Lynne Cheney Upset With Kerry Over Remark


Dancing Up A Storm
Ken King said:
I think Bush/Cheney should convert this picture into a poster and caption it with the following: "Would John Kerry let Bill Clinton visit when Alexandra is home?" Pretty skimpy outfit for a wannabe first kid.
Ken, you're forgetting Bill has a bad heart these days, and one glimpse of that young lady might send him over the edge.:lol:

Bill: "Hillary, it's the big one, ohh!!"

Hillary: "Die, you pervert!"

BTW, those were her pectoral muscles, in view?

Seems one thing Kerry hasn't mastered is Parental Guidance.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Penn said:
Ken, you're forgetting Bill has a bad heart these days, and one glimpse of that young lady might send him over the edge.:lol:
Is there a hill high enough? :lmao:

Bill: "Hillary, it's the big one, ohh!!"

Hillary: "Don't misrepresent Dear, it has never been big." :killingme


Dancing Up A Storm
Ken King said:
Is there a hill high enough? :lmao:

Hillary: "Don't misrepresent Dear, it has never been big." :killingme
Oh, and they may have tagged John Kerry as the most liberal politician in Washington, worse than Teddy Kennedy, but I'm not sure he'd consent to letting his daughter serve as intern to Slick Willie! :lmao:

Nah, nobody is that dumb, are they?


Active Member

Ok, I have to say just a bit on this, not for one side or the other. I don't think Kerry said anything tawdry or out of context. He merely stated what is pretty much a known fact, that MC is a lesbian. It also wasn't stated in a derogatory manner, at least I didn't see it that way. And if I recall, the VP himself talked about his daughter and her sexual orientation a couple weeks ago when asked about marriage. He also said that people should be allowed to love who they want to and the government shouldn't interfere. I don't think it was a cheap shot, the VP brought it up first. Its a moot issue for me any-hoo, but I just think it is odd that not one person howled when the VP went against the president's stand on the issue. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. IMO, Lynne shouldn't have attacked Kerry, but said how much she loves her daughter. Not a thought, just a sermon.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Aimhigh2000 said:
Ok, I have to say just a bit on this, not for one side or the other. I don't think Kerry said anything tawdry or out of context. He merely stated what is pretty much a known fact, that MC is a lesbian. It also wasn't stated in a derogatory manner, at least I didn't see it that way. And if I recall, the VP himself talked about his daughter and her sexual orientation a couple weeks ago when asked about marriage. He also said that people should be allowed to love who they want to and the government shouldn't interfere. I don't think it was a cheap shot, the VP brought it up first. Its a moot issue for me any-hoo, but I just think it is odd that not one person howled when the VP went against the president's stand on the issue. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. IMO, Lynne shouldn't have attacked Kerry, but said how much she loves her daughter. Not a thought, just a sermon.
It was a calculated ploy by Kerry to bring that difference between the President and the Vice-President to light. Kerry could have easily talked in generalities without specifically mentioning her. It is just another case of "anything to improve my position by degrading my opponents”. In case you haven't noticed, Kerry is that scummy.

As to Mrs. Cheney speaking her mind about his use of her daughter for his example, I think that is just a mother that loves and cares about her daughter and if she was offended by how her daughter was used by Kerry that is her prerogative.


Football season!
Ken King said:
It is just another case of "anything to improve my position by degrading my opponents”.
Are you saying that her being a lesbian is degrading to the cheney family?


Active Member

I think it is a case of that. NIMBY. I mean, George has been trying to get the exteme conservative vote, and when it comes to a choice, why not ask Dick if he thinks his daughter made a choice. I don't fully agree with Kerry either, and I will probably vote for Nader anyway. The republican candidates are just so afraid they will lose votes by admitting they know gay people, or that they actually like or love some of them. I think if you are going to preach that you stand for family values, then just say you love your family. It's not hard, and people will like you. I mean, there is a hardcore (harder than most of you on here) republican at my church who has watched myself and others grow up. She may not approve of my lifestyle, but she loves me, the person. That's why I don't like either side. One panders to get the gay vote, and the other fights to acknowledge it is there. :flowers:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
Are you saying that her being a lesbian is degrading to the cheney family?
Nope, and none of the words I posted above say that either. I believe that it was Kerry's intent to show that the differences amongst the top two people in the executive on this matter somehow makes them weak and unable to govern, thus degrading them for being individuals and having differing opinions.


Nothing to see here
John Kerry sez
"We're all God's children, Bob. And I think if you were to talk to Dick Cheney's daughter, who is a lesbian, she would tell you that she's being who she was, she's being who she was born as."

Does John Kerry KNOW Mary Cheney??? How can he presume to know WHAT she would tell anyone about her sexuality?? PompassJohn can read minds???IMO, thats why so many people are up in arms about Kerry's statement, it was totally un-necessary. He could have just said -

"We're all God's children, Bob. And I think if you were to talk to a homosexual person, they would tell you that they're being who they are, they are being who they were born."

..but no, he wanted to play dirty and do the democratic party proud.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What Nickel said is still valid...

not really. Cheney says he will support any position that Bush takes on the subject

If Cheney runs the world as we've been told, then, by default, Bush's postion is Cheney's position and vice a versa.

Unless, of course, you are trying to suggest that W is, in fact, the President, in word and deed? He's the leader?



My Sweetest Boy
Otter, please find the classy words Ms. Edwards had to say about how Ms. Cheney was ashamed of her daughter's sexual orientation.


Dancing Up A Storm
otter said:
John Kerry sez

Does John Kerry KNOW Mary Cheney??? How can he presume to know WHAT she would tell anyone about her sexuality?? PompassJohn can read minds???IMO, thats why so many people are up in arms about Kerry's statement, it was totally un-necessary. He could have just said -

"We're all God's children, Bob. And I think if you were to talk to a homosexual person, they would tell you that they're being who they are, they are being who they were born."

..but no, he wanted to play dirty and do the democratic party proud.
:yay: If Kerry wanted to make an honest point here, he didn't have to name names.

And he damn sure didn't have to name the daughter of the Vice President of the opposing party for the presidency.

Does anyone think it wasn't calculated in that way?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I am stunned Penn!

Does anyone think it wasn't calculated in that way?

What has John Kerry EVER done (9,000 Purple hearts) to allow you to (3 months, 3 boo boo's and I'm OUT OF HERE!) even remotely think (combat V with a star) John Effing Got Cambodia Seared on My Mind Kerry would ever, EVER, even THINK about (Jen Jis Khan) messaging or manipulating a point or, gasp, the truth?

Have you sir, after all this time, no deceny, sir?



Dancing Up A Storm
Larry Gude said:
What has John Kerry EVER done (9,000 Purple hearts) to allow you to (3 months, 3 boo boo's and I'm OUT OF HERE!) even remotely think (combat V with a star) John Effing Got Cambodia Seared on My Mind Kerry would ever, EVER, even THINK about (Jen Jis Khan) messaging or manipulating a point or, gasp, the truth?

Have you sir, after all this time, no deceny, sir?

:frown: What can I say to you? I am a sinner. How much discernment does one have to have to recognize a snake in the grass?