looking for some legal help

somd whisper

New Member
jwwb2000 said:
If she does not want to pursue the issue any further, have her go to the State's Attorney Office and file paperwork stating she will not testify against you. You need to self enroll into some type of counseling whether it be for anger management or for drinking.

I will pass that along as well. Thanks. BTW I love your icon


vraiblonde said:
I'm merely replying as to whether he will face charges even if his girlfriend doesn't file a complaint.
I'm pretty sure he will face charges without her complaint.

somd whisper

New Member
vraiblonde said:
I'm merely replying as to whether he will face charges even if his girlfriend doesn't file a complaint.

Oh I understand that, I wanted to make that clear though to others who may not have read all the posts and presupposed that this was applicable to this situation. I appreciate your input.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
jwwb2000 said:
Walden Sierra would be a good place for you to check into ASAP.
It doesn't sound like that's the problem. He was on a new prescription medication and drank on top of it - had a bad reaction.


pretty black roses
vraiblonde said:
It doesn't sound like that's the problem. He was on a new prescription medication and drank on top of it - had a bad reaction.

I understand that. But in his defense, it would look better for his record to self enroll or at least go and talk to a counselor at Walden to see what is recommended before he goes to court for the charges.


jwwb2000 said:
I understand that. But in his defense, it would look better for his record to self enroll or at least go and talk to a counselor at Walden to see what is recommended before he goes to court for the charges.
That's more for wife beaters.... I'm wondering if this guy doesn't have a true defense.

somd whisper

New Member
jwwb2000 said:
Walden Sierra would be a good place for you to check into ASAP.

that is great advice, I will pass that on. Maybe it will show that they are doing something proactive about this.

somd whisper

New Member
vraiblonde said:
It doesn't sound like that's the problem. He was on a new prescription medication and drank on top of it - had a bad reaction.

You hit that right on the nail.....I was thinking of having the family doctor wrtie something up as well....


somd whisper said:
Why would you say something like that?
In Maryland the law states that the abused is not needed to press charges. In special circumstances, the States attorney will drop charges if he determines that the "abused" has severe issues which could have an impact at trial.


somd whisper said:
My brother has a first degree and a second degree assault charges going against him. The situation was a one time offense after he had a few beers and had taken some new prescription meds that the doctor had given him. The combination sent him over and he attacked his live in girlfriend to the point police were called out.

They have been together for over 17 years, never a bit of problems before this so we do not understand why a 1st if there were no weapons involved. His bond was set at 100%. So now we are at a total loss for legal help.

Does that help a little?

Many people don't tell their family's about prior abuse.

It's possible that his bond is set at 100% because there were other incidents that you were not aware of.

Funny how alcohol and drugs come into play (not)

I guess he can now sue the drug company for his untoward behavior, even though the drug prescription(s) probably came with warnings to not use in combination with alcohol.


jwwb2000 said:
Not true. They offer a wide variety of counseling and classes.
I know but the very fact that he signs up, is an admission of guilt, remorse etc. If he is shooting for a medical defense this may not be the best course of action.

somd whisper

New Member
Kain99 said:
That's more for wife beaters.... I'm wondering if this guy doesn't have a true defense.

You will have to excuse me, but I will need some clarification on your posts as I am missing your point(s) entirely.


I bowl overhand
jwwb2000 said:
I understand that. But in his defense, it would look better for his record to self enroll or at least go and talk to a counselor at Walden to see what is recommended before he goes to court for the charges.
The "PAtrick Kennedy Gambit"... good play, but I'm thinking his last name isn't Kennedy..


somd whisper said:
You will have to excuse me, but I will need some clarification on your posts as I am missing your point(s) entirely.
Here's'my point... Don't do shait without an attorney.