Looking for Mr. Right!



Yes you are young, but that is not a bad thing! I often feel like I am 22 again, but when I wake up the hangover hurts more than it did in the past!
There ya go GG! Here's a candidate for you! Everything you're saying you are which disagrees with something he's previously said suddenly becomes conditional!


Harley Rider
I would have to agree. The young-uns are now question age, I'm 31. How old are you ItalianScallion?
A little older than Beta...:whistle:
im a young'n... im 22.. lol
Old enough to hang out with but not old enough to date me...Sorry little one :shrug: :flowers:for you in any case cause you seem soo nice!
I'm from the best coast :smack:
Aren't you in your 40's?
The west coast is NOT the best coast (if that's where you're from). It's about to float off into the ocean. I heard Obama talking of "pulling the cotter pin" on the San Andreas fault to solve the economic problems there...
My age is top secret until my face begins to show it. :yahoo: