Marijuana should be legal...


Originally posted by Sharon
Try Pepsid


Just raise everyone's medical insurance bills, and prescription bills, and overall health-care expense - just so YOU can sit there and eat your friggin' jalapeno peppers.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Toxick

Just raise everyone's medical insurance bills, and prescription bills, and overall health-care expense - just so YOU can sit there and eat your friggin' jalapeno peppers.

They don't bother me at all. :moon:

Pepsid is OTC now.


New Member
Hell lets legalize all drugs and put a free tag on them that way all the low life, weak minded crack heads and drug abusers will eventually kill themselves off with over doses and the world will be free of these thieving, smelly creatures that call themselves people.


Active Member
Originally posted by sunshyne30
Hell lets legalize all drugs and put a free tag on them that way all the low life, weak minded crack heads and drug abusers will eventually kill themselves off with over doses and the world will be free of these thieving, smelly creatures that call themselves people.
you registered just to post that? :p


New Member

Oh surely not! Perhaps I just dont have as much time to reply all the time! But occasionally I would like to voice my opinion as well as many others! I just happen to stumble upon the topic, and so there it is!


curiouser and curiouser
Originally posted by sunshyne30
Hell lets legalize all drugs and put a free tag on them that way all the low life, weak minded crack heads and drug abusers will eventually kill themselves off with over doses and the world will be free of these thieving, smelly creatures that call themselves people.
Not to start another topic, but not all drug addicts are "thieving, smelly creatures". As I stated before, my friend was one, and no one had a clue. Dude wore designer suits, owned 6 Rolexes, drove a Lincoln, had a sweet job...many professional women are heroine addicts, etc. You can't lump all drug abusers into one cliche'd ideal.


Football addict
Originally posted by Toxick
Which is why all teenagers - all of them - are machine-gun toting, foul-mouthed alcoholics.

You are trying to take away my right to choose what to do with my body.

So what if it's unhealthy? We sell Drano, and that does horrible things to the human body.

Sulfuric acid, bleach, hot wax, cars, coffee, ammonia, jalapeno peppers, salt, coca-cola, Crisco, gasoline, ammonia+bleach, the sun, Armor All, knives, plastic bags, chrome polish, glass bottles- all unhealthy.

How about this: Let's see if we can get congress to pass legislation that all American homes are to be constructed with an indestructable carapace on the outside, and completely covered on the inside with goose-down padding, and everyone inside is required to be dressed in bubble-wrap and a helmet - as the air purifiers spit out purified O2, and the television shows educational happy-happy programming 24-7 telling us how friggin wonderful it is that we're all safe.

Let's do that!

Until an asteroid strikes. Then we'll have to outlaw those too.

I mean, they are dangerous after all.

I'm not trying to take anything away from hurting your body. If your ignorant to mutilate your body in such a way then go ahead. It's not my loss.:shrug: One less person I have to worry about.


Enjoying life!

Ratings by Dr. Jack Henningfield
National Institute on Drug Abuse

Substance Withdrawal Reinforcement Tolerance Dependence Intoxication
Nicotine 3 4 2 1 5
Heroin 2 2 1 2 2
Cocaine 4 1 4 3 3
Alcohol 1 3 3 4 1
Caffeine 5 6 5 5 6
Marijuana 6 5 6 6 4

1 = Most Serious Least Serious = 6

The chart didn't copy well, but I have seen other reports citing similarly "low" physical and psychological effects in other reports. I will post back here later; heading home.


curiouser and curiouser
Re: Interesting...

Originally posted by Steve
Ratings by Dr. Jack Henningfield
National Institute on Drug Abuse

Substance Withdrawal Reinforcement Tolerance Dependence Intoxication
Nicotine 3 4 2 1 5
Heroin 2 2 1 2 2
Cocaine 4 1 4 3 3
Alcohol 1 3 3 4 1
Caffeine 5 6 5 5 6
Marijuana 6 5 6 6 4

1 = Most Serious Least Serious = 6

The chart didn't copy well, but I have seen other reports citing similarly "low" physical and psychological effects in other reports. I will post back here later; heading home.
Where does rate on there? :confused:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: Interesting...

Originally posted by Steve
Ratings by Dr. Jack Henningfield
National Institute on Drug Abuse

Substance Withdrawal Reinforcement Tolerance Dependence Intoxication
Nicotine 3 4 2 1 5
Heroin 2 2 1 2 2
Cocaine 4 1 4 3 3
Alcohol 1 3 3 4 1
Caffeine 5 6 5 5 6
Marijuana 6 5 6 6 4

1 = Most Serious Least Serious = 6
The chart didn't copy well, but I have seen other reports citing similarly "low" physical and psychological effects in other reports. I will post back here later; heading home.
Damn, better ban coffee, tea and sodas too, huh.


Asperger's Poster Child
Re: Interesting...

Originally posted by Steve
Ratings by Dr. Jack Henningfield
National Institute on Drug Abuse

Substance Withdrawal Reinforcement Tolerance Dependence Intoxication
Nicotine 3 4 2 1 5

Wait...nicotine has an intoxicating effect? I've never seen anyone drunk or high from smoking tobacco.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Interesting...

Originally posted by Tonio
Wait...nicotine has an intoxicating effect? I've never seen anyone drunk or high from smoking tobacco.
Grab you a cigar and inhale. Then come back and tell me how you feel.


Asperger's Poster Child
Re: Re: Re: Interesting...

Originally posted by Ken King
Grab you a cigar and inhale. Then come back and tell me how you feel.

You mean as in, "Whoa, man, the colors" and "You ever really notice your hand before"? I know someone who smokes cigars and he never acts stoned.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Interesting...

Originally posted by Tonio
You mean as in, "Whoa, man, the colors" and "You ever really notice your hand before"? I know someone who smokes cigars and he never acts stoned.
No, it ain't like a LSD trip, but you do feel the effects. Most people smoking the cigars savor the flavor of the smoke versus inhaling it. I've smoked a few like you would a cigarette and let me tell you that you do get light-headed, followed by nausea.


Originally posted by BuddyLee
I'm not trying to take anything away from hurting your body. If your ignorant to mutilate your body in such a way then go ahead.

You said:
So why make this legal? Why have one more thing to suck our health down the drain? Why throw another substance into the mix such as alcohol or cigs?

It sounds to me like you're saying that you like the fact that dope remains illegal - on account'a its dangerous. (I haven't yet figured out if you're being facetious or not).

And I say that this is an oppressive line of thinking, in that it's not the government's business to protect me from myself. My point being that there are literally hundreds or thousands of dangerous things out there from ranging from sunshine to battery acid. Pointing at marajuana and keeping it illegal because it's "dangerous" (and the jury is still out on that) is arbitrary and needlessly oppressive - especially in a country which touts itself for its Freedom and Liberty.

In a way, it's kinda like seatbelt and helmet laws - but that's a discussion for another thread.


Football addict
Originally posted by Toxick
You said:

It sounds to me like you're saying that you like the fact that dope remains illegal - on account'a its dangerous. (I haven't yet figured out if you're being facetious or not).

And I say that this is an oppressive line of thinking, in that it's not the government's business to protect me from myself. My point being that there are literally hundreds or thousands of dangerous things out there from ranging from sunshine to battery acid. Pointing at marajuana and keeping it illegal because it's "dangerous" (and the jury is still out on that) is arbitrary and needlessly oppressive - especially in a country which touts itself for its Freedom and Liberty.

In a way, it's kinda like seatbelt and helmet laws - but that's a discussion for another thread.

I wasn't trying to be jovial in any way. I'm just asking why should we let something of this nature be legalized? If this is the case should we let cocaine, heroine, and other such drugs to be legal. Lets not stop there. Should we let all guns be legalized or how's about nuclear weapons. The list can continue. This is a big philosophical debate we have here. Socrates and Plato wondered these same things. What do we owe to society? How should a society be run? What is morally right and wrong in a society? No one really knows and we are figuring out our mistakes everyday.


Enjoying life!
Originally posted by BuddyLee
I'm just asking why should we let something of this nature be legalized?

"Something of this nature...."

Funny, of everything you listed, marijuana is the only one that is 'natural'.

Cocaine, heroine, PCP, LSD, meth, nuke weapons, hell even tobacco these days, are all MAN-MADE. Coca leaves, unrefined, are like coffee....

They call MJ 'weed' because it is a weed. Always has been. Has it gotten stronger over the years? Some say yes; others no.

Bottom line IMHO: One drug legal, all drugs legal. One life-threatening, death-resulting act legal? All life-threatening, death-resulting acts legal. You can't equivocate. (Look it up.)

Abortion is legal; yet we protect our "children" from obscene language. Isn't that UFB? The abortion supporters are the first ones in line defending the "rights" of their children they decided to keep! The anit-abortionists are the ones that keep their mouths shut, discipline their children at home to learn respect and the way the world works, to be productive citizens, and are accused of being "monsters"!

What a topsy-turvy world we live in. Where is Alice?

Oh! She's eating mushrooms....


curiouser and curiouser
Originally posted by Steve
Has it gotten stronger over the years? Some say yes; others no.
In it's purest form, it's probably about the same as always, but dealers these days cut it with God-knows-what and it's a gamble as to what's in it. An upside to legalization is that consumers would know that they aren't getting a bit of LSD with their weed. :shrug: