Lynne Cheney Upset With Kerry Over Remark


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
You Republicans are something else. When Alan Keyes (A Republican) called Mary Cheney a hedonist and selfish for being a lesbian they didn't get upset. But when Kerry called Lynn's and Dick's daughter a lesbian that get upset. Well I'll be damned. :whip: :killingme

Sure they did. What do they have to do, shoot him?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Keyes is doing OK.

In just seven weeks, the Keyes campaign raised $1,349,679
from 20,176 individual contributors and *ONLY FIVE* PACs
and political party committees. The individual contributions
accounted for $1,309,015 -- a stunning 97 PERCENT. And when
you divide the total amount contributed by the number of
contributions, you learn that the average contribution to
the Keyes for Senate campaign was a remarkably low $65 per
donor -- more evidence of a TRUE grassroots campaign.


Dancing Up A Storm
Just ran across an interesting slant from a journalist on the Kerry/Edwards proclivity to mention Mary Cheneys' name, in both of their debates. Was it coincidence, or contrived?

"Let's be clear about one thing: No political candidate ever says anything out of the goodness of his heart. He says everything out of the badness of his heart in the fervent hope that the effect of whatever he says will accrue to his own personal benefit."

Say it ain't so!


Dancing Up A Storm
UrbanPancake said:
She's fair game. She's part of the Bush campaign.
I can't buy that one. But let's allow that one to slip by for the moment.

Both of these candidates could have offered up a more generalised example, in place of naming the opposite partys' family member. A Hollywood actress, Ellen DeGeneres(sp?) would have sufficed. Who would have found outrage there?

But they had to go one step farther and make it personal to the Cheneys, by naming their daughter.

Was it done off the cuff? I don't buy that one either.

Notice in the days afterwards, the dems even brought up the questions like:

"Do the Cheneys love their daughter, dispite her sexual preferences?"

"Are they ashamed of what she is?"

I can assure you, these queries didn't originate from the republican side.


That the Bush campaign has used Mary as a political pawn. They whip her out to make a weak attempt to seem like they are compassionate, but when she is publicly called a lesbian in a very positvie and constructive format they push her back into the closet, and make her a victim of the Republican's true perverted view of homosexuality. Why would Lynn care so much that Kerry said that her parents loved their Lesbian daughter? Why did Bush put a political spin on such a constructive comment?


Super Genius
UrbanPancake said:
That the Bush campaign has used Mary as a political pawn. They whip her out to make a weak attempt to seem like they are compassionate, but when she is publicly called a lesbian in a very positvie and constructive format they push her back into the closet, and make her a victim of the Republican's true perverted view of homosexuality. Why would Lynn care so much that Kerry said that her parents loved their Lesbian daughter? Why did Bush put a political spin on such a constructive comment?
I thought everybody knew that Mary's been mentioned in the Bush/Cheney campaign. I thought the problem people had with it is that it is inappropriate for candidates to talk about the family of the opposing candidate. I.e. It's ok for Kerry to talk about his family, but it's not ok for Bush to talk about them.


Are you sure?????? Alan Keyes said some very nasty things about Mary, and nothing happened. Of course though Alan is right there beside Bush slamming the closet door on Mary's fingers.


Dancing Up A Storm
ylexot said:
I thought everybody knew that Mary's been mentioned in the Bush/Cheney campaign. I thought the problem people had with it is that it is inappropriate for candidates to talk about the family of the opposing candidate. I.e. It's ok for Kerry to talk about his family, but it's not ok for Bush to talk about them.
Obviously, urban did not grasp that little detail. He even thinks Kerry's invoking Mary Cheneys' name was positive and constructive in the the format of the debates.
"They whip her out to make a weak attempt to seem like they are compassionate, but when she is publicly called a lesbian in a very positvie and constructive format they push her back into the closet, and make her a victim of the Republican's true perverted view of homosexuality."
Talk about perverted views! I will wager he copied that statement directly from the DU.

PS: When opposing candidates are engaged in verbal skirmishing, as in the debates, do you suppose they are thinking in terms of positive and
constructive statements they can make in favor of their opponent??


Doesn't matter. If Mary is going to work for the campaign and be open about it then she is fair game. Don't you get that???? She is employed by her FATHER, for this particular campaign. If she doesn't like it, then she should quit the campaign.


Super Genius
UrbanPancake said:
Are you sure?????? Alan Keyes said some very nasty things about Mary, and nothing happened. Of course though Alan is right there beside Bush slamming the closet door on Mary's fingers.
Lynne Cheney Upset With... 10-25-2004 12:15 PM Homophobe!!!!

Afraid to sign your karma? Do you even know what a homophobe is? Did I mention sexual orientation anywhere in my posts in this thread? AFAIK, I haven't said anything negative about homosexuality anywhere in any of my posts at any time. Or do you just call me a homophobe because I question the views of a moron (you).

Ok, back to the thread...are you really surprised that Bush/Cheney didn't say anything about Keyes' comments? If you are, then you're an even bigger moron than I previously thought.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
That the Bush campaign has used Mary as a political pawn. They whip her out

They - DO - NOT. It's been brought up twice in this campaign - by the Democrats. She does not get paraded about - she keeps her life *private*. The Cheneys have been very consistent about this.

I don't believe they were in any way trying to *compliment* the Cheneys - *especiallyY in lieu of the nasty remarks afterwards from Edward's wife, who suggested they're privately ashamed of their daughter. No, there's nothing kind about it - it was a lame and obvious attempt to stir things up for the Republicans, to make them seem hypocritical to part of their religious base. It didn't work, because Democrats mistakenly perceive all religious types as snobby prejudicial brain-dead self-righteous fools. They saw right through this little stunt.

Like I said before - if they meant to COMPLIMENT the Cheneys, their subsequent behavior regarding the situation discredits that loud and clear.

Here's a nice rule of thumb - if *your* daughter is gay, you may discuss her in public. If MY daughter is gay, it's none of your goddamned business.


Dancing Up A Storm
UrbanPancake said:
Doesn't matter. If Mary is going to work for the campaign and be open about it then she is fair game. Don't you get that???? She is employed by her FATHER, for this particular campaign. If she doesn't like it, then she should quit the campaign.
:tantrum :bawl: :bawl: :baby: :baby: :tantrum

I wanna make a point, but I don't know how to!!!! Oh woe is me.

They didn't tell me it was gonna be this hard to win over some people, back there at the DU!

Get a life urbanflip/flop flapjack


ylexot said:
Ok, back to the thread...are you really surprised that Bush/Cheney didn't say anything about Keyes' comments? If you are, then you're an even bigger moron than I previously thought.

I have no idea what your talking about. (I do sign mine thank you) Bush can't have it both ways. He denounced what Kerry said, and then ignored Keye's statement. The American public can see right through that. :whip:


Dancing Up A Storm
UrbanPancake said:
I have no idea what your talking about. (I do sign mine thank you) Bush can't have it both ways. He denounced what Kerry said, and then ignored Keye's statement. The American public can see right through that. :whip:
They'll see through it alright, especially if they're looking through cross-eyed blinders like yours!

You really are a pathetic little moron; you should have seen by now that this website is a predominently conservative one, but you still post items from the DU?!?!?

What do you have for substance between your ears? Sea sponges? :killingme