

The Smart Hooker
nomoney said:
So lets condem all those people because of the 1% that are being *******s :confused:

They are not just screaming to be rescued; they are simply asking for someone to air drop some water and bread :shrug:

I'm just not understanding you I guess :shrug: Are we supossed to as a nation sit back and watch people die just because they stayed? What would you have done? What would you be saying to the camera man if you were there in that situation because you couldn't get out?

Maybe I came off harsh. My heart goes out to these people. It's horrible that something like this has happend. I hope and pray that these people get rescued quickly. I understand that they are hot, tired, hungry, thirsty, and that they have lost everything they owned. They are probably thinking that help isn't coming fast enough. But help is coming. If the ones who "COULD" have left when told to would have just left, then maybe the ones that "COULDN'T" have made it out would have been rescued alot quicker. My only point is, that committing crimes isn't helping matters but probably delaying being rescued.


Football addict
meme said:
Maybe I came off harsh. My heart goes out to these people. It's horrible that something like this has happend. I hope and pray that these people get rescued quickly. I understand that they are hot, tired, hungry, thirsty, and that they have lost everything they owned. They are probably thinking that help isn't coming fast enough. But help is coming. If the ones who "COULD" have left when told to would have just left, then maybe the ones that "COULDN'T" have made it out would have been rescued alot quicker. My only point is, that committing crimes isn't helping matters but probably delaying being rescued.
People don't always do as they're told, do you?


The Smart Hooker
BuddyLee said:
People don't always do as they're told, do you?

If I was told there was a mandatory evacuation and knew there was a Cat. 5 hurricane coming, you better believe I would get out as soon as I could.


meme said:
If I was told there was a mandatory evacuation and knew there was a Cat. 5 hurricane coming, you better believe I would get out as soon as I could.


A few years ago we were expecting a hurricane........I heard about the manditory evacuation of Golden Beach as I was heading away from the house.

When the ditch in the front yard started filling..............without it raining........that was a clue. :lol:


Football addict
meme said:
If I was told there was a mandatory evacuation and knew there was a Cat. 5 hurricane coming, you better believe I would get out as soon as I could.
But of course! We left for Isabel being right on the water. You have to admit that a certain portion of people do not as they're told no matter what the circumstance. I believe some were faced with the mentality that it was just another storm that the ole Big Easy could take as easy as the rest in the past. You can be right about staying a thousand times and boast about it to all but it only takes that one time to show your true human stupidity.


The Smart Hooker
BuddyLee said:
But of course! We left for Isabel being right on the water. You have to admit that a certain portion of people do not as they're told no matter what the circumstance. I believe some were faced with the mentality that it was just another storm that the ole Big Easy could take as easy as the rest in the past. You can be right about staying a thousand times and boast about it to all but it only takes that one time to show your true human stupidity.

Next time a Cat. 5 hits land (anywhere) I hope people remember how dangerous hurricanes can be.


Football addict
meme said:
Next time a Cat. 5 hits land (anywhere) I hope people remember how dangerous hurricanes can be.
I give it 6 months before people forget again.:ohwell:

Anyways, my point in case is why are we crying over spilled milk when in fact we know some people will not do as they're told? We can hoot and hollar all day and into the evening if we want but what is that going to solve besides wasting our time?


Triggerfish said:
Richer people can usually afford better food and time to exercise. That usually mean fresh veggies, fruits, and meat with lower fat content.


A head of lettuce costs, what? $1.29. A bag of carrots costs... $0.99?
A package of chicken thighs & legs $4.00?

Those three ingredents will make a kick-ass salad that should make lunch for at least 3 days. Grand Total: < $7

You can go to the Amish Market near Hughesville and buy, like, a thousand apples for a dime. (exaggeration, yes, but they are very inexpensive, fresh and good).

And Greenbeans

And oranges.

And squash.

And corn on the cob.

And watermelon

And other things that I cant' remember.

ALL healthy food - all cheaper than the dirt they were grown in.

They may cook their food with canola oil. On the other hand poor people end up eating things like canned food (high sodium) and meat with much higher fat content. They may cook their food with oils higher in saturated fat.

This is not from a lack of resources. It's from a lack of effort.


Toxick said:
This is not from a lack of resources. It's from a lack of effort.

Also the easiness of the convenince food. Heck it is easier to just toss frozen chicken fingers in the oven then make them from the chicken and bread crumbs.


About the National Guard rolling into town with food and water.

But 46-year-old Michael Levy said, "They should have been here days ago. I ain't glad to see 'em" — words that brought shouts of "Hell, yeah!" from those around him. He added: "We've been sleeping on the ... ground like rats. I say burn this whole ... city

Amazing aint it.


New Member
<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset ;"> But 46-year-old Michael Levy said, "I should have been out of here days ago. But I'm a retarded asshat and stayed for the hurricane shooters at PJ O'Horny's." — words that brought shouts of "Hell, yeah!" from those around him.</td></tr></tbody></table>
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Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
There were black people calling into Chris Core going crazy that these folks are perpetuating the stereotype. But you're right - you'd think Jess or Al or somebody would step up.
They will!

As soon as they get their haul safely to the crib.


Methodically disorganized
willie said:
The NO police were not much help
:lol: "They're all around us..." This situation is a good case study of what some people will do given the chance. How low will your civility drop when you're under pressure? Which laws will it be acceptable to violate?

I am with the ~95% that seem to feel that looting survival necessities is okay. Even clothing could be counted in that category, since many evacuees were without shoes, etc. But the sooner real order could be established the better.


Well-Known Member
hvp05 said:
:lol: "They're all around us..." This situation is a good case study of what some people will do given the chance. How low will your civility drop when you're under pressure? Which laws will it be acceptable to violate?

I am with the ~95% that seem to feel that looting survival necessities is okay. Even clothing could be counted in that category, since many evacuees were without shoes, etc. But the sooner real order could be established the better.
These cops have done a tremendous dis-service to the people of NO. Their behavior reinforces everything negative about NO. After they lose their jobs, there should be jail time or at least some community service. (not as cops)


New Member
This is the city where a police officer shot another when she was committing a robbery, then went home and changed into her uniform and returned to the scene. Go Mardi Gras!


That cop said the WRONG answer...looking for looters...:lmao:

She should have said "Gathering supplies for the needy".....

and of course she knows those in need all wear a size 9 in a plastic high heel...