Looking for Mr. Right!


They're out to get us
yeahh i know i do... I am trying to work on it..

and we're here to help :smoochy:

Crewdawg, not everyone knows their exact height but has a general idea. Unless you say 5'3 1/4" or something then it's not exact anyway. Why does 1", give or take, really matter anyway? You tryin to fit someone for a bionic suit? You may need her wingspan too.


and we're here to help :smoochy:

Crewdawg, not everyone knows their exact height but has a general idea. Unless you say 5'3 1/4" or something then it's not exact anyway. Why does 1", give or take, really matter anyway? You tryin to fit someone for a bionic suit? You may need her wingspan too.

It was more a matter of curiosity.