Lynne Cheney Upset With Kerry Over Remark


I was listening to AmrericaRight on XM this morning and Glen Beck put it better in an example that went like this:

Suppose the question from Scheifer to the President went like this; Mr. President everyday doctors and researchers proclaim that obesity is running rampant in America, blood pressure is up, cholesterol, heart problems, diabetes all caused by obesity. Do you think we need to have more education about obesity or is their anyhting that can be done?

Well Bob, I have seen that obesity is running rampant in America. It is driving up health costs, but I believe if you were to ask Senator Edwards wife who happens to be obese if education is needed I am sure she would say no.

OK, now if the President said something like that would the dems still be all swarmy about it?


Dancing Up A Storm
I've watched the debates a bit, the news commentaries, etc., but haven't spied Mrs. Edwards, or at least can't recall what she looks like.

Is there some notion that she is plump?:shrug:


New Member
Penn said:
I've watched the debates a bit, the news commentaries, etc., but haven't spied Mrs. Edwards, or at least can't recall what she looks like.

Is there some notion that she is plump?:shrug:
They hide her fat ass. You know, because they are so compassionate.


Football season!
Penn said:
I've watched the debates a bit, the news commentaries, etc., but haven't spied Mrs. Edwards, or at least can't recall what she looks like.

Is there some notion that she is plump?:shrug:
from another site:
"Anyway, I'm sure I wasn't the first person to notice this. John Edwards' wife is like, huge. In fact, I'm surprised we haven't heard more about this. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before Rush gets to it. Couldn't they have put this cow on Atkins if they knew her husband was going to be running for office? The only thing I can think is, maybe the whole "Look how fat my wife is" thing might play well in the South and with, you know, fat women. I could care less what he's done (or hasn't done) in his career. The fact that he looks like that and she looks like that and they still live in the same house shows that this man has character, damnit!
He's a better man than I am."



New Member
SmallTown said:
from another site:
"Anyway, I'm sure I wasn't the first person to notice this. John Edwards' wife is like, huge. In fact, I'm surprised we haven't heard more about this. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before Rush gets to it. Couldn't they have put this cow on Atkins if they knew her husband was going to be running for office? The only thing I can think is, maybe the whole "Look how fat my wife is" thing might play well in the South and with, you know, fat women. I could care less what he's done (or hasn't done) in his career. The fact that he looks like that and she looks like that and they still live in the same house shows that this man has character, damnit!
He's a better man than I am."

More on this story here


New Member
Found this while googling...

Later, in Greensboro, Edwards echoed her husband in saying that Cheney, as a member of Congress, had opposed the Department of Education, the Head Start and Meals on Wheels programs and a holiday for Martin Luther King, Jr.
Hey, I'm opposed to most of those things, too!


Bo, I am cracking up laughing so hard, my face is going to crack. :killingme


Dancing Up A Storm
"I promise that I will not target John Edward’s fat ass wife in any of our advertisements. I will not call attention to the Democratic strategists’ borrowing of the Lane Bryant ‘Kirstie Alley’ plan, by hiding Elizabeth Edwards behind strategically placed pillows, tables, and tractor trailers.”, the President said Wednesday. :lol:


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Wash Post doesn't seem to want...

...anyone talking about Kerry's lesbo slam. The dirt world version in my formerly nicotine stained hands has a Novak column "Kerry's Mistake".

The online version seems to be censoring. It does not have the article. What's that tell you?

In short Novak points out that many people were deeply offended by the comment including several prominent Democrats who told the Kerry camp the Senator needed to apologize, right away. The only one who gets it, it seems, is Mike McCurry, who learned to recognize what could be buried and what couldn't be working for Clinton.

It seems moderates who were watching the debate and being monitored by news services were aghast.

So far, it's all attack by Kerry and Co. The most telling fact is that this was an off the cuff remark by Kerry. It was not in their pre debate plan to turn a lesbian into a punching bag. Kerry's instincts seem to be to use whatever weapon he deems handy which is nothing new fo him.

Says alot about Kerry the moderates didn't know before.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Aimhigh2000 said:
I don't think Kerry said anything tawdry or out of context. He merely stated what is pretty much a known fact, that MC is a lesbian.
Well, knock me down. I thought for sure that you would be offended by Johns Kerry and Edwards using Mary Cheney's personal life as a political football. I, for one, am intensely sick of hearing the words "Mary Cheney, Dick Cheney's gay daughter". I find it offensive and tacky, like that's all she is. Not a daughter or a sister or a student or a friend or an employee - just "Dick Cheney's gay daughter".

The Cheney's have respected their daughter's privacy - they don't trot her out and say, "See? Some of our best friends are queers! Vote for us!" Whenever it has been brought up in interviews with Lynne or Dick Cheney, they always say that they have no intention of discussing their daughter's personal life on TV, which is the totally correct way to handle the crass media with their insatiable hunger for grubbing in the mud.

And Elizabeth Edwards' comments were beyond reprehensible. To say that Lynne Cheney is ashamed of her daughter because John Kerry wants to use her as a political tool is just ignorant. By all accounts, the Cheney's have a very close relationship with their daughter, which explains why they don't want K&E tossing her around the way they do.

Just when you think the Democrats can't sink any lower, they come out with this bullshit.

I'm surprised at you, AimHigh.
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Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Well, knock me down. I thought for sure that you would be offended by Johns Kerry and Edwards using Mary Cheney's personal life as a political football. ...
I'm surprised at you, AimHigh.
I don't think the aim is high enough.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Just when you think the Democrats can't sink any lower, they come out with this bullshit.

I'm surprised at you, AimHigh.

I'm not surprised. I was at DU over the weekend, and in their warped minds they think the Cheney's are ashamed of their daughter. I read posts that think Mary should be more vocal and stand up for the gays and lesbians instead of keeping her life private. :rolleyes: Other posts suggested that it was Kerry's way of splitting up Bush's religious base so some wouldn't go to the polls on election day.


Sharon said:
Other posts suggested that it was Kerry's way of splitting up Bush's religious base so some wouldn't go to the polls on election day.

Like all over the country now conservatives are thinking:

"I aint votin for Cheney cause either he or his wife has a queer gene cause their youngun is a lesbo."


vraiblonde said:
Well, knock me down. I thought for sure that you would be offended by Johns Kerry and Edwards using Mary Cheney's personal life as a political football. I, for one, am intensely sick of hearing the words "Mary Cheney, Dick Cheney's gay daughter". I find it offensive and tacky, like that's all she is. Not a daughter or a sister or a student or a friend or an employee - just "Dick Cheney's gay daughter".

The Cheney's have respected their daughter's privacy - they don't trot her out and say, "See? Some of our best friends are queers! Vote for us!" Whenever it has been brought up in interviews with Lynne or Dick Cheney, they always say that they have no intention of discussing their daughter's personal life on TV, which is the totally correct way to handle the crass media with their insatiable hunger for grubbing in the mud.

And Elizabeth Edwards' comments were beyond reprehensible. To say that Lynne Cheney is ashamed of her daughter because John Kerry wants to use her as a political tool is just ignorant. By all accounts, the Cheney's have a very close relationship with their daughter, which explains why they don't want K&E tossing her around the way they do.

Just when you think the Democrats can't sink any lower, they come out with this bullshit.

I'm surprised at you, AimHigh.

You Republicans are something else. When Alan Keyes (A Republican) called Mary Cheney a hedonist and selfish for being a lesbian they didn't get upset. But when Kerry called Lynn's and Dick's daughter a lesbian that get upset. Well I'll be damned. :whip: :killingme


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
You Republicans are something else. When Alan Keyes (A Republican) called Mary Cheney a hedonist and selfish for being a lesbian they didn't get upset. But when Kerry called Lynn's and Dick's daughter a lesbian that get upset. Well I'll be damned. :whip: :killingme
And guess what? Alan Keyes won't get elected, either. :kiss: