound like you have more problems than that. How come nobody else has as severe of a problem as you seem to? Please. That is, unless you've also been divorced or going through different women like a majority of the older unmarried guys around here are. But I doubt any woman could handle your religious viewpoint unless she was equally nuts, so it's probably tougher finding women for you. And if you're having THAT big of a problem for so long, why don't you move?

MPD, that's why..... :whistle:

Arguing with crazy people = waste of time :doh:


So :offtopic: (is there even a topic anymore?) What's a girl to do when Mr. All Wrong texts her, but it's not the right Mr. All Wrong, it's the really wrong Mr. All Wrong?