Lynne Cheney Upset With Kerry Over Remark


I don't care if this is a conservative website. I live in Southern Maryland, and I'm a liberal. Big Deal. It's right on the forum for politics that "liberals, conservatives, and independents are welcome". If you don't like it change the first amendment.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
... It's right on the forum for politics that "liberals, conservatives, and independents are welcome". If you don't like it change the first amendment.
The first amendment has NO bearing here.

You post here at the pleasure of the boards owners.
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Dancing Up A Storm
Kyle said:
The first amendment has NO bearing here.

You post here at the pleasure of the boards owners.
BaBooom! Urban, did you hear that 5,000 pounder go off?

Listen up! Of course we like to debate political isssues from both the left and the right; but yours are idiotic, have no basis behind them, and for the most part, are easily refuted.
That gets old, real fast, and people get tired of the SOS. Try being a little more middle of the road, instead of always hard-left, that is, if you know how. :lol:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
I have no idea what your talking about. (I do sign mine thank you) Bush can't have it both ways. He denounced what Kerry said, and then ignored Keye's statement. The American public can see right through that. :whip:
According to this news report it states that the President's spokesperson said it was an inappropriate comment. But in Keyes defense he was lead into a question about Mary, he didn't intentionally bring her up like others we know.


Dancing Up A Storm
Ken King said:
According to this news report it states that the President's spokesperson said it was an inappropriate comment. But in Keyes defense he was lead into a question about Mary, he didn't intentionally bring her up like others we know.
I read the article, and it does look like Keyes was suckered into saying what he did. The thing is, you would have thought he'd be smart enough, quick enough to switch gears by now, and alter his reply to fit the situation he was in.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Penn said:
I read the article, and it does look like Keyes was suckered into saying what he did. The thing is, you would have thought he'd be smart enough, quick enough to switch gears by now, and alter his reply to fit the situation he was in.
I have spoken with Alan Keyes in person. I like him because he does not switch gears depending on what group he is talking with. He is very upfront for a politician; I find that refreshing. It is Kerry that is the master of switching gears and saying what ever he thinks the group he is with wants to hear even if it directly contradicts something he just said to the previous group.


Ken King said:
According to this news report it states that the President's spokesperson said it was an inappropriate comment. But in Keyes defense he was lead into a question about Mary, he didn't intentionally bring her up like others we know.

That's right... I forgot that Republican's need their questions taylored and edited to questions that they can actually answer all by themselves. :moon:


Penn said:
I read the article, and it does look like Keyes was suckered into saying what he did. The thing is, you would have thought he'd be smart enough, quick enough to switch gears by now, and alter his reply to fit the situation he was in. one ever said Republicans were quick witted. :lmao:


Dancing Up A Storm
2ndAmendment said:
I have spoken with Alan Keyes in person. I like him because he does not switch gears depending on what group he is talking with. He is very upfront for a politician; I find that refreshing. It is Kerry that is the master of switching gears and saying what ever he thinks the group he is with wants to hear even if it directly contradicts something he just said to the previous group.
I believe you may have taken what I said in the wrong manner; What I was getting at was - given that the discussion was being conducted by a gay/lesbian rights supporter, I believe, when that question was offered up
to him. You might have thought he would taken the "flavor", or slant of the interviewer into consideration. Then, he might have paused, and answered the question with an idea as to why it was asked and how best to answer it.

In other words, realise how the question was being framed, who asked it , and how best to give a clear response.

I'm not sure he exercised his best judgement on that scale. JMHO


Penn said:
I believe you may have taken what I said in the wrong manner; What I was getting at was - given that the discussion was being conducted by a gay/lesbian rights supporter, I believe, when that question was offered up
to him. You might have thought he would taken the "flavor", or slant of the interviewer into consideration. Then, he might have paused, and answered the question with an idea as to why it was asked and how best to answer it.

In other words, realise how the question was being framed, who asked it , and how best to give a clear response.

I'm not sure he exercised his best judgement on that scale. JMHO

So you mean he should have flippedflopped? Instead of Mary being selfish and a hedonist, she would be something nice and cheery that God created on purpose. It's funny how Republicans can flipflop. I guess when your GOP it's AOK. :patriot:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
That's right... I forgot that Republican's need their questions taylored and edited to questions that they can actually answer all by themselves. :moon:
Nope, that is Kerry and Edwards that need the tailored questions and a few days to come up with their answer that will change depending on what audience they are playing to. Keyes didn’t duck, dodge or waffle, he just stayed true to his colors. Not pretty, but honest. And you know what, that takes character and your dweeb-duo could never exhibit anything close to that.


Ken King said:
Nope, that is Kerry and Edwards that need the tailored questions and a few days to come up with their answer that will change depending on what audience they are playing to. Keyes didn’t duck, dodge or waffle, he just stayed true to his colors. Not pretty, but honest. And you know what, that takes character and your dweeb-duo could never exhibit anything close to that.

My "dweeb-dou" is more Presidential then the current Administration. Bush has taken us back about a decade. It's going to take someone like Kerry to get us out of this economic slump, and improve our situation in the Middle East. :patriot:



Dancing Up A Storm
Damn!! What did I do with that can of Raid? There's gnat flying around here, actually in my forum monitor. It's trying to be a real PIA, but it's only a minor annoyance as of now. Phew! I stinks badly; it must have been scrounging around the garbage cans of the DU!!

Smells like $h!t, if you know what I mean. My neighbors' dogpoop doesn't smell that bad!

Where is that Raid?----------excuse me, I gotta go find it. :razz: :lol:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
My "dweeb-dou" is more Presidential then the current Administration. Bush has taken us back about a decade. It's going to take someone like Kerry to get us out of this economic slump, and improve our situation in the Middle East. :patriot:

A 20 year do-nothing record in the Senate and a partial first-term freshman are going to do what? Tax us to death, run from terror and those that would do us harm, and wreck any chance of keeping the recession under control that started when Bubba’s dot-com bubble burst. That is what the dweeb-duo wants to do. They have been promising everything under the moon to everyone and touting a “better plan”. But anyone that hasn’t gone hypoxic due to sphincter strangulation knows promises do not make a President. I recommend that you pull your head out of your ass, catch a breath of fresh air and take a look at reality. John Kerry is a fool seeking fools and he has suckered you in 100%.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
Bush has taken us back about a decade. It's going to take someone like Kerry to get us out of this economic slump, and improve our situation in the Middle East.
Re-read what you wrote, then tell me why I laughed my ass off when I read it.

There's no way you're an adult. Admit that you're some 14 year old kid. No grownup is as ignorant as you are.