"Lost" season 2


Well-Known Member

what is with the symbols that Locke saw during the blue light?
Anybody Tivo it?

Also...Henry Gale...the questions just explode about this guy.

Somebody is still dropping Dharma food on the island...unbelievable

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Hessian said:
what is with the symbols that Locke saw during the blue light?
Anybody Tivo it?

Also...Henry Gale...the questions just explode about this guy.

Somebody is still dropping Dharma food on the island...unbelievable
The symbols looked like a map of the enire complex, which we know is larger than just the hatch and there's that area that's been walled off with concrete that Said couldn't get to.


FIgured you all would get a kick outta this...

Here's the map

GREAT show last night! Had me glued till the end! The next couple of weeks are going to be wild... anyone else think the guy Hurley was running through the woods after was a vision of the guy who told him the numbers while he was in the looney bin? Which then brings another question: Is Hurley the first to show signs of being infected?



fredsaid2 said:
Here's a very through analysis of the episode, with a link to the map on the blast doors and translates the Latin.


The poster has pretty interesting thoughts!

Not convinced alias-Henry is an Other. Maybe he was a former button pusher who escaped? If this island is such a secret why would they turn loose someone who's worked in the hatch back out in the normal world?

Maybe it was the guy who was sent to replace Desmond? I think the guy who was stuck in the loony bin with Hurley was a button pusher... Droove him mad... this guy seems a bit crazy too... wouldn't surprise me that he has put the numbers in before... the way he had them memorized so quickly...
maylinduplantis said:
Maybe it was the guy who was sent to replace Desmond? I think the guy who was stuck in the loony bin with Hurley was a button pusher... Droove him mad... this guy seems a bit crazy too... wouldn't surprise me that he has put the numbers in before... the way he had them memorized so quickly...
I'm believing the dude buried under the parachute was the guy who was supposed to replace Desmond...:yay:


kwillia said:
I'm believing the dude buried under the parachute was the guy who was supposed to replace Desmond...:yay:

Why would he have come on a ballon and not air dropped like the supplies? That is an interesting idea though...