whats my height have to do with anything??!?! lol
im a "Ms. Right".
whats my height have to do with anything??!?! lol
Ish? Does that mean over or under 5'3"? I have always found humor is how people describe their height.
whats my height have to do with anything??!?! lol
you will be...u just needa get out of the funk that azzhole left you in.![]()
short guys feel inadequate when a chick is taller than them.
yeahh i know i do... I am trying to work on it..
I'm 6'4" 200-205. I have only met one woman that was taller than me. It was love at first sight but she was spoken for. Such is life.
and we're here to help
Crewdawg, not everyone knows their exact height but has a general idea. Unless you say 5'3 1/4" or something then it's not exact anyway. Why does 1", give or take, really matter anyway? You tryin to fit someone for a bionic suit? You may need her wingspan too.
you will be...u just needa get out of the funk that azzhole left you in.![]()
Helpful AND kind this morning?!?!?!
The world's coming to an end, isn't it.
u like women taller then u!?!?!
Helpful AND kind this morning?!?!?!
The world's coming to an end, isn't it.
I'm always helpful and kind. But it was weird that i was helpful to IS cuz he's creepy.
I'm around 5'3" and have dated girls taler than me before, it's all a matter of your opinion.
ItallianScallion or whatever his name is.who is IS!?!?
da plane da plane
ItallianScallion or whatever his name is.