"Lost" season 2


This Space for Rent
nomoney said:
OMG, I dozed off - I woke up right when he shot anna and libby then himself. Last thing before that that I remember before that is Michael waking up and telling them that they only have 2 guns :blahblah:

What led up to him shooting them????

Jack and Kate stumble across an unconscious Michael deep in the jungle. And while Jack is primed and ready for a confrontation with the Others, it is Kate who forces him to deal with the task at hand: Michael needs medical attention and he needs it back at the Hatch.

Speaking of the Hatch, Ana Lucia receives a nasty surprise when she goes into the armory to deliver a bowl of food to a dejected Henry. Only Locke's last-minute intervention is enough to save her life. And while Locke is desperate for answers to his questions, he knows that time with Henry is running out fast.

In FLASHBACK, we see Ana Lucia confronted by her mother -- who's also her captain -- upon returning to the station after a shift. It seems a body has been found in a parking lot. And it just happens to be the same guy who confessed to shooting Ana Lucia. But when Captain Cortez tries to offer her daughter her help, Ana Lucia quits the force and runs away… all the way to Australia.

Turns out she met a guy at the airport; a guy who was running away from his own problems and the two of them forged a dysfunctional partnership. She agreed to go to Australia to "protect him" and he agreed not to ask too many questions. Hard to believe it didn't last long…

Michael is being cared for in the Hatch. He's regained consciousness and the information he presents is startling. He knows where Walt is. And the Others have been lying about their strength. As soon as he is strong enough, Michael is going to return to their camp in force. And he is going to take his son back. The entire camp is activated, caught somewhere between hopeful and terrified at what this all means.

In light of her recent troubles, Ana Lucia is desperate to get her hands on a gun. And when she barters with Sawyer we learn just how far she is willing to go to get what she wants.

Hurley attempts to move his relationship with Libby to the next step and asks her on an honest-to-goodness date. And we can't help feeling happy to see that, even here, good things can happen.

But it's just not that simple now, is it? And this wouldn't be LOST if things ended up happy and hopeful. So, as the episode draws to a close we are taught yet another lesson about the dark side of mankind..and what we are capable of doing when there appears to be no other choice.


New Member
kwillia said:
In light of her recent troubles, Ana Lucia is desperate to get her hands on a gun. And when she barters with Sawyer we learn just how far she is willing to go to get what she wants.

Like boinking Sawyer was hard to do :duh:
A glimpse ahead...

Episode 21: ?; An "Eko" Episode;

Claire will apparently appear in the flashback, although it doesn't look to be a Claire episode. The blacklight (seen in Episode 217) will be part of a story arc in the final four episodes. Eko's brother Yemi appears in flashbacks. Also appearing is Richard Malkin, the psychic who warned Claire about Aaron. Malkin is somehow tied to Eko. Libby and Eko are seen together at the airport. The blacklight map also apparently brings Eko and Locke together again in their diverging views of faith.


anyone catch the hanso commercial????

here's the freaky website - and go sign up for newsletter -- http://thehansofoundation.org/


and anyone think claire is jack's half sister!?!?!? interesting how sawyer was walking by at that time, eh?

THIS is the Lost i've been missing! TOTALLY awesome eppy last night! i'm still reeling! :jameo:


ladylara said:
anyone catch the hanso commercial????

here's the freaky website - and go sign up for newsletter -- http://thehansofoundation.org/


and anyone think claire is jack's half sister!?!?!? interesting how sawyer was walking by at that time, eh?

THIS is the Lost i've been missing! TOTALLY awesome eppy last night! i'm still reeling! :jameo:

there's no way claire could be jack's half sister. The mom that the dad confronted looked too young.


forgot to add to my last reply

Katt said:
Michael's gonna lead them all into an ambush now.
and why didn't kate speak up about the beards thing? you saw her knowing look to jack... something tells me that they aren't 100% on board with this ambush.


New Member
ladylara said:
anyone catch the hanso commercial????

here's the freaky website - and go sign up for newsletter -- http://thehansofoundation.org/


and anyone think claire is jack's half sister!?!?!? interesting how sawyer was walking by at that time, eh?

THIS is the Lost i've been missing! TOTALLY awesome eppy last night! i'm still reeling! :jameo:

Yep, I saw Sawyer bump into the car door :shrug: I'm lost


New Member
Could the young girl taken by the Others from the talies be Jack's half-sister?
I think Libby must be dead otherwise she'd tell Jack and Co that it was Michael with the gun not Henry.
Michael has to believe if he does this for the Others they will give Walt back to him. He told Anna he was sorry before I shot her. A lot of people to loose in one episode!


fredsaid2 said:
. A lot of people to loose in one episode!

serves them right for drinking and driving :lol: Ana got jail time I heard for it-hense the reason she's dead now :lol: Libby's trial is coming up-so maybe they're letting her life hang for a little bit-maybe she'll be in a coma :lol:


nomoney said:
serves them right for drinking and driving :lol: Ana got jail time I heard for it-hense the reason she's dead now :lol: Libby's trial is coming up-so maybe they're letting her life hang for a little bit-maybe she'll be in a coma :lol:

I think she'll die, thereby giving the big kid another incidental death wrap to add to his balcolny mishap - if he had remembered to bring the blanket to the beach picnic, she wouldn't have gone in there to get a blanket :shrug:
Next weeks T.V. guide had a great article on Lost... it said before the season ends, we will find out why the plane crashed and lots of other questions will finally get answered. The writers said they heard us loud and clear after last season's finale left us too high and dry.


gosh i hope so. i can't believe the season is almost up again! :jameo:


This Space for Rent
kwillia said:
Next weeks T.V. guide had a great article on Lost... it said before the season ends, we will find out why the plane crashed and lots of other questions will finally get answered. The writers said they heard us loud and clear after last season's finale left us too high and dry.

I hope they don't answer too much... the mystery of the show is part of the appeal.