Every American should do what they can to help end the suffering caused by Hurricane Katrina and help everyone affected. That said, time for a little criticism of a few of the "refugees."
Last night on one of the network news specials about Hurricane Katrina, a woman was interviewed about how the hurricane had affected her. Actually, it wasn't much of an interview...a reporter just stuck a microphone in her face to record her "frustration." Her statements basically went like this:
"When the tsunami happened and when the hurricanes hit Florida, everybody couldn't wait to help them. Where's ours? We haven't got nothing" (or something like that.)
That woman's remarks, all at once, describe everything that is wrong with America today. While her statements probably don't represent all of the refugees, it no doubt does quite a few. And while we certainly should and will do everything in our power to help those people and end their suffering, her attitude is quite telling.
If you believe you are entitled to the necessities of life, and if you believe that someone else should always provide for you, then you are going to always be poor. New Orleans is a very poor city, and with rare exception, those in the lower economic class are in that situation thanks to the sum total of the decisions they have made in life to get them there. Poverty is a choice, not a circumstance.
Thanks to the ever-expanding welfare state, we have whole generations that are standing by, waiting for those of us who work for a living to pay for their existence. Gotta love the Democratic party (and too many Republicans these days.)