Lost Chickens


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I bought two Chickens at the Amish Market about 2 weeks ago, because I felt sorry for them. I got their first Eggs this morning. I guess they have to relax, and get use to their environment before they lay? I named one Henrietta, and the other Blondie. Hey Ark, your Black Silkies (?) look like miniature Ostriches! They are all so exotic & good looking Chix.

Saturday they had a bunch of pullets? hens? at the Farmer's Market in Charlotte Hall jammed into small spaces together and some were old enough to lay and egg or two here and there I saw. He said they were Buff Orpingtons. I almost bought some but realized I don't need to add more big girls.


Active Member
Saturday they had a bunch of pullets? hens? at the Farmer's Market in Charlotte Hall jammed into small spaces together and some were old enough to lay and egg or two here and there I saw. He said they were Buff Orpingtons. I almost bought some but realized I don't need to add more big girls.
I think that's what one of my new Hens is, a Buff Orphington. She's a Blonde color, but is shaped, and about the size of my Rhodies. This man had them in cages that looked like Crab Pots, and there were about a dozen in each cage. I talked to one of the Amish Women about her "Broilers". She said that they don't lay Eggs like the regular Chickens do. Is that true? They are some plump & pretty Birds. But I will NOT eat an Animal who's eyes I've looked in too.!


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I merged some of the juveniles in with the adults. I usually go for a late day merge so they don't have long to duke it out, and I try to do it on a day when I am available the next morning/day to monitor the spats in case blood is drawn.

So far so good except I also put the buddies to the Silkies (a Buff Brahma and 2 Salmon Faverolles (sp?)) in the Polish pen too after the big girls were whooping up on them too much.

I still have the 5 farmer's market ones confined to a cage in the big girl pen until they get a tad bigger, then I'll sort out personalities so I can put the mild mannered big girls in with the Polish hens.

I've got 23 eggs incubating (my first time every incubating) now of the Tolbunt Polish ones trying to get some good ones to further breed for gene diversity. Only about 1/2 will hatch this weekend, the rest in another 10 days or so (need to check calendar). So peeping will continue - it sounds so cute.

I will be placing the excess chicks so if Roman wants to have a couple more layers.
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Active Member
I merged some of the juveniles in with the adults. I usually go for a late day merge so they don't have long to duke it out, and I try to do it on a day when I am available the next morning/day to monitor the spats in case blood is drawn.

So far so good except I also put the buddies to the Silkies (a Buff Brahma and 2 Salmon Faverolles (sp?)) in the Polish pen too after the big girls where whooping up on them too much.

I still have the 5 farmer's market ones confined to a cage in the big girl pen until they get a tad bigger, then I'll sort out personalities so I can put the mild mannered big girls in with the Polish hens.

I've got 23 eggs incubating (my first time every incubating) now of the Tolbunt Polish ones trying to get some good ones to further breed for gene diversity. Only about 1/2 will hatch this weekend, the rest in another 10 days or so (need to check calendar). So peeping will continue - it sounds so cute.

I will be placing the excess chicks so if Roman wants to have a couple more layers.
I would LOVE to have a couple of them. These would be Chicks right?? I don't care either way.


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I would LOVE to have a couple of them. These would be Chicks right?? I don't care either way.

I'd have to keep them a few months to determine which we'd use for breeding, and then also we'd know which were boys/girls by then also.


New Member
Oh no - they doodle do all night and all day. Guy across the street from me must have a bunch. I have no idea where he keeps them. I think he sells goats and stuff to people - like a not so good guy. All I see is animal crates of all sizes over there and I know the police and animal control have been over there several times in the 4 years we've been in our home. It wouldn't bother me so much if I thought they were being taken care of properly but since he is already on the radar screen - I don't complain because I'd hate to have someone start a fuss about the feral cats I am feeding.

We live on a residential street...all houses are fairly close together. Two neighbors have roosters/chickens. I love to hear the Doodle-Doing!!! I also learned something; they just don't doodle-do at sunrise!!!:lol:


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Oh no - they doodle do all night and all day. Guy across the street from me must have a bunch. I have no idea where he keeps them. I think he sells goats and stuff to people - like a not so good guy. All I see is animal crates of all sizes over there and I know the police and animal control have been over there several times in the 4 years we've been in our home. It wouldn't bother me so much if I thought they were being taken care of properly but since he is already on the radar screen - I don't complain because I'd hate to have someone start a fuss about the feral cats I am feeding.

I am still waiting on the first 2 chickens to start laying - they both seemed quite healthy, and were doing well, so I integrated them into the flock early. They fit right in. Of course Sweetie has to peck them at least once each day to remind them they don't out-rank her LOL

I have 5 Red Sex Link pullets that I call Janet. No need to give different names, how would I tell them apart? So I call them all Janet LOL Generally they stick together anyway. Those will probably be some of best layers. I do pretty well and rarely have a chick die, well except for the incubation project I just started.
2 of the 12 eggs hatched Friday. I checked the remaining eggs a few days later (waited a few extra days just in case) and they contained fully formed chicks that somehow died. I think the humidity loss when I took out the turner may have done them in? If so, I will be careful to get help and only raise the top just enough to slide the turner out, to minimize the humidity loss. Hatching out chickens via an incubator comes with its challenges, like checking the eggs that didn't hatch and seeing the poor chicks that were ready to come out but didn't make it out.


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A week ago was my first hatch using an incubator, well apparently the humidity was not high enough, and most of them got stuck in their shells and died. I ended with 2 survivors out of 10 eggs.

This week I had another 11 destined to hatch, and so far had 8 chicks hatch, 1 was DOA, and 2 more eggs are left that may hatch or not. My incubator heater failed in the middle of the recent hatch which sent me running to get a replacement fast. That's why I lost 1 chick I'm sure, and the last 2 could also be dead.

So I have 10 total in new chicks for the Tolbunt chicken gene diversification project I am helping with.

No telling yet what the sexes are. We'll have to wait and see.


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Active Member
A week ago was my first hatch using an incubator, well apparently the humidity was not high enough, and most of them got stuck in their shells and died. I ended with 2 survivors out of 10 eggs.

This week I had another 11 destined to hatch, and so far had 8 chicks hatch, 1 was DOA, and 2 more eggs are left that may hatch or not. My incubator heater failed in the middle of the recent hatch which sent me running to get a replacement fast. That's why I lost 1 chick I'm sure, and the last 2 could also be dead.

So I have 10 total in new chicks for the Tolbunt chicken gene diversification project I am helping with.

No telling yet what the sexes are. We'll have to wait and see.
I WANT THEM!! They are SO cute....Congratulations!


Adopt me please !
I WANT THEM!! They are SO cute....Congratulations!

My first 2 polish chickens about 5 years ago (Rooster and a hen) were appropriately named Don King and Robin Givens (Don King is on the left). I came up with Don King as a name first due to the feathers sticking up on his head. Then figured his partner in crime should be named Robin Givens. Those two ended up with a lot of Mike Tyson's money ....


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Hey didn't someone tell me about some loose chickens near Loveville? I can't recall where I got the information about more chickens on the lam. I won't be trying to catch them today in this heat though, they may turn into roasters LOL


Active Member
I'd have to keep them a few months to determine which we'd use for breeding, and then also we'd know which were boys/girls by then also.
Hey Ark, I learned how to Sex Chickens today!! I only did a couple, so I haven't Mastered it yet.


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Hey Ark, I learned how to Sex Chickens today!! I only did a couple, so I haven't Mastered it yet.

By looking into the vent?

I ask because a friend told me you can also tell by feeling their back above the vent, and I have to admit, so far I only hear 1 of the white ones trying to crow, and he said only 1 was male (what are the odds I pick out 5 straight run chicks at the Farmer's Market and I get 4 girls?) ..... we'll see as time goes on if he is right.

I think a few of the polish hen eggs that were collected to incubate had been from the Buff Laced Polish hen, because 3 of the chicks have yellow on them. If that's the case, those should turn out to be an interesting color.


Active Member
By looking into the vent?

I ask because a friend told me you can also tell by feeling their back above the vent, and I have to admit, so far I only hear 1 of the white ones trying to crow, and he said only 1 was male (what are the odds I pick out 5 straight run chicks at the Farmer's Market and I get 4 girls?) ..... we'll see as time goes on if he is right.

I think a few of the polish hen eggs that were collected to incubate had been from the Buff Laced Polish hen, because 3 of the chicks have yellow on them. If that's the case, those should turn out to be an interesting color.
There are acutally several ways to Sex a Chicken, and yes..one of the ways is to get the Poo out of their vent to check for a Nub. Some Females have nubs, but they aren't as prominant. This is usually the only way to be sure of the Gender. Another interesting way, is to pick up a Chick like a Mother Cat picks her Kitten up. If it's a Male, they will pull their feet close to their bodies, where the Female just dangles her feet. This isn't as accurate as the Vent Check. Also, female Chicks grow their feathers on their wing tips, and tail area before the males do. I would guess that you have to only have babies from the same Clutch to be sure. The Buff Laced Chic that you mentioned, sounds interesting.


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There are acutally several ways to Sex a Chicken, and yes..one of the ways is to get the Poo out of their vent to check for a Nub. Some Females have nubs, but they aren't as prominant. This is usually the only way to be sure of the Gender. Another interesting way, is to pick up a Chick like a Mother Cat picks her Kitten up. If it's a Male, they will pull their feet close to their bodies, where the Female just dangles her feet. This isn't as accurate as the Vent Check. Also, female Chicks grow their feathers on their wing tips, and tail area before the males do. I would guess that you have to only have babies from the same Clutch to be sure. The Buff Laced Chic that you mentioned, sounds interesting.

The guy who checked the market chicks for me was rubbing the back of the chick not far from the vent, looking for a nub of some sort (nub = boy).

I'll try to get more chick pics to show the part yellow ones.

Speaking of roos, it's comical how they sound when they first start learning to crow.


Active Member
The guy who checked the market chicks for me was rubbing the back of the chick not far from the vent, looking for a nub of some sort (nub = boy).

I'll try to get more chick pics to show the part yellow ones.

Speaking of roos, it's comical how they sound when they first start learning to crow.
That is so CUTE when they first start Crowing, I miss hearing that.