"Lost" season 2


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
nomoney said:
bout time. I've almost lost interest in this show.
I always think that until I get sucked in again. :lol: I hope they give us at least three new episodes in a row before four weeks of repeats. :fingerscrossed:
Jameo said:
Is dude locked in the safe one of the "others" or not? :shrug:
We still don't know... the previews for next week gave us a glimpse of a hot air balloon stuck in the trees... but the azz gave that "if I were an other I would send your friends off to a secluded place so that they would be hijacked..." speach at the end of last nights episode which really creaped me out... I can't figure him out yet... :doh:


CMC122 said:

He's a weirdo:jet:
he plays such a good wierdo. Wasn't he in like a law and order episode or something? I remember him as a wierdo serial killer in something and it's creeping me out when I see him.


Go Braves!
nomoney said:
he plays such a good wierdo. Wasn't he in like a law and order episode or something? I remember him as a wierdo serial killer in something and it's creeping me out when I see him.
I think you're right:yay:


New Member
nomoney said:
he plays such a good wierdo. Wasn't he in like a law and order episode or something? I remember him as a wierdo serial killer in something and it's creeping me out when I see him.

It's something about his voice that's creepy also.


kwillia said:
but the azz gave that "if I were an other I would send your friends off to a secluded place so that they would be hijacked..." speach at the end of last nights episode which really creaped me out... I can't figure him out yet... :doh:
yes - that was truly bizarre. why would he say that!?
and my-oh-my about sun! makes me wonder if it's one of those 'island' miracles like locke being able to walk! hmmm...