I was listening to AmrericaRight on XM this morning and Glen Beck put it better in an example that went like this:
Suppose the question from Scheifer to the President went like this; Mr. President everyday doctors and researchers proclaim that obesity is running rampant in America, blood pressure is up, cholesterol, heart problems, diabetes all caused by obesity. Do you think we need to have more education about obesity or is their anyhting that can be done?
Well Bob, I have seen that obesity is running rampant in America. It is driving up health costs, but I believe if you were to ask Senator Edwards wife who happens to be obese if education is needed I am sure she would say no.
OK, now if the President said something like that would the dems still be all swarmy about it?
Suppose the question from Scheifer to the President went like this; Mr. President everyday doctors and researchers proclaim that obesity is running rampant in America, blood pressure is up, cholesterol, heart problems, diabetes all caused by obesity. Do you think we need to have more education about obesity or is their anyhting that can be done?
Well Bob, I have seen that obesity is running rampant in America. It is driving up health costs, but I believe if you were to ask Senator Edwards wife who happens to be obese if education is needed I am sure she would say no.
OK, now if the President said something like that would the dems still be all swarmy about it?